There is only 1 patriot in the trump family and it ain't dumb donald

Fucking A right he was exonerated. Anyone paying attention knows Mueller was an appointed player in a scam since revealed. I guess what you really miss is they being tried for treason, but hey, we're progressing. Mueller's "report" was a CLEAR exoneration, they were tasked to uncover any laundry they could. They came up empty, fabricated much, and the Mueller report was a reflection with touches of politics. They threw you a bone with "we can't determine, Congress needs to investigate".

Investigate they pondered,, but when you start with nothing, two plus years later reveal egg on your face, don't expect congress to pull a rabbit out of the hat. So in short order Trump fucked up with Ukraine a pinch instead, and as a last ditch effort they impeached him.

You stupid fuckers are running out of Republicans to throw under the bus for the sake of showing fealty to your con man.
Mueller, a Republican, was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, a Republican.
It was a Republican investigation.
Trump isn’t a conservative.

He is in action. His approach wouldn't be conservative for sure, he's a mouth that runs 24/7. He's thin skinned which leans left as well. In action he appoints conservatives, he's a GD hero for the 2nd amendment, just wait if we see a PROG in office. He's for the Constitution compared to any PROG as well. He's for protecting our borders, right to life, expediting govt. processes. From here he protects the middle class, no such thing as a PROG that would. He flunked many a PROG-plans, and walks over PC snowflakes daily. In today's world Trump is conservative.
You stupid fuckers are running out of Republicans to throw under the bus for the sake of showing fealty to your con man.
Mueller, a Republican, was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, a Republican.
It was a Republican investigation.

WHAT? Please enlighten me. She's not a psychologist? Crime families aren't calling the shrink to put away unwanted members at law in the nuthouse? WTF are you smoking?
Read what you posted.
You call this great? We were falling before the pandemic. But the rest of the world is doing better than we are right now.
We're doing fine. Rest of the world doesn't have Democrats. Trump has shit to do with COVID, we have 300 million people and the largest economy in the world. People flying in and out of our country daily and our ports are always operating. So it was going to hit USA. I don't give a fuck how the 20 people in Denmark handled the virus.
Mary Trump. Who claims she “knows” things that allegedly happened before she was even a thought. She’s ALREADY had to admit she can’t prove ANY of her allegations. Oops. Another total failure.
Mary Trump. Who claims she “knows” things that allegedly happened before she was even a thought. She’s ALREADY had to admit she can’t prove ANY of her allegations. Oops. Another total failure.
Lying sack of shit to sell books.
Mary Trump is a true patriot.

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary L. Trump, President’s Trump’s niece, said that watching the country’s leadership devolve into “a macro version of my incredibly dysfunctional family” was one of the factors that compelled her to write her book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”
In an interview Wednesday with The Washington Post, Mary Trump said she blames “almost 100 percent” her grandfather, Fred Trump — the family patriarch whom she describes as a “sociopath” in her 214-page memoir of sorts — for creating the conditions that led to Trump’s rise and, ultimately, what she views as his dangerous presidency.

Since we are to believe family members with a grudge, we should all assume obama is a kenyan?

Well, we know he's definitely a Shia Muslim, which is why he isn't popular in his home country of Kenya.
I don't see any Marxists. What I do see is a fascist president supported by other fascists. What trump represents is unamerican. A vote for trump is a vote against America.
You see what you want to. When empowered fully, the Prog Socialists are going to kill a lot of people. Guess who will be on that list?

We know blacks will still be killing each other in record numbers, and then they will have their wars with the latino illegal aliens over the cheap neighborhoods and dope trade. Democrats have already chosen to back the illegal aliens en masse, they all swore to it on national TV during both of their 'debates', literally every candidate swore the are dedicated to flooding the country with the criminals, and they got to live somewhere, and since they can outvote blacks guess who matters most to the DNC? lol lol lol

We've already seen their reluctance to annoy rich white women out the Burbs, so the real civil war will be in the hoods, while all those rich white women running the DNC stand by and watch.
To be fair, a book never changes the minds of most people.

For example, the books that have criticized President Obama have not dented the love that many people have for him.

So a book that criticizes President Trump will not have one iota of electoral influence.

For example, I have just read headlines that the author accused the Donald of using the N-word.

1. He might well have done so.
2. Lots of people, including so-called "liberals," have done so.
3. Lots of people, who would usually never use that word, have done so in a fit of anger.

