There is no Climate Emergency !


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Watts Up With That?

There is no Climate Emergency !

May 22, 2020


Reposted from edmhdotme

Screenshot 2019-12-12 at 09.43.19.png

What if there is no Catastrophic Risk from Man-made Global Warming ?
What if Man-made CO2 emissions are not the “Climate Control Knob” ?
What if Man-made CO2 emissions really are a non-problem ?

But what if there is a real Global Cooling Catastrophe in the offing ?

It is the propaganda of Catastrophic Global Warming / Climate Change alarmists that has illogically conflated Carbon Dioxide, the beneficial trace gas that sustains photosynthesis and thus all life on earth and which may cause some minor warming, with real and dangerous pollutants to create the “Great Global Warming Scare / Climate Change Scare / Climate Emergency / etcetera”, with their “we are all going to fry in the next few years” narrative”.

The temperature progression of Greenland Ice Cores, (during the Holocene interglacial above), shows that each high point in the past of our current benign epoch:

  • Optimum
  • Minoan
  • Roman
  • Medieval
  • Modern
has been colder than its previous high point.

For the last 3 millennia, since 1000BC, cooling has been progressing at a rate considerably higher than during the earlier Holocene that encompassed the highest temperature of the Holocene Climate Optimum.

As the Holocene epoch is now some ~11,000 years old, experience of recent previous interglacials shows that, on a geological time scale, it could well be ending quite soon. It is therefore much more likely that the Holocene will continue to cool at at least its current rate, as it has done for the past 3 millennia, unless it terminates much more suddenly like earlier interglacials.

As a result of the failure to appreciate elementary arithmetic, physics and biology, the Western world has been forced to indulge in a massive guilt trip about its industrialised civilisation, with endless predictions of impending global overheating catastrophes. But instead it is likely that modern Holocene warming during the 20th century and particularly just at the end of the 20th century is:

  • beneficial to the biosphere and Man-kind
  • within normal limits
  • sadly may be not now even be occurring at all.
The probability is that any current global warming is not primarily Man-made and in any case it could be not be influenced by any remedial action, however drastic, taken by a comparatively small part of the Global population, the developed Western democracies.

So that prospect should be greeted with unmitigated joy.

If it is so:

  • all concern over CO2, as a man-made pollutant can be entirely discounted.
  • it is not necessary to degrade the Western world’s successful capitalist economies to no purpose.
  • if some warming were happening it would lead to a more benign and healthy climate for the biosphere and mankind.
  • any extra CO2 has already increased the fertility of all plant life on the planet.
  • if it is occurring at all, a warmer climate within natural variation, would provide a future of greater opportunity and prosperity for the biosphere and for human development, as has frequently been well proven to be BENEFICIAL in the past.
  • a warmer climate would now be especially beneficial for the underdeveloped world.

Lot more in the LINK


This will certainly excite a few warmist/alarmists, who wants to believe in a man made dooms day scenario, it makes them feel better.......
The emergency is in the mind and thinking of human beings, especially those totally complacent about how human beings are complacent.
Pollution and resource mismanagement are rampant, ugly, unnecessary, poisonous and, above all, inhumanly stupid. Continuing without change is idiotic.
The emergency is in the mind and thinking of human beings, especially those totally complacent about how human beings are complacent.
Pollution and resource mismanagement are rampant, ugly, unnecessary, poisonous and, above all, inhumanly stupid. Continuing without change is idiotic.

Or, we could acknowledge that people live longer, better, and with more access to information than in any other time in human history.
The emergency is in the mind and thinking of human beings, especially those totally complacent about how human beings are complacent.
Pollution and resource mismanagement are rampant, ugly, unnecessary, poisonous and, above all, inhumanly stupid. Continuing without change is idiotic.

Or, we could acknowledge that people live longer, better, and with more access to information than in any other time in human history.
It is most assuredly an acknowledgment of exactly that; this is the most reprehensible of generations because we know better.
It's a hoax, like Covid

Typical dead on arrival comment by a leftist warmist/alarmist.

You have a counterpoint to offer, or just troll some more.........?
There's no common ground. You either believe humankind has an impact on things, or you don't.

Actually most skeptics accept that mankind has some impact, Land use decisions certainly effect the local climate.

Try reading the article, it never says everything is perfect, it simply states that there is no emergency behind an increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere, it isn't a pollutant and certainly critical to the photosynthetic process.

I don't know why you think there is no common ground since most the warmist/alarmist bullcrap centers around a bunch of climate models, that are untestable.
Watts Up With That?

There is no Climate Emergency !

May 22, 2020


Reposted from edmhdotme

Screenshot 2019-12-12 at 09.43.19.png

What if there is no Catastrophic Risk from Man-made Global Warming ?
What if Man-made CO2 emissions are not the “Climate Control Knob” ?
What if Man-made CO2 emissions really are a non-problem ?

But what if there is a real Global Cooling Catastrophe in the offing ?

It is the propaganda of Catastrophic Global Warming / Climate Change alarmists that has illogically conflated Carbon Dioxide, the beneficial trace gas that sustains photosynthesis and thus all life on earth and which may cause some minor warming, with real and dangerous pollutants to create the “Great Global Warming Scare / Climate Change Scare / Climate Emergency / etcetera”, with their “we are all going to fry in the next few years” narrative”.

