These are the people you folks want to kick out.

Where do I begin?

First off, I paid more in taxes then you probably make in a decade. So much so, last year they gave me BACK 10 grand.

Second? I contribute both time and money to charities.

Third? My money is used to produce exotic weapon systems that cost billions, that will never be used, or if they are? Will create another refugee nightmare that you folks will blame on the victims.


Damn I hate it when you 1 percenters rub your wealth in everyone's faces. Using tax loop holes to get out paying your fair share in taxes shame on you. Or is the earned income tax credit paying that well?

What is nice is that the internet is the new equalizer. Self-admitted 1 percenters like yourself can mingle with the rest of the great unwashed. Thanks for taking the time.

Amazing how many Democratic 1%ers we have on this board and not one damn one of them practice what they preach.

Their excuse, government has to make me, I'm not humanitarian enough to do it on my own. That's why they think everyone else is as dishonest and greedy as they are.

They aren't 1%ers, they are posers who have to make up crap all day long to feel superior to others. Sad freakin group.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

This is not the all.

And in fact?

This is part of the problem.

You folks have no idea what the problem is..but you do know how to show how hateful you truly are..
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

so how about you and your bleeding heart liberal friends pony up the $3.7 billion to take care of them. no one is stopping you.
...Dude. Wars that have ended centuries ago are still affecting things today. The US STILL has bases in Germany and Japan.
So, our prior interactions with Latin America - decades or a century or more ago - have a direct and substantive correlation to the swarm of underage kids being shunted across the border at the moment, making us responsible for that swarming, and thereby placing an ethical burden upon the United States, to take-in those underage Illegal Aliens?

Did I interpret your intentions correctly here?

If so, do you have a concrete example to serve-up to the audience, demonstrating how something that we (the United States) did in Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador, which has a substantive connection to the flood of child-refugees from any of those countries?

You stupid fuck, this wasn't a country when this illustration supposedly took place. It was many"nations" warring among themselves, stealing land and raping each other's women. Your fantasies are a joke....pathetic.
What those on the right fail to understand is that no one is advocating for an 'open border' policy – nothing could be further from the truth.

What is needed is immigration reform: to provide for adequate funding and staffing to address the increasing volume of immigrants, to streamline the laws and policies allowing for the efficient processing of immigrants to determine who indeed are legitimate refugees and asylees, and to develop a strategy designed to remove undocumented immigrants from the country in an timely and humane manner.

What a naive load of shit. When was the last time you enjoyed the efficiency of the Post Office or DMV.....the government agencies are stocked full of affirmative action, lazy, rude shitheads that can barely command the english language themselves. The borders need to be shut down immediately and only people with a minimum of a college degree will be allowed in. We have enough dumb fucks, we don't need any more.
Damn I hate it when you 1 percenters rub your wealth in everyone's faces. Using tax loop holes to get out paying your fair share in taxes shame on you. Or is the earned income tax credit paying that well?

What is nice is that the internet is the new equalizer. Self-admitted 1 percenters like yourself can mingle with the rest of the great unwashed. Thanks for taking the time.

Amazing how many Democratic 1%ers we have on this board and not one damn one of them practice what they preach.

Their excuse, government has to make me, I'm not humanitarian enough to do it on my own. That's why they think everyone else is as dishonest and greedy as they are.

They aren't 1%ers, they are posers who have to make up crap all day long to feel superior to others. Sad freakin group.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

This is not the all.

And in fact?

This is part of the problem.

You folks have no idea what the problem is..but you do know how to show how hateful you truly are..

I already gave my solution, you are the hateful person that went on bragging to us how much you are getting back and how you paid more in taxes than someone made in a year. I just simply called you on your bull shit, if you don't like it, to bad, I don't care what liars like you dislike.

What is sad is a person was killed because several governments encourage this behavior of having people enter illegally.

We take those children, feed, clothe, get them healthy and then reunite them with their parents, back in their homeland.
Send the babies to sallow. He cares so much.

This is like those scam commercials to feed the children that Sally Struthers used to do.

Liberals are always willing to help as long as it's with someone else's money and home.

Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

so how about you and your bleeding heart liberal friends pony up the $3.7 billion to take care of them. no one is stopping you.

America has the obligation to feed, clothe, and get them health, then reunite them with their parents in their homeland.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

Spare us your sanctimonious BS. The U.S. is not a dumping ground for humans who are having a hard time.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

If this touches your heart so much, then prove to everyone what a ggggoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddd person you are and house as many illegals as you can fit in your house and on your property.

Back your talk or shut-up! If you can't house these illegals after this post of yours, then perhaps you are a closet racist who thinks making statements like this will cover not only your racism, but your goal of a Marxist first allowing there criminals to stay, then go along with Democrats to give them voting rights, and of course, the will vote Democrat...the Marxist party, and you will attain your Marxist utopia.

House them and care for them at your own expense, hypocrite.
Hey fukwits, you're on the losing side of history.

Remember the Hessians?

Remember the Italians?

Remember the Irish?

Remember the Jews?

Remember the Southeast Asians?

We've had large groups of immigrants coming into the country since the 1600s - before it even was a country.

Yet after all the centuries' worth of "invasions" written into the history books, you sit in front of your Internet boxes, furiously typing the same stupid hate messages that failed back in the 18th Century. And all through the 19th. And the 20th.

