Theses Senators who voted against Betsy DeVos, send their kids to private schools, not public....

Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.
Children do better in schools taught by union teachers than schools taught by the cheapest available teacher

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

He's a lawyer! That is his J-O-B!
Perhaps that's the best use of government run schools. To handle, as best as possible, students who don't want to be in school, need special attention, special education needs and so on.

How about that be the job of the voucher schools.

It is not a "voucher school". It is a private school which accepts a voucher in full or partial payment for their tuition.

They will simply go bankrupt if they are forced to accept the voucher in the amount of the cost of a public school education.
Then you are being hypocritical towards these Senators....who are NOT expecting to mooch off of government to get a voucher. You have kids, it's your call as to which kind of school to send them to. Can't afford the school of your choice.....why did you have kids then?

Charter schools do not require vouchers. DeVos supports charters as an option. Next faux outrage please.

Charter schools still reduce available funding for public schools, and they still get to choose which kids get in! Think they will pick the poor black child from the inner city?
Charter Schools are different from private schools in that they are public schools but operate under slightly different rules and they are accountable to the state. They do not charge tuition. The may be funded completely by the state or they be may be funded in part or whole through other sources, depending on state law. They can be selective but unlike private schools they must be able to justify their selection process. Also unlike private schools their tools for performance measurement must be comparable with public schools so parents can make valid comparisons.

Where they differ from regular public schools is that they are free from most rules concerning management of the school. They can use their on criteria for choosing staff, creating personnel policies, setting salaries, and benefits. The staff is free to use different teaching methods and tools. They have greater freedom in setting curriculum, however this varies with the type of charter school and state laws.

Many charter schools are specialized. I have seen schools that limit their curriculum or student population to, fine arts, science, gifted students, special ed students, the disabled, the homeless, etc. However, there are many charters that teach the same curriculum as regular public schools without limiting the type of enrollment.

IMHO, charter schools are the best bet for school choice.

Let me explain something to you. Stop directing posts like this to me. I have a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and have been an educator for over twenty years. Your cut and paste jobs should be directed to Mr. Moto.

I have read volumes on this topic and have probably forgotten more of the minutiae than you will ever know.

You forget to mention specific points that destroy your arguments.

They choose unqualified staff, have personnel policies that are unfair to the teachers, pay lower salaries, and provide fewer benefits.

They are unaccountable to the state and the taxpayers. They could commit academic malpractice and get away with it because no one is the wiser until it is too late.

They are not a good deal for anyone.

Charter schools are still government schools......and there aren't enough of them and there isn't enough choice for Pell Grants for college, will open new schools and improve education...Charter schools are undermined by the education establishment who wants to prevent parents from having the power to choose where they send their kids to schools......your background proves the are so deep in the system you can't see out of it.....

Thirty-odd states allow charter schools. Isn't that enough for school choice to prove their worth? Apparently not.

The objection I have to charter schools is what I faced in Florida. A student goes to a charter school at the beginning of the year. Halfway through the school year, the local board of education gathers enough evidence of financial misconduct to shut down the charter school. Students are enrolled in their assigned public schools with zero (read that again slowly for possible comprehension) funding for the remainder of the year. The public schools then become overcrowded and there are no funds to hire additional teachers. Class sizes grow, discipline problems grow, academic performance suffers, and more money is needed for alternative schools and administrators to sort out the discipline issues.
Charter schools do not require vouchers. DeVos supports charters as an option. Next faux outrage please.

Charter schools still reduce available funding for public schools, and they still get to choose which kids get in! Think they will pick the poor black child from the inner city?
Charter Schools are different from private schools in that they are public schools but operate under slightly different rules and they are accountable to the state. They do not charge tuition. The may be funded completely by the state or they be may be funded in part or whole through other sources, depending on state law. They can be selective but unlike private schools they must be able to justify their selection process. Also unlike private schools their tools for performance measurement must be comparable with public schools so parents can make valid comparisons.

Where they differ from regular public schools is that they are free from most rules concerning management of the school. They can use their on criteria for choosing staff, creating personnel policies, setting salaries, and benefits. The staff is free to use different teaching methods and tools. They have greater freedom in setting curriculum, however this varies with the type of charter school and state laws.

Many charter schools are specialized. I have seen schools that limit their curriculum or student population to, fine arts, science, gifted students, special ed students, the disabled, the homeless, etc. However, there are many charters that teach the same curriculum as regular public schools without limiting the type of enrollment.

IMHO, charter schools are the best bet for school choice.


You are the whiniest little trumpster snowflake
Here's the truth the way I see it about schools.

Devoss wants rich parents to get tax breaks for private school. She will Defunding public schools.

She will also try to break the public teachers union. Probably get away with it too. But no more tenure or pensions. They'll all make less, lose collective bargaining. Basically they are another industry Republicans are going to go after.

