Part of the world does not live any more under the yoke of the Capital of Karl Marx, but under that of Koran.
Islam is a large colossus with a arthrosis in the skeleton (one would also speak about a worm-eaten framework for a house), and an impressive and attractive "Achilles'heel" without protection, quite visible, vulnerable and very accessible to the hits, (and it is necessary to get hits there), if one militates for the objective which I propose to achieve, and which is explained in my post (down references) of the 01/08/03 and of which the link is at the end of this text. I hope that everyone knows who Achilles was in the Greek mythology, and what happened to him. It should be known that the Moslem countries cannot tolerate religious freedom, like the night the day. It is that their "Achilles' heel" guessed it to you. Those Moslems who live elsewhere than in the Moslem countries, take good care (and sometimes because they are afraid), to beat for freedom of worship and against the dictatorships of their remote extraction countries.
To encourage those people which live under the yoke of Islam to claim, to assert religious freedom, it is necessary to tackle the Islam and the power of the intolerant Moslems where it hurts them. This claim is like a knock on their "Achilles'heel", recall you. Because Islam now is incompatible with democracy, at least at the present time, and as regards the future, that remains to be shown. Just like the politic of defense of "Human Rights" was effective to make fall more quickly Communism we know that, we must make more now. This fight for "Human Rights" was, last decades the assembling of the democrats and stills is, and of which the goal was to fight against, let us say "the sovietism", and that succeeded, now it is necessary for us to go further. It is necessary to fight AGAINST the REPRESSION MADE WITH the minority RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and believers in the world, in countries where they are censured, prohibited, persecuted, and thus for the freedom of thought. Only this foreign policy will wrestle efficaciously against terrorism.
What I propose should be the objective of the democratic goverments and the politicians who defend civilization, and freedom. An attitude and a goal for future diplomacy and foreign policy. And it should be archieved
I must add, that, for to understand why I write this, you must read my main post at the following adress :
you can read too :
You can read me in french here :
So some people who read me are ready with my analysis and what I write. I hope they will make my writings known as far as possible.
Islam is a large colossus with a arthrosis in the skeleton (one would also speak about a worm-eaten framework for a house), and an impressive and attractive "Achilles'heel" without protection, quite visible, vulnerable and very accessible to the hits, (and it is necessary to get hits there), if one militates for the objective which I propose to achieve, and which is explained in my post (down references) of the 01/08/03 and of which the link is at the end of this text. I hope that everyone knows who Achilles was in the Greek mythology, and what happened to him. It should be known that the Moslem countries cannot tolerate religious freedom, like the night the day. It is that their "Achilles' heel" guessed it to you. Those Moslems who live elsewhere than in the Moslem countries, take good care (and sometimes because they are afraid), to beat for freedom of worship and against the dictatorships of their remote extraction countries.
To encourage those people which live under the yoke of Islam to claim, to assert religious freedom, it is necessary to tackle the Islam and the power of the intolerant Moslems where it hurts them. This claim is like a knock on their "Achilles'heel", recall you. Because Islam now is incompatible with democracy, at least at the present time, and as regards the future, that remains to be shown. Just like the politic of defense of "Human Rights" was effective to make fall more quickly Communism we know that, we must make more now. This fight for "Human Rights" was, last decades the assembling of the democrats and stills is, and of which the goal was to fight against, let us say "the sovietism", and that succeeded, now it is necessary for us to go further. It is necessary to fight AGAINST the REPRESSION MADE WITH the minority RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and believers in the world, in countries where they are censured, prohibited, persecuted, and thus for the freedom of thought. Only this foreign policy will wrestle efficaciously against terrorism.
What I propose should be the objective of the democratic goverments and the politicians who defend civilization, and freedom. An attitude and a goal for future diplomacy and foreign policy. And it should be archieved
I must add, that, for to understand why I write this, you must read my main post at the following adress :
you can read too :
You can read me in french here :
So some people who read me are ready with my analysis and what I write. I hope they will make my writings known as far as possible.