The West should denounce EVIL TRANS IDEOLOGY

Commit them all to the nut wards.
They belong in HELL


This commenter is spot on! Trans activist are a bunch of cry bully terrorist and should be treated as such. What other group can murder kids, say they are holding a day of Vengeance an have everyone in the establishment bend over backwards to appease them? ENOUGH

Actually I get quire a charge out of seeing these trans activists throwing a warp ten full senile attack(WTFSA)! If nothing else they are comical to watch for sure, so keep them around for the entertainment value!
Did you watch the vid? A group of them in the UK attacked a 90lbs woman cause she was going to speak her mind

This whole ideology is fucked

I'm not going to judge the truly disturbed by the actions of loony violent "activists", who aren't even afflicted with the disorder....You have to separate the two to remain sane.
Commit them all to the nut wards.
That could put the more common less violent nuts in harms way! These radical lefties are acting more & more like the old & very violent Communist Party of Germany(KPD). It took the might of Ernst Rohm's SA Brown Shirts(Sturmabteilung braunhemden) to finally get the KPD thugs rounded up & interned into KZ camps. Unlike today in the west, back then in Deutschland it was a case of "Totalitarian Thug Party #2" winning out over the "Totalitarian Thug Party #1", like they were two peas in a pod. The violent statist left in America today really have to get their act together before they end up in the same situation that the KPD thugs ended up in. Violence is a definite sign that an individual or group is a distinct threat to a society.

Avoid the below rubbish by supporting our U.S. Constitution so we can live together peacefully, NOT live together violently.


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