You words here are of no value, not to present society, not to history.

You have no argument, what you have is to defend yourself against the judgement of history when the lies you spew about their health, hygiene, family planning, religion, intelligence, language, heritage, work ethic, and cooking skills come back to bite you in your collective asses.

I'm amazed that this stupid thread went on as long as it has.

End it now, tards.
Guess I am a tard.
Those who came here...our ancestors...came and applied to be citizens. They did not get a free ride or free handouts. They were treated like shit. They were sick. They were poor. They were mistreated. But they did what they were supposed to do to become citizens.

THAT is the problem. Treat them like our ancestors were treated and lets see how much they bust ass to jump through the hoops like ours did. Oh. Wait. They are speshul because its kids. Eye roll.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.
These same things happen in America too, due to the fact America already has so many hispanics
Hey fukwits, you're on the losing side of history.

Remember the Hessians?

Remember the Italians?

Remember the Irish?

Remember the Jews?

Remember the Southeast Asians?

We've had large groups of immigrants coming into the country since the 1600s - before it even was a country.

Yet after all the centuries' worth of "invasions" written into the history books, you sit in front of your Internet boxes, furiously typing the same stupid hate messages that failed back in the 18th Century. And all through the 19th. And the 20th.

You words here are of no value, not to present society, not to history.

You have no argument, what you have is to defend yourself against the judgement of history when the lies you spew about their health, hygiene, family planning, religion, intelligence, language, heritage, work ethic, and cooking skills come back to bite you in your collective asses.

I'm amazed that this stupid thread went on as long as it has.

End it now, tards.

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Hey fukwits, you're on the losing side of history.

Remember the Hessians?

Remember the Italians?

Remember the Irish?

Remember the Jews?

Remember the Southeast Asians?

We've had large groups of immigrants coming into the country since the 1600s - before it even was a country.

Yet after all the centuries' worth of "invasions" written into the history books, you sit in front of your Internet boxes, furiously typing the same stupid hate messages that failed back in the 18th Century. And all through the 19th. And the 20th.

You words here are of no value, not to present society, not to history.

You have no argument, what you have is to defend yourself against the judgement of history when the lies you spew about their health, hygiene, family planning, religion, intelligence, language, heritage, work ethic, and cooking skills come back to bite you in your collective asses.

I'm amazed that this stupid thread went on as long as it has.

End it now, tards.


Yup. She's another fucktard who's magnanimous with other peoples money.

Trying to compare our ancestors coming to America, ancestors who didn't get one dime of taxpayer money, ancestors who came here legally, ancestors who made lives for themselves, many of whom became successfull on their own, is a fools argument.

But then Granny is a fool and stupid to boot.

You can't fix stupid.
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Hey fukwits, you're on the losing side of history.

Remember the Hessians?

Remember the Italians?

Remember the Irish?

Remember the Jews?

Remember the Southeast Asians?

We've had large groups of immigrants coming into the country since the 1600s - before it even was a country.

Yet after all the centuries' worth of "invasions" written into the history books, you sit in front of your Internet boxes, furiously typing the same stupid hate messages that failed back in the 18th Century. And all through the 19th. And the 20th.

You words here are of no value, not to present society, not to history.

You have no argument, what you have is to defend yourself against the judgement of history when the lies you spew about their health, hygiene, family planning, religion, intelligence, language, heritage, work ethic, and cooking skills come back to bite you in your collective asses.

I'm amazed that this stupid thread went on as long as it has.

End it now, tards.

I don't neg often, only in return. This was a perfect post for me to point out your useless support of law breakers.

Neg sent.. Thanks for the one you sent me earlier Grandma :D

Oh, BTW- Ever heard of Ellis Island? Wonder if Mexicans and other associated wetbacks have?

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Guess I am a tard.
Those who came here...our ancestors...came and applied to be citizens. They did not get a free ride or free handouts. They were treated like shit. They were sick. They were poor. They were mistreated. But they did what they were supposed to do to become citizens.

THAT is the problem. Treat them like our ancestors were treated and lets see how much they bust ass to jump through the hoops like ours did. Oh. Wait. They are speshul because its kids. Eye roll.

So you're saying these children should be put to work?

Do you have any idea what political asylum is all about?

Don't imagine that everyone came through Ellis Island and went straight into the mills, it didn't necessarily happen that way.

Ask a Bosnian. After the war there a bunch of emigrees arrived, they were given jobs right away because the employers were given fat tax deductions for 5 years. The Bosnians got sweet deals on their own taxes, and housing, and were fast-tracked into citizenship, just like the Laotians, Cambodians, and South Vietnamese. You guys probably don't know a lot about that, it was kept quiet.

They had to leave, men and boys were routinely rounded up and mass-killed on the outskirts of town, it was terrible there.

Just like it's terrible in Central America. There's no reason at all to deny these people political asylum. And they've done absolutely nothing to indicate that they want handouts. They want to live in peace. The kids want to go to school and grow up to be successful adults.

Just like your ancestors.

That invaded my land.
These are the people you folks want to kick out.

It's not only the disregard many on the right have for immigrant children seeking refuge, but conservatives' contempt for, and ignorance of, due process, the rule of law, and Constitutional case law concerning the issue.

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