There Are Many Lying Leftists On This Site That Keep Playing Dumb Even After Seeing The Bullying That Goes On Every Day In The News


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782
Some folks are bitter and alienated because the goons who attacked Congress, driven by a Big Lie, failed to thwart the democratic will being certified.

Democracy prevails!


View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782
Some folks are bitter and alienated because the goons who attacked Congress, driven by a Big Lie, failed to thwart the democratic will being certified.

Democracy prevails!

There goes one of the gaslighters now!
View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782
Some folks are bitter and alienated because the goons who attacked Congress, driven by a Big Lie, failed to thwart the democratic will being certified.

Democracy prevails!

We will note that you never addressed any of the numerous things on his list.
Ignoring, or putting on ignore, doesn't change them or their message- sometimes, a spade has to be called a spade- I was told once (on a different political message board) that I had the patience of Job- I do to a point- but, at that point I will call a spade a spade, usually spelled stupid.
View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782
Some folks are bitter and alienated because the goons who attacked Congress, driven by a Big Lie, failed to thwart the democratic will being certified.

Democracy prevails!

There goes one of the gaslighters now!
I wouldn't know. F**ker's on my ignore list.
Playing dumb? I have to disagree.

They aren't playing.
Yes, they know exactly what they are doing and who is pushing them to do it. The real issue is, they do so willingly which then begs the question.

Are they really so weak-minded and easily led that they fail to even think about what it is they support and say?
the leftists here are akin to religious fundies screaming about how dinosaur bones were put on Earth by Satan to fool us.

They are the true believers- unquestioning, unintelligent, irrational and supersticious creatures lacking even a scintilla of human awareness. All they know of this world is what team they are on and what they are expected to say to be accepted by their team.

It doesn't make any difference that what their team says has shifted so radically in recent years. They just go along with it because they are little more than programmed automatons devoid of any real intellect.
Denial is one of the many intellectually dishonest behaviors shared by both ends of the spectrum.
View attachment 476788
Saying it's both ends is ironic?

Uh, sure, okay. Alternate universe stuff, huh?
You obviously exclude yourself....Your lack of self-awareness is off the charts.
I can understand why you nutters hate being compared to the nutters on the other end.

Tough shit. Whine all you want.
View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782

Have you've been using the wrong cream again.


View attachment 476780

Leftists on this site need to be ignored. If the mods won't ban them for their repeated deceptions and their ignorance then it's better we remove them from the debate. Cut them off completely. Put them on ignore and be done with them.

Democrats refused to admit what their party is doing to this country:

  • They swore that the Democrat Party wasn't pushing socialism
  • They swore that the left wasn't going to try gun confiscation
  • They swear up and down that nobody is bullying companies into doing what Coke, Delta, and MLB did last week
  • They swore that the media wasn't biased
  • They swore that there was no proof of election fraud even though election officials were seen wearing BLM TShirts
  • They swore that Jan 6th is a good enough reason to remove Republicans from congress
  • They swore that Trump colluded with Russia
  • They swore that Trump planned and carried out an insurrection
  • They swore that white people are attacking Asians all over Democrat controlled cities
  • They swore that cops were murdering innocent unarmed blacks like George Floyd
  • They swore they weren't practicing systemic racism when they used diversity to fill the government with unqualified workers
  • They swear that COVID restrictions weren't being used for political gain by Democrats
  • They swear that asking blacks for an ID when voting is racist
  • They swear that the border is secure....even though we are at a 15 year high of illegal border crossings
  • They swear that nothing bad is going on even though Mexican drug cartels made $14 USD trafficking human-beings and drugs into the United States
I think it's time we stopped listening to these people, because none of them has any common-sense anymore. And the ones with some remaining are just compulsive liars.

View attachment 476782

Have you've been using the wrong cream again.

View attachment 476791

View attachment 476793
So says the guy who bitched for 4 years about Hillary being screwed by Russian Collusion.
Your posts ring hollow with utter hypocrisy.
Denial is one of the many intellectually dishonest behaviors shared by both ends of the spectrum.
What a nice opportunity for you to stand up and admit what is so obvious to the rest of us - Your TDS has rendered you a partisan hack.
Heya Trumpster!

Please feel free to list ANY issues on which I have changed my position. Back up your words, just this once.

Ready! Set! Go!

Denial is one of the many intellectually dishonest behaviors shared by both ends of the spectrum.
What a nice opportunity for you to stand up and admit what is so obvious to the rest of us - Your TDS has rendered you a partisan hack.
Heya Trumpster!

Please feel free to list ANY issues on which I have changed my position. Back up your words, just this once.

Ready! Set! Go!

Speaking of dishonest behavior.........

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