Will teachers be better off in 8 years? That's a lot of Americans who won't be better off 8 years from now.

Charter schools suck but they are better than inner city schools but only because the parents sending their kids to charter schools care. It's easier to teach kids who's parents care.

No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?
Charter schools still reduce available funding for public schools, and they still get to choose which kids get in! Think they will pick the poor black child from the inner city?
Charter Schools are different from private schools in that they are public schools but operate under slightly different rules and they are accountable to the state. They do not charge tuition. The may be funded completely by the state or they be may be funded in part or whole through other sources, depending on state law. They can be selective but unlike private schools they must be able to justify their selection process. Also unlike private schools their tools for performance measurement must be comparable with public schools so parents can make valid comparisons.

Where they differ from regular public schools is that they are free from most rules concerning management of the school. They can use their on criteria for choosing staff, creating personnel policies, setting salaries, and benefits. The staff is free to use different teaching methods and tools. They have greater freedom in setting curriculum, however this varies with the type of charter school and state laws.

Many charter schools are specialized. I have seen schools that limit their curriculum or student population to, fine arts, science, gifted students, special ed students, the disabled, the homeless, etc. However, there are many charters that teach the same curriculum as regular public schools without limiting the type of enrollment.

IMHO, charter schools are the best bet for school choice.


You are the whiniest little trumpster snowflake
Here's the truth the way I see it about schools.

Devoss wants rich parents to get tax breaks for private school. She will Defunding public schools.

She will also try to break the public teachers union. Probably get away with it too. But no more tenure or pensions. They'll all make less, lose collective bargaining. Basically they are another industry Republicans are going to go after.

Will teachers be better off in 8 years? That's a lot of Americans who won't be better off 8 years from now.

Charter schools suck but they are better than inner city schools but only because the parents sending their kids to charter schools care. It's easier to teach kids who's parents care.

No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......
Charter schools do not require vouchers. DeVos supports charters as an option. Next faux outrage please.

Charter schools still reduce available funding for public schools, and they still get to choose which kids get in! Think they will pick the poor black child from the inner city?
Charter Schools are different from private schools in that they are public schools but operate under slightly different rules and they are accountable to the state. They do not charge tuition. The may be funded completely by the state or they be may be funded in part or whole through other sources, depending on state law. They can be selective but unlike private schools they must be able to justify their selection process. Also unlike private schools their tools for performance measurement must be comparable with public schools so parents can make valid comparisons.

Where they differ from regular public schools is that they are free from most rules concerning management of the school. They can use their on criteria for choosing staff, creating personnel policies, setting salaries, and benefits. The staff is free to use different teaching methods and tools. They have greater freedom in setting curriculum, however this varies with the type of charter school and state laws.

Many charter schools are specialized. I have seen schools that limit their curriculum or student population to, fine arts, science, gifted students, special ed students, the disabled, the homeless, etc. However, there are many charters that teach the same curriculum as regular public schools without limiting the type of enrollment.

IMHO, charter schools are the best bet for school choice.

Let me explain something to you. Stop directing posts like this to me. I have a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and have been an educator for over twenty years. Your cut and paste jobs should be directed to Mr. Moto.

I have read volumes on this topic and have probably forgotten more of the minutiae than you will ever know.

You forget to mention specific points that destroy your arguments.

They choose unqualified staff, have personnel policies that are unfair to the teachers, pay lower salaries, and provide fewer benefits.

They are unaccountable to the state and the taxpayers. They could commit academic malpractice and get away with it because no one is the wiser until it is too late.

They are not a good deal for anyone.

Charter schools are still government schools......and there aren't enough of them and there isn't enough choice for Pell Grants for college, will open new schools and improve education...Charter schools are undermined by the education establishment who wants to prevent parents from having the power to choose where they send their kids to schools......your background proves the are so deep in the system you can't see out of it.....

Thirty-odd states allow charter schools. Isn't that enough for school choice to prove their worth? Apparently not.

The objection I have to charter schools is what I faced in Florida. A student goes to a charter school at the beginning of the year. Halfway through the school year, the local board of education gathers enough evidence of financial misconduct to shut down the charter school. Students are enrolled in their assigned public schools with zero (read that again slowly for possible comprehension) funding for the remainder of the year. The public schools then become overcrowded and there are no funds to hire additional teachers. Class sizes grow, discipline problems grow, academic performance suffers, and more money is needed for alternative schools and administrators to sort out the discipline issues.

