They don't want the swamp drained.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Draining the swamp is never an easy task. There are things buried in that swamp that people who have done sinister things want to stay buried. The swamp is good place to hide the bodies. When someone comes along who wants to see what’s in that swamp, all hell breaks loose and calls for the head of the upstart are as predictable as they are vicious. The new President is the upstart and he has immediately been accused of -wait for it- plotting with Russian authorities to overthrow the opposition in the election he just won.

The absurdity of the accusation is now being eclipsed by mounting evidence that his administration has been, and may still be, under surveillance by intelligence organizations connected to the previous administration. If you think this is all beginning to sound like the inner workings of a banana republic you’re not alone. You see, Hillary Clinton was not supposed to lose the election and the fact that she did may eventually disturb the resting place of some of the bodies in the swamp which is why the previous administration was working so hard to put her in the White House.

Consider the bizarre behavior of FBI Director James Comey who appeared to be shape-shifting between Eliot Ness and Sgt. Shultz in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s likely treasonous misuse of secret servers. Comey’s outlandish statement that no “reasonable person” would find Clinton guilty appears to have come directly from a memo delivered to his office from the Obama administration:

Just about every American who hasn’t been living in cave knows that Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been in orange jumpsuits standing before a judge facing charges of espionage and influence peddling long ago. They are probably the closest pair to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg we will see in our lifetime. The Clinton’s filled moneybags with cash from a foundation/speechmaking bonanza that makes Bernie Madoff look like a philanthropist, gave up national security with felony activity connected to secret private internet servers and Hillary was nearly the first female President. This is how banana republics operate. They have control of the intelligence apparatus and they use it not just to hide their own activity but to attack political enemies.

We must remember that our new President came from outside the political establishment which includes longstanding professional politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, who have things in the swamp they don’t want to see the light of day. And the upstart President is threatening to reform the tax code which means he wants to take money out of the government that provides their bottomless largess and put that money back into the hands of the people whose pockets were robbed to get it.

When you have a political establishment that has been purposely and systematically selling out the American people to foreign interests by stealing their livelihoods to feed a global cabal of intellectual elitists, you have to conclude that government capable of this is acting in the interests of a small nucleus of selfish aristocrats, not the people. This is what makes our President so dangerous- he is exposing it.

This may be the first time in many generations that a sitting President in America is actually representing the interests of the people against a ravenous, expanding government that has negotiated the wellbeing of its own citizens to foreign interests. This is why he is being attacked on several fronts. The government is seen by many as the goose that lays the golden eggs for embedded operators who live and thrive on the taxes of others. You’ll die in the gutter before Chuck Schumer or John McCain give up their health plan for yours and it’s not hard to understand why they’ve been shipping your jobs overseas to keep their cushy positions.

We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back. All this high dudgeon about Russian spies infiltrating the President’s inner circle is just a smokescreen to cover up the real culprits.

It you’re an average American and you want things to get better you need to get behind your President. Otherwise you’ll just be another body in the swamp.
Draining the swamp is never an easy task. There are things buried in that swamp that people who have done sinister things want to stay buried. The swamp is good place to hide the bodies. When someone comes along who wants to see what’s in that swamp, all hell breaks loose and calls for the head of the upstart are as predictable as they are vicious. The new President is the upstart and he has immediately been accused of -wait for it- plotting with Russian authorities to overthrow the opposition in the election he just won.

The absurdity of the accusation is now being eclipsed by mounting evidence that his administration has been, and may still be, under surveillance by intelligence organizations connected to the previous administration. If you think this is all beginning to sound like the inner workings of a banana republic you’re not alone. You see, Hillary Clinton was not supposed to lose the election and the fact that she did may eventually disturb the resting place of some of the bodies in the swamp which is why the previous administration was working so hard to put her in the White House.

Consider the bizarre behavior of FBI Director James Comey who appeared to be shape-shifting between Eliot Ness and Sgt. Shultz in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s likely treasonous misuse of secret servers. Comey’s outlandish statement that no “reasonable person” would find Clinton guilty appears to have come directly from a memo delivered to his office from the Obama administration:

Just about every American who hasn’t been living in cave knows that Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been in orange jumpsuits standing before a judge facing charges of espionage and influence peddling long ago. They are probably the closest pair to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg we will see in our lifetime. The Clinton’s filled moneybags with cash from a foundation/speechmaking bonanza that makes Bernie Madoff look like a philanthropist, gave up national security with felony activity connected to secret private internet servers and Hillary was nearly the first female President. This is how banana republics operate. They have control of the intelligence apparatus and they use it not just to hide their own activity but to attack political enemies.

