The Yellow Press propaganda campaign calls Election Reform "suppression"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
New York Times "Hours after Florida installed a rash of new voting restrictions, the Republican-led Legislature in Texas pressed ahead on Thursday with its own far-reaching bill that would make it one of the most difficult states in the nation in which to cast a ballot."

The Yellow Press is on a new propaganda campaign to help the corrupt Democrat Party undermine the vital Election Reform Laws.
Secure Elections protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote
When Democrats vote twice it suppresses the vote, it disenfranchises the voters and it violates everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our election, they are disenfranchising American Citizens from their Right to Vote.
Mail-in-Ballots violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Ballot Harvesting violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Restricting Poll Watchers violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Being opposed to secure elections is an admission that the Dirty Democrat Party uses voter fraud to steal elections and to undermine our democracy*.
Are there really people out there who are dumb enough to believe that a secure voting system restricts Legitimate Voters?

There are certain things that are absolute in the Democrat party. Comprehensive immigration reform = amnesty. Peaceful protests = riots. And voter suppression = common sense fair election regulations.
As far as I'm concerned anyone actually alive and registered as a democrook ought to be investigated for treason, evaluated for psycological criminal tendencies and put in an asylum or idiocy and also secured in a facility for their own protection. The political whores should be in prison or exiled.

The problem is that they've fully infiltrated and infested the federal law enforcement and government institutions. That's why Texas needs to lead the country in a movement to excommunicate the most significant democrook districts from the USA, revoke the passports and citizenship of the residents, indict all elected democrats and threaten to prosecute them for treason if they enter the USA and cut all ties with them. Specifically the west coast, and NE states can be shed from US territory and free to govern themselves seperately. Persons within US Territory such as Chicago, Austin, ETC that refused to denounce the democrook party should be expatriated.

It's time for those of us still loyal to the COTUS and patriotic to cut ties with the treasonous pukes that clearly despise the country. These people are destructive, criminal and a cancer to our society.

Florida's new election reform laws are a solution in search of a problem. Everyone knows they are something that must be done to curry favor with Trump as well as boost Desantis' street cred for his presumptive run for president. After announcing Florida ran the cleanest most trouble free elections in years they hurried to fix something that was by their own admission not broken.
New York Times "Hours after Florida installed a rash of new voting restrictions, the Republican-led Legislature in Texas pressed ahead on Thursday with its own far-reaching bill that would make it one of the most difficult states in the nation in which to cast a ballot."

The Yellow Press is on a new propaganda campaign to help the corrupt Democrat Party undermine the vital Election Reform Laws.
Secure Elections protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote
When Democrats vote twice it suppresses the vote, it disenfranchises the voters and it violates everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our election, they are disenfranchising American Citizens from their Right to Vote.
Mail-in-Ballots violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Ballot Harvesting violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Restricting Poll Watchers violates everyone's Right to Vote.
Being opposed to secure elections is an admission that the Dirty Democrat Party uses voter fraud to steal elections and to undermine our democracy*.
Are there really people out there who are dumb enough to believe that a secure voting system restricts Legitimate Voters?

Pay attention!

The Republican governors got their marching orders at the CPAC convention to make voting harder, reduce voting hours, prevent as many democrats from voting as you can, with new legislation, in the guise of saying it will prevent voter fraud....

Even DeSantis, who claimed after the election that the election in Florida should be the way and model for all states...a model state of a perfect election..... Came out of CPAC and passed new voter election laws to restrict or make it harder for citizens to vote ...NOT expanding access to voting for registered citizens....yet his tune was different a few months ago, on how perfect Florida elections already were....

This has NOTHING AT ALL, to do with PREVENTING FRAUD.....fraud that never occurred....

It's POLITICAL machinations for a one party advantage, using govt and the legal system, to do it.
Beware people who tell you that [basically] if things return to the way they were a couple years ago, it will be the end of the world.

In the 2016 Presidential election, if you wanted to vote, you either went to the polls and voted on Election Day, or, if you COULD NOT do that, you applied for an Absentee Ballot, which included several measures to prevent fraud.

Now, insisting on that simple framework is called "voter suppression."

Who actually takes it seriously? Nobody. It's all self-serving politics.
There's always room for improvement and after the debacle of 2020, we sure could use some . HR1 is the opposite of improvement, regardless what Democrats or the yellow press they own says. HR1 should be called the right to election fraud act. It's passage will guarantee election fraud and one party rule forever.

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