No....because they are handicapped by the teachers union's pet politicians.....Charter schools are still controlled by the education system...and have not been given the best chance.....
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....
Charter Schools are different from private schools in that they are public schools but operate under slightly different rules and they are accountable to the state. They do not charge tuition. The may be funded completely by the state or they be may be funded in part or whole through other sources, depending on state law. They can be selective but unlike private schools they must be able to justify their selection process. Also unlike private schools their tools for performance measurement must be comparable with public schools so parents can make valid comparisons.

Where they differ from regular public schools is that they are free from most rules concerning management of the school. They can use their on criteria for choosing staff, creating personnel policies, setting salaries, and benefits. The staff is free to use different teaching methods and tools. They have greater freedom in setting curriculum, however this varies with the type of charter school and state laws.

Many charter schools are specialized. I have seen schools that limit their curriculum or student population to, fine arts, science, gifted students, special ed students, the disabled, the homeless, etc. However, there are many charters that teach the same curriculum as regular public schools without limiting the type of enrollment.

IMHO, charter schools are the best bet for school choice.


You are the whiniest little trumpster snowflake
Here's the truth the way I see it about schools.

Devoss wants rich parents to get tax breaks for private school. She will Defunding public schools.

She will also try to break the public teachers union. Probably get away with it too. But no more tenure or pensions. They'll all make less, lose collective bargaining. Basically they are another industry Republicans are going to go after.

Will teachers be better off in 8 years? That's a lot of Americans who won't be better off 8 years from now.

Charter schools suck but they are better than inner city schools but only because the parents sending their kids to charter schools care. It's easier to teach kids who's parents care.

No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......

How are they going to get paid more?

The charter and private schools will not be in any financial condition to pay higher salaries. Why can't you see that?

Those schools will have to do much more with less because they will have costs for facilities that public schools already have in place.

You amateurs just cannot see the big picture.
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....

Why would a school want to specialize in areas that cost more if they are getting less from the government?


You are the whiniest little trumpster snowflake
Here's the truth the way I see it about schools.

Devoss wants rich parents to get tax breaks for private school. She will Defunding public schools.

She will also try to break the public teachers union. Probably get away with it too. But no more tenure or pensions. They'll all make less, lose collective bargaining. Basically they are another industry Republicans are going to go after.

Will teachers be better off in 8 years? That's a lot of Americans who won't be better off 8 years from now.

Charter schools suck but they are better than inner city schools but only because the parents sending their kids to charter schools care. It's easier to teach kids who's parents care.

No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......

How are they going to get paid more?

The charter and private schools will not be in any financial condition to pay higher salaries. Why can't you see that?

Those schools will have to do much more with less because they will have costs for facilities that public schools already have in place.

You amateurs just cannot see the big picture.

No...they won't be wasting money the way government controlled schools do...the waste in the public school system is massive....the voucher schools will concentrate on educating children...not hiring more and more administrators who do nothing.....

If the government was in charge of supplying cell phones we would still have brick phones.....the magic of the customer having the freedom to choose and go to another school will make all schools you can't see that is pretty amazing.
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....

Why would a school want to specialize in areas that cost more if they are getting less from the government?


They won't be getting less from the government...they will get exactly what the government school gets....but they will have to actually educate children.
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....
Can't wait to see how it works out
Do you understand the term "Representative?" Representatives are supposed to vote and do things with the best interests of their constituents in mind, not what they do with their own kids. If they can afford to pay for a private school, and they want to send their kids to a private school, more power to them. This is a free country and that is their right to be able to do so. However, if they think it is in the best interests of their constituents NOT to have a voucher program that will hurt public schools which most of the kids of the people they represent attend... then they made the right choice.

Do YOU understand the term "Hypocritical", Lewdog? When you are wealthy and send your kids to private schools but vote against DeVos because she wants to give poor and middle class parents the choice to send their kids to a better school...then you are a complete and total hypocrite!
Here's the truth the way I see it about schools.

Devoss wants rich parents to get tax breaks for private school. She will Defunding public schools.

She will also try to break the public teachers union. Probably get away with it too. But no more tenure or pensions. They'll all make less, lose collective bargaining. Basically they are another industry Republicans are going to go after.

Will teachers be better off in 8 years? That's a lot of Americans who won't be better off 8 years from now.

Charter schools suck but they are better than inner city schools but only because the parents sending their kids to charter schools care. It's easier to teach kids who's parents care.

No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......

How are they going to get paid more?

The charter and private schools will not be in any financial condition to pay higher salaries. Why can't you see that?

Those schools will have to do much more with less because they will have costs for facilities that public schools already have in place.

You amateurs just cannot see the big picture.

No...they won't be wasting money the way government controlled schools do...the waste in the public school system is massive....the voucher schools will concentrate on educating children...not hiring more and more administrators who do nothing.....

If the government was in charge of supplying cell phones we would still have brick phones.....the magic of the customer having the freedom to choose and go to another school will make all schools you can't see that is pretty amazing.