We must remember that our new President came from outside the political establishment which includes longstanding professional politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, who have things in the swamp they don’t want to see the light of day. And the upstart President is threatening to reform the tax code which means he wants to take money out of the government that provides their bottomless largess and put that money back into the hands of the people whose pockets were robbed to get it.

When you have a political establishment that has been purposely and systematically selling out the American people to foreign interests by stealing their livelihoods to feed a global cabal of intellectual elitists, you have to conclude that government capable of this is acting in the interests of a small nucleus of selfish aristocrats, not the people. This is what makes our President so dangerous- he is exposing it.

This may be the first time in many generations that a sitting President in America is actually representing the interests of the people against a ravenous, expanding government that has negotiated the wellbeing of its own citizens to foreign interests. This is why he is being attacked on several fronts. The government is seen by many as the goose that lays the golden eggs for embedded operators who live and thrive on the taxes of others. You’ll die in the gutter before Chuck Schumer or John McCain give up their health plan for yours and it’s not hard to understand why they’ve been shipping your jobs overseas to keep their cushy positions.

We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back. All this high dudgeon about Russian spies infiltrating the President’s inner circle is just a smokescreen to cover up the real culprits.

It you’re an average American and you want things to get better you need to get behind your President. Otherwise you’ll just be another body in the swamp.
Very well said sir(?).

While I do not fully agree with each and every point, the overall ideas behind your words are exactly what I have been saying for months now, although far less directly nor nearly as succictly.
Trump drained the swamp and made it his personal septic tank.
Draining the swamp is never an easy task. There are things buried in that swamp that people who have done sinister things want to stay buried. The swamp is good place to hide the bodies. When someone comes along who wants to see what’s in that swamp, all hell breaks loose and calls for the head of the upstart are as predictable as they are vicious. The new President is the upstart and he has immediately been accused of -wait for it- plotting with Russian authorities to overthrow the opposition in the election he just won.

The absurdity of the accusation is now being eclipsed by mounting evidence that his administration has been, and may still be, under surveillance by intelligence organizations connected to the previous administration. If you think this is all beginning to sound like the inner workings of a banana republic you’re not alone. You see, Hillary Clinton was not supposed to lose the election and the fact that she did may eventually disturb the resting place of some of the bodies in the swamp which is why the previous administration was working so hard to put her in the White House.

Consider the bizarre behavior of FBI Director James Comey who appeared to be shape-shifting between Eliot Ness and Sgt. Shultz in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s likely treasonous misuse of secret servers. Comey’s outlandish statement that no “reasonable person” would find Clinton guilty appears to have come directly from a memo delivered to his office from the Obama administration:

Just about every American who hasn’t been living in cave knows that Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been in orange jumpsuits standing before a judge facing charges of espionage and influence peddling long ago. They are probably the closest pair to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg we will see in our lifetime. The Clinton’s filled moneybags with cash from a foundation/speechmaking bonanza that makes Bernie Madoff look like a philanthropist, gave up national security with felony activity connected to secret private internet servers and Hillary was nearly the first female President. This is how banana republics operate. They have control of the intelligence apparatus and they use it not just to hide their own activity but to attack political enemies.

We must remember that our new President came from outside the political establishment which includes longstanding professional politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, who have things in the swamp they don’t want to see the light of day. And the upstart President is threatening to reform the tax code which means he wants to take money out of the government that provides their bottomless largess and put that money back into the hands of the people whose pockets were robbed to get it.

When you have a political establishment that has been purposely and systematically selling out the American people to foreign interests by stealing their livelihoods to feed a global cabal of intellectual elitists, you have to conclude that government capable of this is acting in the interests of a small nucleus of selfish aristocrats, not the people. This is what makes our President so dangerous- he is exposing it.

This may be the first time in many generations that a sitting President in America is actually representing the interests of the people against a ravenous, expanding government that has negotiated the wellbeing of its own citizens to foreign interests. This is why he is being attacked on several fronts. The government is seen by many as the goose that lays the golden eggs for embedded operators who live and thrive on the taxes of others. You’ll die in the gutter before Chuck Schumer or John McCain give up their health plan for yours and it’s not hard to understand why they’ve been shipping your jobs overseas to keep their cushy positions.

We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back. All this high dudgeon about Russian spies infiltrating the President’s inner circle is just a smokescreen to cover up the real culprits.

