There’s No Such Thing As A Principled Pro Lifer


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Who built the cages Joe?

Securing the border is a separate issue from who gets in and how they are treated. So long as there is no secure border US policy and laws on who can and cannot come into the US is irrelevant because politicians and voters have no power to stop it.
Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this.
You’re not kidding:


I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

The "500 children" lie has already been debunked, Herr Joseph.

And comparing children who were deliberately sent al-norte unescorted, with the primary tool of eugenicists the world around is classic non sequitur.

You and you corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks are seriously shitty propagandists.
I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration.
We better find out which gangs these 16 year old children joined.
I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Is the VERY REASON Leftism is considered a Mental Disorder !!!!!
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I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Who built the cages Joe?

Securing the border is a separate issue from who gets in and how they are treated. So long as there is no secure border US policy and laws on who can and cannot come into the US is irrelevant because politicians and voters have no power to stop it.

Who built the assault weapons used to kill children in their schools?
Nobody wants children separated from their parents but isn't this something that happens all over the world when a parent commits a crime and gets sent to prison? There are consequences when you break the law in the real world.
I know consequences are a very bad thing to the wokesters with "social justice" propaganda twisting their minds but they are a part of life.
If you all are so torn up, why not check into adoption?
Or is that not virtue signaly enough for ya'll?
I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Who built the cages Joe?

Securing the border is a separate issue from who gets in and how they are treated. So long as there is no secure border US policy and laws on who can and cannot come into the US is irrelevant because politicians and voters have no power to stop it.

Who built the assault weapons used to kill children in their schools?

Cars and knives kill far more kids but why not focus on them as well?

But I reckon you want to vote for shotgun Joe

I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Who built the cages Joe?

Securing the border is a separate issue from who gets in and how they are treated. So long as there is no secure border US policy and laws on who can and cannot come into the US is irrelevant because politicians and voters have no power to stop it.

Who filled them?
Nobody wants children separated from their parents but isn't this something that happens all over the world when a parent commits a crime and gets sent to prison? There are consequences when you break the law in the real world.
I know consequences are a very bad thing to the wokesters with "social justice" propaganda twisting their minds but they are a part of life.
If you all are so torn up, why not check into adoption?
Or is that not virtue signaly enough for ya'll?

Actually yes. People do. The reason given for these forced seperation was to act as a deterrent. They wanted to. And they didn’t care what effect it had on the children.
I’ve argued with many a conservative over the years. No matter what the argument, be it violence against women, kids in cages, killing old people to save the economy, etc., the right-wing extremists will always try to bring up abortion. They do this for two reasons: they can’t possibly justify their base’s cruelty, and they falsely believe they have the moral high ground on the abortion issue. They don’t. I don’t tolerate it when they try to pull this after they lose an argument, and no liberal should either.

Five-hundred-and-forty-five children. That’s the number of kids who have now been permanently lost by this administration. Migrant families who fled civil war and violence in Central America, in part because of policies our government enacted, had their children taken away for the "crime" of seeking asylum in the United States. Jeff Sessions openly stated that he was deliberately targeting the children. “No matter how young,” added Rod Rosenstein. Toddlers were intentionally traumatized after this administration separated them from their parents and crammed them in filthy concentration camps without a system in place to reunite them. This acted as a "deterrent," according to Donald Trump's own words. And now, eight school buses full of children can never be reunited with their parents. Let's call this what it is: evil.

Yet the evil man the so-called “pro-life” crowd calls their savior is handed a pass on this. They’ve already excused his sexual assaults, his abuse of power, his administration’s trafficking in racism and incitement of violence, his submission to Vladimir Putin, and the list goes on. Well, I’ve had enough. If you’ve had enough of these arguments as well, follow me.

Pro-lifers are many things, but principled they are not.

Who built the cages Joe?

Securing the border is a separate issue from who gets in and how they are treated. So long as there is no secure border US policy and laws on who can and cannot come into the US is irrelevant because politicians and voters have no power to stop it.

Who filled them?

Pictures of kids put in cages at the border were taken during the Obama regime as the press then used the pictures to blame Trump.

Funny thing, no one said a thing when Obama was in power.

And I suspect, if Beijing Biden wins the press will go back to sleep.
They child abuse by tbe right.
Seen the pictures off Hunter Biden's laptop?

Fuck Off !!!
I can’t see non-exhistent pictures and since Hunter is not politician, elected leader nor does anyone care about him, Your cry of Squirrel” is duly noted.

Meantime. You and yours own the deliberately orchestrated and on going abuse of children at the border.

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