The worst Butcher of Belarusians, Devil himself Boris Berman


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
why so few in the west know the name of this sadistic - butcher ? of cos Muscovite KGB (FSB) tries to whitewash his satanic name today

his brother was a NKVD Devil too Matvei Berman - Wikipedia

"Matvei Davidovich Berman (; April 10, 1898 – March 7, 1939) was a Soviet intelligence officer and head of the GULAG Soviet prison camp system from 1932 to 1937.[1"
"He was a devil from the underworld. The Life and Execution of Boris

On March 27, 2014, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in closed session considered the issue of rehabilitating the Commissioner of State Security, the head of the transport department of the NKVD of the USSR Boris Berman (1901-1939), declared one of the leaders of the anti-Soviet terrorist organization and an agent of German intelligence. The Berman case, like all cases of unrehabilitated Chekists, is classified, but the 2014 Supreme Court ruling provides an idea of what materials are stored in the FSB archive.

Radio Liberty received this document thanks to lawyer Alexander Busarov. It was he who petitioned for the rehabilitation of Berman.

Outraged by the growth of Stalinist sentiment in Russia, Busarov in 2012 began to collect information about officers of the Soviet special services who were repressed in the 30-50s and have not yet been rehabilitated. Through the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, he began to seek a review of the cases of the organizers of state terror, convicted in the USSR for fictitious crimes - espionage and counter-revolutionary activities. He wanted Putin's justice, reviewing these cases, to confirm that the Soviet intelligence was criminal in nature. Currently, Alexander Busarov, with the support of the Dossier center, is working on a historical and legal commentary on the materials of this project.

We started a series of publications of documents of the project “Nemesis” that Alexander Busarov took out of Russia, articles on the fate of the Chekists Sergei Mironov-Korol , who was shot in 1940, Pavel Chistov (1905−1982), who was captured in Germany, and then to the Gulag, and Amayak Kobulov (1906−1955), who became in 1939 a resident of the NKVD in Berlin.

Boris Berman also worked in the Soviet embassy in Germany, was a resident of the OGPU in Berlin, but could not help Amayak Kobulov with advice after his appointment, because he was in prison. Berman was arrested on September 24, 1938, the prosecution fastened him to the case of the previously arrested "enemy of the people" Heinrich Yagoda.

However, the peak of Berman's career came at a time when Yagoda had already lost his post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In March 1937, Berman was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Byelorussian SSR, in July 1937 - May 1938 he worked as chairman of the "troika", which passed firing sentences. This was the height of the Great Terror, and tens of thousands were counted by those arrested.
By that time, Berman already had serious experience in fighting enemies of the people. He participated in the investigation into the cases of Zinoviev and Kamenev, searched the house of Nikolai Bukharin after his arrest. “Berman came right to the banquet: in a chic black suit, white shirt, a ring on his hand with a long fingernail on his little finger. His smug look was disgusting, ”Anna Larina, the widow of Bukharin, recalled.

In Belarus, having lasted only one year in the chair of the people's commissar, Berman proved himself a ruthless executioner.

The document of the Supreme Court, based on a criminal case of 1939 and additional verification materials, states that almost all the government of Soviet Belarus was shot by the People's Commissar when Berman was in office.

On the basis of a certificate drawn up personally by Berman, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR Nikolai Goloded was arrested. During the interrogation, he committed suicide by jumping out of a window on the 5th floor of the NKVD building in Minsk. He was also arrested by Deputy Hunger Ivan Zhuravlev, whom Berman personally interrogated, seeking “confession” from him.

Members of the Belarusian government, Berman and his henchmen, were accused of creating a Belarusian "national fascist" organization. The Chekists recorded the people's commissar of agriculture Benek, the people's commissar of state farms Turlay, the people's commissar of education Dyakov, the people's commissar of domestic trade Gurevich, the deputy people's commissar of education Leshchinsky and Gershon, the secretary of the Minsk district party committee Kovalchuk and other officials.

The party leadership of the republic did not escape repression: by the spring of 1938, 34 of the 64 members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and 8 of 21 candidates for membership of the Central Committee were arrested and sentenced to death. All of them were rehabilitated under Khrushchev, and it was found that their confessions were beaten out "as a result of the use of violence against them by the NKVD of the USSR, including Berman." G. Vlasov, deputy chief of the BNSSR's VNKVD in the Vitebsk region, testified that he "repeatedly ordered the BNKVD to beat the defendants together with other UNKVD officers, one of whom died from beating."

Boris Berman organized show trials against “pests” and “spies”. Repression took on a massive scale. In response to Moscow’s demand to provide the number of regions to be shot and expelled from the regions, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPB Sharangovich sent the following encryption to Stalin and Yezhov on July 9, 1937:

“We inform you of your telegram of July 3 that we took into account 12 800 people who were previously deported and returned fists and criminals in Belarus, out of this number we propose to shoot 3 thousand people as the most hostile and conducting active counter-revolutionary work and to expel 9800 people from Belarus less active but hostile elements. In the composition of the three we offer: the NKVD of Belarus Berman B. D. ”
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Boris Davidovich Berman - Wikipedia

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