It you’re an average American and you want things to get better you need to get behind your President. Otherwise you’ll just be another body in the swamp.
Trump didn't drain the swamp the swamp is draining him. He's caught in swamp quicksand because he didn't watch his step. Looks like he's a goner!
We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back.

Changing it back into what? A Monarchy?

Seems like all King Donald I has been doing in his first 70 days in office is issuing executive orders, getting himself and his administration embroiled in scandals and playing with his twitter account.

Heck if this what we can expect for the next four years I say we go back to a British Monarchy since at least the British Royalty knows how to show some class and restraint every now and then; not to mention the fact British Royalty costs a lot less money to maintain than ours does.
We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back.

Changing it back into what? A Monarchy?

Seems like all King Donald I has been doing in his first 70 days in office is issuing executive orders, getting himself and his administration embroiled in scandals and playing with his twitter account.

Heck if this what we can expect for the next four years I say we go back to a British Monarchy since at least the British Royalty knows how to show some class and restraint every now and then; not to mention the fact British Royalty costs a lot less money to maintain than ours does.
did you make that statement when obummer was making EO's daily?
It's amazing and disturbing that so many are buying the narrative being served up to them. A plethora of information is useless if people fail to understand the information. The indoctrination of a huge swath of the American people has been successful and there is a price for this. The price is our freedom.
It's amazing and disturbing that so many are buying the narrative being served up to them. A plethora of information is useless if people fail to understand the information. The indoctrination of a huge swath of the American people has been successful and there is a price for this. The price is our freedom.
I guess your layman's opinion is just as good as anyone else's.
believing 20 dollars per hour is a fair and decent wage is beyond stupid. one cannot survive well on that. but our politicians will say otherwise and many dumbass folk will believe it.
Draining the swamp is never an easy task. There are things buried in that swamp that people who have done sinister things want to stay buried. The swamp is good place to hide the bodies. When someone comes along who wants to see what’s in that swamp, all hell breaks loose and calls for the head of the upstart are as predictable as they are vicious. The new President is the upstart and he has immediately been accused of -wait for it- plotting with Russian authorities to overthrow the opposition in the election he just won.

The absurdity of the accusation is now being eclipsed by mounting evidence that his administration has been, and may still be, under surveillance by intelligence organizations connected to the previous administration. If you think this is all beginning to sound like the inner workings of a banana republic you’re not alone. You see, Hillary Clinton was not supposed to lose the election and the fact that she did may eventually disturb the resting place of some of the bodies in the swamp which is why the previous administration was working so hard to put her in the White House.

Consider the bizarre behavior of FBI Director James Comey who appeared to be shape-shifting between Eliot Ness and Sgt. Shultz in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s likely treasonous misuse of secret servers. Comey’s outlandish statement that no “reasonable person” would find Clinton guilty appears to have come directly from a memo delivered to his office from the Obama administration:

Just about every American who hasn’t been living in cave knows that Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been in orange jumpsuits standing before a judge facing charges of espionage and influence peddling long ago. They are probably the closest pair to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg we will see in our lifetime. The Clinton’s filled moneybags with cash from a foundation/speechmaking bonanza that makes Bernie Madoff look like a philanthropist, gave up national security with felony activity connected to secret private internet servers and Hillary was nearly the first female President. This is how banana republics operate. They have control of the intelligence apparatus and they use it not just to hide their own activity but to attack political enemies.

We must remember that our new President came from outside the political establishment which includes longstanding professional politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, who have things in the swamp they don’t want to see the light of day. And the upstart President is threatening to reform the tax code which means he wants to take money out of the government that provides their bottomless largess and put that money back into the hands of the people whose pockets were robbed to get it.

When you have a political establishment that has been purposely and systematically selling out the American people to foreign interests by stealing their livelihoods to feed a global cabal of intellectual elitists, you have to conclude that government capable of this is acting in the interests of a small nucleus of selfish aristocrats, not the people. This is what makes our President so dangerous- he is exposing it.

This may be the first time in many generations that a sitting President in America is actually representing the interests of the people against a ravenous, expanding government that has negotiated the wellbeing of its own citizens to foreign interests. This is why he is being attacked on several fronts. The government is seen by many as the goose that lays the golden eggs for embedded operators who live and thrive on the taxes of others. You’ll die in the gutter before Chuck Schumer or John McCain give up their health plan for yours and it’s not hard to understand why they’ve been shipping your jobs overseas to keep their cushy positions.

We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back. All this high dudgeon about Russian spies infiltrating the President’s inner circle is just a smokescreen to cover up the real culprits.