The temperature progression of Greenland Ice Cores, (during the Holocene interglacial above), shows that each high point in the past of our current benign epoch:

  • Optimum
  • Minoan
  • Roman
  • Medieval
  • Modern
has been colder than its previous high point.

For the last 3 millennia, since 1000BC, cooling has been progressing at a rate considerably higher than during the earlier Holocene that encompassed the highest temperature of the Holocene Climate Optimum.

As the Holocene epoch is now some ~11,000 years old, experience of recent previous interglacials shows that, on a geological time scale, it could well be ending quite soon. It is therefore much more likely that the Holocene will continue to cool at at least its current rate, as it has done for the past 3 millennia, unless it terminates much more suddenly like earlier interglacials.

As a result of the failure to appreciate elementary arithmetic, physics and biology, the Western world has been forced to indulge in a massive guilt trip about its industrialised civilisation, with endless predictions of impending global overheating catastrophes. But instead it is likely that modern Holocene warming during the 20th century and particularly just at the end of the 20th century is:

  • beneficial to the biosphere and Man-kind
  • within normal limits
  • sadly may be not now even be occurring at all.
The probability is that any current global warming is not primarily Man-made and in any case it could be not be influenced by any remedial action, however drastic, taken by a comparatively small part of the Global population, the developed Western democracies.

So that prospect should be greeted with unmitigated joy.

If it is so:

  • all concern over CO2, as a man-made pollutant can be entirely discounted.
  • it is not necessary to degrade the Western world’s successful capitalist economies to no purpose.
  • if some warming were happening it would lead to a more benign and healthy climate for the biosphere and mankind.
  • any extra CO2 has already increased the fertility of all plant life on the planet.
  • if it is occurring at all, a warmer climate within natural variation, would provide a future of greater opportunity and prosperity for the biosphere and for human development, as has frequently been well proven to be BENEFICIAL in the past.
  • a warmer climate would now be especially beneficial for the underdeveloped world.

Lot more in the LINK


This will certainly excite a few warmist/alarmists, who wants to believe in a man made dooms day scenario, it makes them feel better.......
The biggest take away from the article and supporting paper is the duration of the warm cycle just preceding the drop in temperature. We have exceed the time span of previous warm spikes. We are already falling in temperature and have been since 1998. All the upward adjustments have kept us from preparing for the next drop which will be almost a -1.5Deg deg C in the next 15 years.
Oh no ... we only have 50,000 years of warmth left ... then nasty evil glaciers will start destroying us ... AGAIN ... I'm burning a tire today in protest ...
Its a whole lot less than that.. If we look at past drops after hitting the spike they happened within about 15 years. The top of the sign wave was 1998-20012. We are now cooling so we are already 10+ years into the drop cycle start..
Its a whole lot less than that.. If we look at past drops after hitting the spike they happened within about 15 years. The top of the sign wave was 1998-20012. We are now cooling so we are already 10+ years into the drop cycle start..

I'm looking at the ice core data and that pretty clearly shows thermal maximum for this inter-glaciation was 8,000 to 10,000 years ago ... from the looks of it, we'll see thermal minimum in about 100,000 years ... like clockwork ...

Maybe in 10,000 years we'll have better thermometers distributed and can get a clearer idea ... and this is a saw-toothed wave, not a sine wave ...
Oh no ... we only have 50,000 years of warmth left ... then nasty evil glaciers will start destroying us ... AGAIN ... I'm burning a tire today in protest ...

Actually it is DECLINING warmth as the chart clearly shows, that we face into the future. The decline accelerated around 3,000 years ago, which is a foreboding trend, one that warmist/alarmists are stupidly ignoring, because they have been programmed to fear a trace gas with a trace IR absorption window, with a trace Logarithmic effect.

But it is a slow decline that seems to drop quickly every 1,000 years +/- 100 years, to a new lower level, then a warming trend returns that doesn't reach the previous warm period level, that is what the chart is telling us.

WE have glaciers in places now that didn't exist before year 0, even some that started their existence since the LIA that still hangs around today. That is a future we are facing, the reappearance of glaciers that were erased by the Climate Optimism of the early interglacial period.
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Iceland shows a similar decline as well:

No Tricks Zone

New Study Indicates Iceland Must Have Been 3°C Warmer During The Early Holocene To Match The Glacier Record

By Kenneth Richard on 21. May 2020


During the Early Holocene, when CO2 levels lingered near 260 ppm, ice core records suggest surface temperatures in Iceland were about 3°C warmer than today.
Iceland’s extensive lakes and glaciers topography provides a verifiable history of the region’s paleoclimates.

For example, scientists can infer summer temperatures 3°C warmer than today in Iceland to account for the millennia when glaciers had “disappeared” from the landscape (Geirsdóttir et al., 2019).


Image Source: Geirsdóttir et al., 2019

... a trace gas with a trace IR absorption window, with a trace Logarithmic effect ...

Just some quick back-of-the-$100-bill calculations ... a five-gallon bucket holds over 10^19 molecules of CO2 ... or:
10,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules ...

It takes balls to claim that number is "trace" ... just saying ...

CO2 is INDEED a trace gas in the atmosphere.

Nitrogen is 78%
Oxygen is 20%

Argon .9%
CO2 .041%

That is POINT ZERO FOUR ONE percent

You flopped badly on this one.

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