Having been an administrator in the schools, let me tell you about the 16 hour days I put in at least 5 days a week and sometimes again on Saturday..

My current school has three administrators. They are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave.

You are completely clueless and that makes your ignorance all the more dangerous.
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....

Why would a school want to specialize in areas that cost more if they are getting less from the government?


They won't be getting less from the government...they will get exactly what the government school gets....but they will have to actually educate children.

Total bullshit! They will be paying rent or loans to pay off their buildings. Most will not own the land where their school is located and will be subject to the whims of landlords. Those magic numbers everyone floats about the cost to educate the child builds schools, buys land, buys or contracts buses, pays administrators, teachers, custodians and the cafeteria workers.

Those funds are not included in " the money the schools gets". Again, you people are so sure of yourself and you don't know squat!
No...they will make more and get better benefits...because new schools will need to hire the best teachers if they want parents to send their kids to their schools.....there are more parents that want to send their kids to charter schools than there are spaces...vouchers will change that.....

Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......

How are they going to get paid more?

The charter and private schools will not be in any financial condition to pay higher salaries. Why can't you see that?

Those schools will have to do much more with less because they will have costs for facilities that public schools already have in place.

You amateurs just cannot see the big picture.

No...they won't be wasting money the way government controlled schools do...the waste in the public school system is massive....the voucher schools will concentrate on educating children...not hiring more and more administrators who do nothing.....

If the government was in charge of supplying cell phones we would still have brick phones.....the magic of the customer having the freedom to choose and go to another school will make all schools you can't see that is pretty amazing.

Having been an administrator in the schools, let me tell you about the 16 hour days I put in at least 5 days a week and sometimes again on Saturday..

My current school has three administrators. They are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave.

You are completely clueless and that makes your ignorance all the more dangerous.

Sorry....I am well informed on the state of education in Chicago public city schools.....they waste money, and don't teach children...they do get lots of tax dollars that gets laundered back to the democrat party here in Illinois.
Here is what De Vos wants & most Republicans are happy to do t.

States would issue vouchers to every school age child. They can take that to any private school or cyber school they want. The kids no one wants will be dumped into grossly under funded public schools. Corporations & religious groups will run the schools. The vouchers will not cover the best schools or even the better schools.

This is allowing those upper middle class & wealthy to get help sending their kids to good private schools & dooming the rest to mediocre schools.

Republicans think government should be just deciding what corporation gets the contract to educate, jail, run Medicare, etc. We already see corporations buying legislators.

Why don't we just vote on a list of corporations to run the fucking entire government. Cut out the politician middle man.

No.....the kids who are discipline problems will also have vouchers........and there will be schools that will be created that will actually see to their needs...unlike current public school that simply warehouse them till mandatory graduation in their senior year.....

You guys still don't understand freedom of choice and how it creates new, better and less expensive items.....

Why would a school want to specialize in areas that cost more if they are getting less from the government?


They won't be getting less from the government...they will get exactly what the government school gets....but they will have to actually educate children.

Total bullshit! They will be paying rent or loans to pay off their buildings. Most will not own the land where their school is located and will be subject to the whims of landlords. Those magic numbers everyone floats about the cost to educate the child builds schools, buys land, buys or contracts buses, pays administrators, teachers, custodians and the cafeteria workers.

Those funds are not included in " the money the schools gets". Again, you people are so sure of yourself and you don't know squat! are looking at it as someone trained in public school have blinders on where change and improvements can be made....
Why would a teacher want to go to a new school with lower salary, less benefits and longer working hours?

Because they will actually be paid more, have more control over their teaching methods and have better have no idea how competition works because you have been inside the government education system so long, you don't understand how the customer having freedom of choice increases quality and lowers cost......

How are they going to get paid more?

The charter and private schools will not be in any financial condition to pay higher salaries. Why can't you see that?

Those schools will have to do much more with less because they will have costs for facilities that public schools already have in place.

You amateurs just cannot see the big picture.

No...they won't be wasting money the way government controlled schools do...the waste in the public school system is massive....the voucher schools will concentrate on educating children...not hiring more and more administrators who do nothing.....

If the government was in charge of supplying cell phones we would still have brick phones.....the magic of the customer having the freedom to choose and go to another school will make all schools you can't see that is pretty amazing.

Having been an administrator in the schools, let me tell you about the 16 hour days I put in at least 5 days a week and sometimes again on Saturday..

My current school has three administrators. They are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave.

You are completely clueless and that makes your ignorance all the more dangerous.

Sorry....I am well informed on the state of education in Chicago public city schools.....they waste money, and don't teach children...they do get lots of tax dollars that gets laundered back to the democrat party here in Illinois.

What about all of the other thousands of school districts in this country?

Don't screw up my district because you cannot run yours!

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