The Words of Reagan:

You dipshits have been saying that for years, but the numbers don't change.

In fact, the support for legalization for illegals ticked UP after Trump was elected.

But you minority twerps keeping denying, denying, and denying the will of the people.
Yawn...……….………..Again 80 percent wins a vote, so instead of blabbering be a democrat and vote
Most voters are not single issue voters, dumbass.

It's a fact that 80 percent of Americans support a path to legal status for illegal immigrants. You can keep denying that fact and look like a retard. Nothing I can do about that.

Vote then, you can't lose with 80 percent...……………………

Are you out of Vaseline yet?
There is no winning choice. You retards keep offering up maggots and turds like Trump and Clinton.
WE got a 2nd SCOTUS pick, you got HILLARY.
I will stick with what I am holding.

Someone else's dick? Whatever floats your boat...I guess.

As for Reagan?

He had some decent ideas about the economy. He was great with the press, as well (back in the day when POTUS"s had the guts to hold regular press conferences).
But they got lost in a morass of ridiculous deficit spending and communist delusions.
I wouldn't bet against that guy in your GIF never sucking a cock. Not at all.
That "guy" in my avatar is KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

And you may be right.

Here's the motivation behind my avatar: It’s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown

It's apparent you don't know the difference between the GIF you posted, and your avatar.

Ask me why I'd question if you know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground? Seriously.

I absolutely would. You might would fail. :aargh:
I wouldn't bet against that guy in your GIF never sucking a cock. Not at all.
That "guy" in my avatar is KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

And you may be right.

Here's the motivation behind my avatar: It’s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown

It's apparent you don't know the difference between the GIF you posted, and your avatar.

Ask me why I'd question if you know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground? Seriously.

I absolutely would. You might would fail. :aargh:
Ah. So the only way you could come up with to cover your horrible embarrassment over your profound innumeracy was to make fun of a forum gif.

Wow! You just get more and more entertaining.
So only 11% of Democrats are for it?
Wow. You thoroughly suck at math.

No wonder Trump and your propagandists are able to snow you so easily! :lol:

So if 66% of republicans "favor a pathway to citizenship"

Who makes up the other 11%?

Okay. I guess you tards need some remedial math. Not surprising.

100 Republican voters + 100 Democratic voters = 200 voters.

66 Republicans favor legalization for illegal immigrants.

88 Democrats favor legalization for illegal immigrants.

Summary: 77% (154) of voters and 66% (66) of Republicans favor legalization for illegal immigrants.

So only 11% of Democrats are for it?

LOL the retard squeals, which voting body in the USA requires a higher than an 80 to 20 percent margin?

Be specific

Again moron, if 80 percent want landscapers killing each other over a lawn, then you would win.

But since you make up stuff as you go like a typical schizzo, no one is listening except your other personality, or two or three
Interesting how the GOP has now turned it’s back on Reagan as well as all of the decent men and women who are members of that party:

Raygun was a POS anyway, so it's a wash.

*dusts off hands*

Reagan wasn't a bad dude, Carter wasn't a bad dude.

The Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. Hmm.

Clinton being the least of the bad. At least Clinton built some wall.

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