It you’re an average American and you want things to get better you need to get behind your President. Otherwise you’ll just be another body in the swamp.

Your President lied to you about who he was and what his intentions are. Trump isn't draining the swamp, he's stocking it with predators. People who want to destroy the protections of their air and clean water that Americans have come to take for granted.

He's not bringing coal back. He lied about that too. There's no demand for coal. It's all natural gas now. Obama didn't kill coal. He just threw dirt over the corpse. Cleaning it off won't bring the industry back to life, any more than encouraging people to drive horses and buggies will bring back the buggy whip trade.

Trump was so mad for power, he sold out his country to get it. You can't admit you've been lied to but you have. Rush, Hannity, all of them. America is not the country they told you it was. It's better than that.
Drain the swamp was just another empty Trump promise
We’ve just emerged from eight years of an administration that’s been fundamentally changing America. Now we have a leader who is fundamentally changing it back.

Changing it back into what? A Monarchy?

Seems like all King Donald I has been doing in his first 70 days in office is issuing executive orders, getting himself and his administration embroiled in scandals and playing with his twitter account.

Heck if this what we can expect for the next four years I say we go back to a British Monarchy since at least the British Royalty knows how to show some class and restraint every now and then; not to mention the fact British Royalty costs a lot less money to maintain than ours does.
did you make that statement when obummer was making EO's daily?

Yep, but President Nimrod's actions while he was attempting to unilaterally rule from the Oval Office don't justify or mitigate the actions of the current wannabe King in the White House.
Trump drained the swamp of people who knew what they are doing and replaced them with billionaires with an agenda
believing 20 dollars per hour is a fair and decent wage is beyond stupid. one cannot survive well on that. but our politicians will say otherwise and many dumbass folk will believe it.
I take deep offense to that. I have found my life to be relatively comfortable making around that wage. Sure I have to go without a new car, a big house, and many other "would be nice to haves", however, I currently own 3 vehicles (two of which I owe nothing on), have a mortgage that will be paid off in less than 10 years, and a few things that are "nice to haves". Heck, I just went out and bought a new tv for north of $500 dollars retail (of course I am smart enough to not pay retail), and I have about 3 months worth of wages in by savings account. All of this before I turn 40. So you are far from correct. Living on $20/hr can be done with relative comfort. So, shove your liberal fed crap up your...well, I guess I should reign myself in a bit because I have more class than that. Suffice to say, you are sadly mislead if you really think that $20/hr is not a "decent" wage.
believing 20 dollars per hour is a fair and decent wage is beyond stupid. one cannot survive well on that. but our politicians will say otherwise and many dumbass folk will believe it.
I take deep offense to that. I have found my life to be relatively comfortable making around that wage. Sure I have to go without a new car, a big house, and many other "would be nice to haves", however, I currently own 3 vehicles (two of which I owe nothing on), have a mortgage that will be paid off in less than 10 years, and a few things that are "nice to haves". Heck, I just went out and bought a new tv for north of $500 dollars retail (of course I am smart enough to not pay retail), and I have about 3 months worth of wages in by savings account. All of this before I turn 40. So you are far from correct. Living on $20/hr can be done with relative comfort. So, shove your liberal fed crap up your...well, I guess I should reign myself in a bit because I have more class than that. Suffice to say, you are sadly mislead if you really think that $20/hr is not a "decent" wage.
Where do you live
believing 20 dollars per hour is a fair and decent wage is beyond stupid. one cannot survive well on that. but our politicians will say otherwise and many dumbass folk will believe it.
I take deep offense to that. I have found my life to be relatively comfortable making around that wage. Sure I have to go without a new car, a big house, and many other "would be nice to haves", however, I currently own 3 vehicles (two of which I owe nothing on), have a mortgage that will be paid off in less than 10 years, and a few things that are "nice to haves". Heck, I just went out and bought a new tv for north of $500 dollars retail (of course I am smart enough to not pay retail), and I have about 3 months worth of wages in by savings account. All of this before I turn 40. So you are far from correct. Living on $20/hr can be done with relative comfort. So, shove your liberal fed crap up your...well, I guess I should reign myself in a bit because I have more class than that. Suffice to say, you are sadly mislead if you really think that $20/hr is not a "decent" wage.
Where do you live
Not sure that really matters, as there are several things I could easily cut out of my budget to account for higher cost of living. That said, the extremes, such as New York, or San Fransisco (where the cost of living is substantially higher) would not be feasible for me, thus I do not live there. Basing one's opinion of whether a given income level is a "decent wage" on such areas is, at best, unwise.

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