Chances are that this book will go the way of the Bolton book: straight to the counter for remainders.

Well, from reading excerpts from it that were allegedly 'damaging n stuff', it's all unsubstantiated tabloid style rubbish and hearsay, typical of what publishers' marketing depts. encourages 'celebrities' to put out these days.
There is only 1 patriot in the trump family and it ain't dumb donald

What did president Trump ever do to you besides put American first, fuel job growth, cut taxes and government regulations and make us the biggest energy producer in the world. I swear some of you leftists are determined to be unhappy.
Mary Trump is a true patriot.

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary L. Trump, President’s Trump’s niece, said that watching the country’s leadership devolve into “a macro version of my incredibly dysfunctional family” was one of the factors that compelled her to write her book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”
In an interview Wednesday with The Washington Post, Mary Trump said she blames “almost 100 percent” her grandfather, Fred Trump — the family patriarch whom she describes as a “sociopath” in her 214-page memoir of sorts — for creating the conditions that led to Trump’s rise and, ultimately, what she views as his dangerous presidency.

Do you know who typically talks shit on their families publicly?

Usually it's the ones who don't fit in as they scream for the attention they see everyone else getting that they are not.
Almost always there are underlying mental or emotional issues. Typically they are the black sheep (oohhh I used a ratially infused phrase! CANCEL ME!) of the family.
ALWAYS they are crying out for attention.

And the fact that she went on the mental midget show of Rachael Madcow proves my point. She's the family member you would expect to see on an episode of Jerry Springer.

All that said, it fully explains your attraction to her story.
Almost a million sales of Mary Trump's assessment of her uncle's Cajones-Free, Cheating as a way of life--book portrayal. The contents, like Bolton's book--are likely reflected in the 15% poll drops, of the "Morning Business" Agenda, of the Trump Family Zingers. "UnMasked--The RNC Creates 'Blue Wave 2020'--All The Way DownTicket Nationwide" will likely create a cluster of opinion-wrenching commentaries going forward! The response will possibly be 1000 Republicans clustered beneath a beach umbrella in Jacksonville, FL--getting ticketed and arrested at the acceptance speech of Donald John Trump!

Helping with "The poop, the whole poop, and nothing but the poop," so help us mythology: Trump Administration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(A Look at Matt 25: 14-30 helping to explain why Amendment 2 comes right after Amendment One!)
Have you ever taken an ADULT English class?
Fucking A right he was exonerated. Anyone paying attention knows Mueller was an appointed player in a scam since revealed. I guess what you really miss is they being tried for treason, but hey, we're progressing. Mueller's "report" was a CLEAR exoneration, they were tasked to uncover any laundry they could. They came up empty, fabricated much, and the Mueller report was a reflection with touches of politics. They threw you a bone with "we can't determine, Congress needs to investigate".

Investigate they pondered,, but when you start with nothing, two plus years later reveal egg on your face, don't expect congress to pull a rabbit out of the hat. So in short order Trump fucked up with Ukraine a pinch instead, and as a last ditch effort they impeached him.

You stupid fuckers are running out of Republicans to throw under the bus for the sake of showing fealty to your con man.
Mueller, a Republican, was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, a Republican.
It was a Republican investigation.

Take your emotions out of this. The truth that you can't see because of those emotions is that in the "Political Class" there are not two parties. Notice the phrase "Political Class". The system is a layered "system", but you're not now able to see or understand that. The people in the "Political Class" stand (figuratively of course) above us and pull strings to get the emotional responses from us that they desire. It is through these emotions that they ultimately control us. People like you and I have two choices, emotionally submit or objectively evaluate what is really happening. You said it was a "Republican" investigation", it wasn't, it was an establishment "investigation". Now, like ALL "political investigations" it/they forced most of us to choose sides through our/their emotions .

Trump is bad, Trump is good, Trump is this, Trump is that. The only thing Trump is is the wedge being used by the "Political Class" mentioned earlier to divide us. The HARDEST thing in the world is to A) Realize that nothing we thought true is true, and B) The only thing we can do about is not play the game.

We are the pieces on their chessboard being used for their entertainment. Rump is just the latest shiny thing the Magicians are using to keep us distracted. Change is coming, it's coming quickly.

None of us are going to like it when it gets here.

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