The Words of Reagan:

American voters oppose building the wall on the Mexican border 60 - 37 percent.

Offered three alternatives for dealing with all illegal immigrants:

  • 68 percent of voters say they should be allowed to stay with a path to citizenship, the highest level of support for this option in any Quinnipiac University poll;
  • 9 percent say these immigrants should be allowed to stay, with no path to citizenship;
  • 19 percent say undocumented immigrants should be forced to leave the country.
QU Poll Release Detail
80 percent of Americans believe illegals should be given either legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is interesting how the pseuedocons only heed the will of the American people when it suits them.
That is just not true doofus, if 80 percent of Americans wanted illegal aliens then there would be a vote and the retarded people like you would win.....

Why no vote kiddy?

I mean you have 80 percent on your side?

Is this like Hillary has a 98 percent chance of winning?

:cuckoo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
What a comeback!

since you apparently dont know the difference between border/local crime that suits your stupid butt.
You ever lived in a border town?

You ever seen the inside of a school (working as a janitor does not count, btw)?
Impeach 45 in your signature? Are you a McColored?

If - you racist, piece-of-excrement - do you mean am I 'black'? WASP as it gets.

So I guess - even though you put me on your ignore list twice today...I am off of it now? simply cannot make up your mind.

Take your meds...that is my suggestion to you.
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80 percent of Americans believe illegals should be given either legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is interesting how the pseuedocons only heed the will of the American people when it suits them.
That is just not true doofus
I have just provided several posts proving it is true, dipshit.

You are a textbook example of what I call willfully blind monkeys.
77% of voters and 66% of Republicans favor a pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally if they learn English, pay fines or back taxes, and have jobs that pay taxes.

CAPS - Harris Poll on Immigration and Tax Reform

So only 11% of Democrats are for it?
After the election I think those numbers will change.
You dipshits have been saying that for years, but the numbers don't change.

In fact, the support for legalization for illegals ticked UP after Trump was elected.

But you minority twerps keeping denying, denying, and denying the will of the people.
Folks applying for sanctuary are being arrested and families separated. Asking for sanctuary is LEGAL.
Crime and poverty are NOT LEGAL grounds for asylum. Check the law idiot.
Refugees & Asylum. Refugee status or asylum may be granted to people who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a particular social group or political opinion.Nov 12, 2015
Refugees & Asylum | USCIS
Refugees & Asylum
80 percent of Americans believe illegals should be given either legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is interesting how the pseuedocons only heed the will of the American people when it suits them.
That is just not true doofus
I have just provided several posts proving it is true, dipshit.

You are a textbook example of what I call willfully blind monkeys.
Again moron if 80 percent of Americans want open borders then that 80 percent can't be beat in a vote.

But there is no vote because you are making up nonsense.

LOL If George Clooney says so it's real right?

Take your pills

PS. The internet is NOT proof
80 percent of Americans believe illegals should be given either legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is interesting how the pseuedocons only heed the will of the American people when it suits them.
That is just not true doofus
I have just provided several posts proving it is true, dipshit.

You are a textbook example of what I call willfully blind monkeys.
Again moron if 80 percent of Americans want open borders then that 80 percent can't be beat in a vote.

But there is no vote because you are making up nonsense.

LOL If George Clooney says so it's real right?

Take your pills

PS. The internet is NOT proof
77% of voters and 66% of Republicans favor a pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally if they learn English, pay fines or back taxes, and have jobs that pay taxes.

CAPS - Harris Poll on Immigration and Tax Reform

So only 11% of Democrats are for it?
After the election I think those numbers will change.
You dipshits have been saying that for years, but the numbers don't change.

In fact, the support for legalization for illegals ticked UP after Trump was elected.

But you minority twerps keeping denying, denying, and denying the will of the people.
Yawn...……….………..Again 80 percent wins a vote, so instead of blabbering be a democrat and vote
80 percent of Americans believe illegals should be given either legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is interesting how the pseuedocons only heed the will of the American people when it suits them.
That is just not true doofus
I have just provided several posts proving it is true, dipshit.

You are a textbook example of what I call willfully blind monkeys.
Again moron if 80 percent of Americans want open borders then that 80 percent can't be beat in a vote.

But there is no vote because you are making up nonsense.

LOL If George Clooney says so it's real right?

Take your pills

PS. The internet is NOT proof

In other words you have no argument that an 80 percent vote wins or that you are just making up krap as u go....

Just like the typical democrap
77% of voters and 66% of Republicans favor a pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally if they learn English, pay fines or back taxes, and have jobs that pay taxes.

CAPS - Harris Poll on Immigration and Tax Reform

So only 11% of Democrats are for it?
After the election I think those numbers will change.
You dipshits have been saying that for years, but the numbers don't change.

In fact, the support for legalization for illegals ticked UP after Trump was elected.

But you minority twerps keeping denying, denying, and denying the will of the people.
Yawn...……….………..Again 80 percent wins a vote, so instead of blabbering be a democrat and vote
Most voters are not single issue voters, dumbass.

It's a fact that 80 percent of Americans support a path to legal status for illegal immigrants. You can keep denying that fact and look like a retard. Nothing I can do about that.
77% of voters and 66% of Republicans favor a pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally if they learn English, pay fines or back taxes, and have jobs that pay taxes.

CAPS - Harris Poll on Immigration and Tax Reform

So only 11% of Democrats are for it?
Wow. You thoroughly suck at math.

No wonder Trump and your propagandists are able to snow you so easily! :lol:

So if 66% of republicans "favor a pathway to citizenship"

Who makes up the other 11%?
You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and Regan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...

Reagan made a deal to grant 3 million illegal Mexicans amnesty in exchange for a wall.

Well? Where's the fucking wall, Congress?

Dem's lied and welshed on the agreement like they always do. You can't negotiate with Dem's because they plan on fucking you over the first chance they get.

They tried to build a wall. The State of Texas doesn’t want it. There are still “eminent domain” cases before the courts where the government tried to appropriate the lands they were crossing.

A wall is both unnecessary and a big waste of money. As has been proven time and time again.

I we had a president with half a brain he would understand that technology has made a wall obsolete. But we have someone who uses the "Wall" as red meat for his mindless base. It will never be built and it is a total waste to even consider.

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