Things to add to CRT teachings, now that we're going to teach "real US history"...

New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.

that 1776 thing is nothing more than a white supremacist misogynist and homophobic manifesto

REAL HISTORIANS wrote th 1776 Commission Report.
The 18-member commission was composed of conservative activists, politicians and intellectuals; it included no professional historians of the United States.[3] Trump appointed the Commission's members on December 18, 2020.[18] The chair was Larry Arnn, the president of the conservative Hillsdale College, and the co-chair was Carol Swain, a Black conservative who is a former professor at Vanderbilt Law School.[3] Others appointed by Trump include his ex-domestic policy advisor Brooke Rollins; Charles R. Kesler;,a Claremont Graduate Studies professor and editor of the conservative journal Claremont Review of Books; conservative activists Ned Ryun, a Bush speech writer; Charlie Kirk; Phil Bryant, the Republican former governor of Mississippi;[3][27] and classical historian Victor Davis Hanson; as well as John Gibbs; Scott McNealy, founder of Curikki, an online curriculum company; Peter Kirsanow, a black Civil Rights Commission member; Thomas Lindsay, a professor of Political Science; Michael Farris, a lawyer and professor of Political Science; and former Representative, Bob McEwen.[18]

So in 2024, the GOP president will write EOs restoring real history.
(your articl3e doesn't get into specifics why the 1776 Report is wrong, that would be an interesting discussion)
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Things to add to CRT training.

Every month or so, some dipshit who thinks they are clever starts a topic to harken back to ye olden dayz to point out the KKK was Democrat.

It was actually bipartisan, but like all tards, they are completely ignorant of our history.

Of course, they are very careful to neglect to point out the Klan was, is, and always will be right wing Christian terrorists regardless of their party affiliation.

These tards seem to bleev the rest of us are as stupid as they are.


KKK was founded as the military wing of the Democrat party, and was overwhelmingly a Democrat organization. Were there a few republicans here and there? sure. Notice any familiar faces here?

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What is taught about Lincoln is not completely accurate. At the end of the Civil War, Lincoln wanted to put the blacks on ships and send them back to Africa. If only we could get politicians to do that today.
He pondered the idea of sending blacks to caribbean countries where blacks were the majority like Jamaica. He thought that might be in their best interests.
Things to include in CRT teaching number…

3- KKK Was founded by Democrats as an anti republican movement. Full stop.

Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.
KKK was founded as the military wing of the Democrat party, and was overwhelmingly a Democrat organization. Were there a few republicans here and there? sure. Notice any familiar faces here?

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Yes, the far right Christian terrorist wing of the Democratic party.

If you are going to tell the truth, tell the WHOLE truth. Otherwise, you are committing a giant lie of omission and aren't fooling anyone but yourselves.

And there were not just a "few" Republicans here and there. They damn near took over the entire Republican party to the point that those opposed to the Klan Republicans considered starting a new party because the GOP had become so infected.

Stop kidding yourselves, fools.
Sure there are, there’s that good guy who wrote the anti busing racist segregationist bill who’s now president.
None of Bidens votes would have negatively impacted Berkeley School Bussing Program.
A noose, a cross, the American flag, the Confederate flag, and an open Bible.


A modern day Trump supporter:


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


Those old Democrat Confederates were slave owners and racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
Things to include in CRT teaching number…

4- The current Vice President is a racist ex attorney general that persecuted and imprisoned Black people for minor offenses. She was picked to be VP not for the content of her character but to pander to the radical Left for the color of her skin and gender.

With this understanding, we must recognize that it’s contradictory to support Kamala Harris who has labeled herself as the “top cop” of California. She functioned as prosecutor from 1994 to 2011 where she significantly contributed to the 2.3 million people who are jailed or imprisoned in the U.S.

Harris Locked Up African Parents Because Their Children Missed School​

Kamala Also Locked Up African People for Weed​

As district attorney, over 8000 people were arrested for marijuana in 7 years. Almost 2000 of those arrested were imprisoned. During an interview with The Breakfast Club in February 2019, Kamala laughed as she admitted to smoking weed herself while she was in college.

Harris Refused to Prosecute Police Who Murdered African People​

Kamala Harris isn’t fed up, however, as she has repeatedly refused to prosecute police who murder black people. As California’s attorney general, she refused to intervene in cases involving killings by the police. In 2015, she opposed a bill requiring her to investigate police shootings.

Harris Opposed Reforming the 3 Strikes Law​

The law was adopted by California in 1994. By 2001, 50,000 people had been sentenced under the law and about 12,000 prisoners were facing a minimum of 25 years in prison. Under this law, African people are imprisoned at a rate 12 times higher than whites.

Kamala Also Supports Prison Labor​

Kamala Supports The Death Penalty​

Kamala also advocated for innocent Africans on death row to be executed. Kevin Cooper is one such African as she pushed for his execution even though Kevin had DNA evidence that proved his innocence in a 35-year-old murder case.

Kamala Supported a Law That Forces Schools to Turn Undocumented Students Over to ICE, Separating Them From Their Families​

More than 100 immigrant youth in San Francisco were detained or deported because of a 2008 city policy implemented by former mayor and now governor Gavin Newsom and supported by Kamala Harris, who was the city’s district attorney at the time.

Reject Kamala, Biden​

Kamala Harris has committed countless crimes against African people, yet some are pledging support to her based solely on her being a black woman who needs “protection.”
He pondered the idea of sending blacks to caribbean countries where blacks were the majority like Jamaica. He thought that might be in their best interests.
Sound like he realized free blacks would be causing trouble if we let them stay in America.
A noose, a cross, the American flag, the Confederate flag, and an open Bible.

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A modern day Trump supporter:

FYI, the person in the BW pic was a Democrat. Stereotyping people again. As if there are no church going religious Democrats. Well maybe not, considering they have adopted Marxism and communism as their party platform.
He pondered the idea of sending blacks to caribbean countries where blacks were the majority like Jamaica. He thought that might be in their best interests.
Again, that's a lie.

This is exactly why we need CRT, because of ignorance such as yours and leninpartiv.
Yes, the KKK was a far right Christian terrorist movement created in opposition to the liberal Republican platform. I do not disagree.
It was established by Democrats. They are the party of racism and division, as their history clearly indicates.
FYI, the person in the BW pic was a Democrat. Stereotyping people again. As if there are no church going religious Democrats. Well maybe not, considering they have adopted Marxism and communism as their party platform.
The person in the picture was a far right Christian terrorist, and probably a Democrat.

Tell the WHOLE truth, tard.
The person in the picture was a far right Christian terrorist, and probably a Democrat.

Tell the WHOLE truth, tard.
Christians were and are not by default terrorists. KKK Democrats were.

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