There is darkness all around


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

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Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

Keep the faith, keep your chin up and watch the waters. Help is on the way.
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

Do you believe in Jesus?

The bible talks about God letting the demonic humans have what they want and then watches and laughs as they suffer the horrible consequences of their choices. I think that's what God did when he permitted Joe Biden to become president.

I agree that we live in a dark world that is getting darker. It is a sign that we are nearing the end of this age. Jesus will return at a time appointed by God and then Jesus will destroy Satan, his demons, and, quite possibly, the billions of people that follow and serve Satan.

The demonic left sees good as evil and evil as good. They are blind. They are lost. And they happily reject Jesus and choose Satan. That is why they love and support serial liars and cheaters like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, etc., etc., etc.
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.
I'm sorry you feel so badly, but you've been bamboozled by a professional, con artist...

Of course you are not going to see or recognize this...because you have been conned, by a man and his circle of minions, that you trust.

Start with the truth.

The truth will set you free,

Free from this misery, you think is a justified feeling, because you believed in Trump's Big Lie, the premeditated lie created months before the first vote was cast, that the election was stolen from Trump... created by TRUMP early on because the polls, even his internal campaign polling, showed he was going to lose against Biden, big time.
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

It's going to be alright. It's dark because it's 1 a.m.
There is darkness all around

So dramatic.

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Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

Do you believe in Jesus?

The bible talks about God letting the demonic humans have what they want and then watches and laughs as they suffer the horrible consequences of their choices. I think that's what God did when he permitted Joe Biden to become president.

I agree that we live in a dark world that is getting darker. It is a sign that we are nearing the end of this age. Jesus will return at a time appointed by God and then Jesus will destroy Satan, his demons, and, quite possibly, the billions of people that follow and serve Satan.

The demonic left sees good as evil and evil as good. They are blind. They are lost. And they happily reject Jesus and choose Satan. That is why they love and support serial liars and cheaters like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, etc., etc., etc.
You've been deluded in to putting your trust in a Man, a mere faulty, lying man, instead of God and His son and his truthful teachings... you think this man you put up, is your savior...but all he is, is a deceiver, that you let in to your life, with opened arms.

Be careful, you are the one that has been blinded by your hatred towards liberals...imo.
Be careful, you are the one that has been blinded by your hatred towards liberals...imo.

That's rich, an abortionist preaching to me about "hatred".

Donald Trump is a flawed human being. My faith is in Jesus Christ. In the end, Jesus and his followers will win and Satan and his followers will lose.
Be careful, you are the one that has been blinded by your hatred towards liberals...imo.

That's rich, an abortionist preaching to me about "hatred".

Donald Trump is a flawed human being. My faith is in Jesus Christ. In the end, Jesus and his followers will win and Satan and his followers will lose.
Remember that third sentence, and the last part of your fourth sentence!
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

It's going to be alright. It's dark because it's 1 a.m.

I was about to write that they need to turn on a light if it is dark so they can see...
Be careful, you are the one that has been blinded by your hatred towards liberals...imo.

That's rich, an abortionist preaching to me about "hatred".

Donald Trump is a flawed human being. My faith is in Jesus Christ. In the end, Jesus and his followers will win and Satan and his followers will lose.
Remember that third sentence, and the last part of your fourth sentence!

And many will be fooled by the lies and false prophecies of the anti-Christ while never seeing that the darkness they are seeing is the hell they created by following a man with a wicked tongue that lead them astray!
Politicians should be secondary to whatever ideal you treasure and you should only support them as long as they are voting the right way. If they are not voting the right way withdraw your support and discard them. Americans didn't used to need leaders. We have always needed public servants that were true to their voters. Leaders will often fail and betray you. A well reasoned and consistent set of values will never let you down.
Be careful, you are the one that has been blinded by your hatred towards liberals...imo.

That's rich, an abortionist preaching to me about "hatred".

Donald Trump is a flawed human being. My faith is in Jesus Christ. In the end, Jesus and his followers will win and Satan and his followers will lose.

I suspect tramp knows exactly what he is doing and he is a Satan on earth, evil=satan.
As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.
As America's Renaissance Man once said, "You have a Republic, if you can keep it."

The thing about conservatives is that they're lousy at organizing; they're highly individualistic. The Declaration of Independence, and even the Constitution a few years later, were borne out of a very individualistic culture. Since the Constitution and the increasing outspokenness of collectivism, individualism is inevitably drowning in a leftwing quagmire. It's the way of history.
I put all my faith in Christ. Then I don't have to worry about who gets elected, etc. I will put no faith in any leader and just cannot understand the fervent love and worshipping of any person especially those of immense wealth. So I didn't vote in this election. I sat it out and feel vindicated by it. That upsets some people and that makes no sense either. Each side feels like their side is so perfect, so what america should be. The rhetoric tossed around in this election is the same stuff I've heard for all of my 89 years here. Things haven't changed. The world isn't ending, the sun will rise to.ortow, and the next day, and the next. Don't worry about this stuff it's simply NOT worth it.
Speaking as a conservative but certainly not as a spokesman for anyone...yet I do perceive --I think correctly the mood of many if not most True Conservatives who at this time cannot see through the dark clouds of despair formed by the election of an old fool who though--even when he was young was still a fool...never amounted to anything more than an ambitious idiot and is a phoney through and through and what is really depressing is that someone like this has risen to a height far above the level which someone of his mediocrity should ever attain.

The fact that this has occurred is no testament to any ability on biden's part --other than to follow orders --which is more than obvious...the fact that it has occurred points to several factors involved in this great tragedy of American Political History which made such a travesty possible.

A media that is thoroughly biased and being a monopoly has great powers of a propagandistic nature...aided and abetted by the entertainment industry, academia, the social media and treasonous elitist elements in the Republican Party along with a minority that is essentially Anti-American and the democratic party willing to engage and promote election fraud...their motto being the same as the communist party--the end justifies the means.

As I speak we are witnessing a drift towards totalitarianism un-heralded in our history. A movement dedicated to eradication of free speech, confiscation of private firearms, and a all out assault on evangelicals and White Men.

If conservatives as well as America are too survive, conservatives must organize and continue the work that was begun with the election of Donald Trump...I think he is ready and willing to help...and hopefully at the midterm elections we will regain control of the congress.

If that can be accomplished then a new light will shine through the clouds and make possible the dawn of better days. Towards that dawn we must work and hope.

Thank you for your heart-felt sentiments.

Yes, it is sad that the Dems nominated that man from Delaware. If a Dem had to win (let's assume the election was reasonably honest), it should have been someone who was in complete control of his mental faculties, not a fragile gentlemen who is taking orders from the extremist elements of the Dem party (give terrorists the vaccine ahead of Americans?).

The saddest thing is when you mentioned the demonization of Caucasian males.

Wait until most of them are gone.

Then see what the this nation will be like.
The darkness and shadow that was cast over the nation in the past four years will take time to lift. Too many were bamboozled by the Orange Deceiver. The nation is on the right track to a new renewal. It will not be easy as those deceived by Trump will not easily be convinced that they were deceived. Appealing to base instincts is always easier than appealing to our better angels. Biden will do his best to bring the nation forward and out of the cloak of darkness laid by Trump. Have faith in the future.
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