The Worst President America Ever Had

Of course it doesn't make it true but it does not make it a fallacy. A fallacy with authority is when the authority has no expertise in the subject. Using a movie star to promote a topic in which the star has no more knowledge than others is a fallacy. If the individual or individuals are experts in their field it is not a fallacy logic. Or as a textbook on logic might say, "The fallacy ad verecundum arises when the appeal is made to parties having no legitimate claim to authority."

If you bothered to actually learn something about logic you might not be making such a fool of yourself right now.

If you tried even a little to think for yourself you might have something to say beyond the constant reliance on a logical fallacy.

It doesn't seem like using 238 noted historians and presidential experts on rating the presidents is a logical fallacy.

Your invoking them like some kind of magic mantra doesn't seem like a fallacy to you because you don't understand the first thing about logic.
1st post
If you bothered to actually learn something about logic you might not be making such a fool of yourself right now.

If you tried even a little to think for yourself you might have something to say beyond the constant reliance on a logical fallacy.

It doesn't seem like using 238 noted historians and presidential experts on rating the presidents is a logical fallacy.

Your invoking them like some kind of magic mantra doesn't seem like a fallacy to you because you don't understand the first thing about logic.

Well one of us might not. In any case can you come up with America's best president, and why?
5th post
Feel better now, Ukie?

I paid some attention to you. You've been trying for days..


And Swallow's deviant obsession goes on...

Get some help and get off the streets, you disturbed little whore.

THATS the little chinagirl trannie we all know and love..

But you no boom boom black guys..right?

Too big.


Stop sharing needles, you deviant little whore. It's damaging what little brain you started with, Swallow.
In any case can you come up with America's best president, and why?

Nope, too many variables dependent upon historical conditions at the time he served. Any answer will necessarily be subjective and subject to disagreement based on said conditions and the values of the person sharing his or her opinion.

Now in my opinion, I would say Lincoln because he preserved the Union and cast the die that ended slavery in this country. He was plain-spoken, yet eloquent; down to earth but moved by higher principles. Most importantly, he was a wrestler.

See? That's my opinion and those are my reasons, not a simple invocation of someone else's conclusion without so much as a reference to their reasoning. See how that works? Starting to get the idea? Would you like to try?
10th post
The two most destructive Presidents have been Obama and LBJ. Carter was mostly just incompetent. Bush Jr's wars were also very destructive. Nixon was very competent but hurt the Country with his moral failings. Ditto Clinton.

For true incompetence Pierce, Harding, Buchanan, Grant and Obama.
Where to begin..

Not really worth..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..barnone.



Not any More was once true--now just a haven for the lower class were the rich play.
And all others think they are better than everyone else.

Oh I will take a limo to some off Broadway plays, stay at central park south and even visit the Museum of national history, and Javits center--but then I will leave and go home to white landia. (eastern Suffolk, You guessed it) And drink all the large sodas I want.

Oh by the way you really like being a NYC snob. Used to be cool but not any more the world is laughing at you ( by the way that bothers me) hahahaha

World doesn't laugh at New York, it follows the trends set by New York.

Every big metropolitan city in the world mimics what New York already does.

Long Island is an embarrassment.

Good seafood however.

Seafood is great Lobster Inn and Lobster roll perfect--live right around the corner.
I hope you do not live down town--??
But sweetheart the day when the world looked on NYC as the envy of the world has since passed. Europeans have a nick name for New Yorkers aka stupid Americans...I know have many friends in UK and Italy and Check republic as well as Germany. How about you ever been past the west side highway or over the GW..

They might Mimic Dallas but not NYC.
  • Thanks
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"Check Republic" :lmao:

Unique monetary system there. Very time consuming.
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It doesn't seem like using 238 noted historians and presidential experts on rating the presidents is a logical fallacy.

Your invoking them like some kind of magic mantra doesn't seem like a fallacy to you because you don't understand the first thing about logic.

Well one of us might not. In any case can you come up with America's best president, and why?

The best President would be one that tried real hard to not do anything and make the people feel better about there future--opposite as to the big O.
"Check Republic" :lmao:

Unique monetary system.

Yea and they think New Yorkers (and all Americans by the way) are stupid...

And I think I have a clue as to why...

They love EURO's but prefer cash

Perhaps they should call it the Cache Republic.

(aside to fourth wall: I bet this one sails over his head too

I decelerate, you must be related to BigRub.
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