The War on Men: Why American boys are failing at school—and men are losing in life

So what do you want done? Be specific.

Well for instance, for years now we've had this constant barrage of public service announcements.advertisements both TV and radio aimed directly at girls encouraging them academically, athletically, etc etc.
Now that we have clear evidence that boys are slipping, we need to look at doing the same sort of thing for them.
I would also begin an aggressive campaign nationwide to recruit male teachers who will be hired with a directive to pay special attention to boys that demonstrate they are struggling academically.
In addition, I would elect as many school-choice politicians nationwide as possible that would give parents the ability to choose schools and curriculum that gives boys more of a fighting chance.
The stats don't lie, boys have been slipping academically for years. It's time to address it, the next generation of boys deserve it.

I agree.

Before I started at the university to be a Secondary Education major, a mentor of mine told me something very useful.

He said, "There are some students who will make an 'A' if you give them the textbook and exams. There are some students who will flunk if you tutor them one on one. It is the kids in between that have to be your focus."

All of my children graduated from public school with honors. Not because they had the best teachers or great schools. Not because I threatened them or bribed them. Their Moms and I instilled in them the value of learning, whether it be formal or informal. They put in the effort.
Well for instance, for years now we've had this constant barrage of public service announcements.advertisements both TV and radio aimed directly at girls encouraging them academically, athletically, etc etc.
Now that we have clear evidence that boys are slipping, we need to look at doing the same sort of thing for them.
I would also begin an aggressive campaign nationwide to recruit male teachers who will be hired with a directive to pay special attention to boys that demonstrate they are struggling academically.
In addition, I would elect as many school-choice politicians nationwide as possible that would give parents the ability to choose schools and curriculum that gives boys more of a fighting chance.
What barrage of advertisements aimed at girls are you talking about? You think advertisements will make boys start taking school seriously?

I find it interesting that you are trying to promote boys doing well academically while you guys have so often criticized college education. Make up your mind.
So then, it's a good thing fewer men are going to college?
Thats too generalized

We need doctors and engineers along with other STEM studies

Hopefully a majority of them are men

But the bullshit degrees are better left to the lib women
"Hopefully a majority of them are men"? Why?
There are limits on any profession needed. Extreme Feminism can only exist if men are neutered. Not that women are not capable in averages. That there are many more than what is for excellence employed. The common sense of human history changed to destroying nuclear families is a result of artificial Prog fascist enforcements.
There are limits on any profession needed. Extreme Feminism can only exist if men are neutered. Not that women are not capable in averages. That there are many more than what is for excellence employed. The common sense of human history changed to destroying nuclear families is a result of artificial Prog fascist enforcements.
If you Soy Boys are allowing your families to be to destroyed by feminists and progs, who's fault is that? Aren't you failures of masculinity supposed to be the guardians against such encroachment? What happened?
In my years of schooling, being a parent of kids in school, and my brief stint as a teacher, I saw very, very few students who failed when they put in the effort.

This is more about personal responsibility than it is about feminism. Are we supposed to boost boys ahead when they obviously don't care? Is feminism making boys not aplly themselves/
If you Soy Boys are allowing your families to be to destroyed by feminists and progs, who's fault is that? Aren't you failures of masculinity supposed to be the guardians against such encroachment? What happened?
The totalitarian government has done this. I help no Prog anymore. I resent any arrogant person of a powerful fiefdom like law who abuses others. We live in a false machismo society now where people screw with others in the past but are strangely silent today when the new powerful is worse than they were/are. This will end of course in a bad way, and we are heading in that direction. The Chinese can come over here with their military and the Prog women will be in their concubines.
The totalitarian government has done this. I help no Prog anymore. I resent any arrogant person of a powerful fiefdom like law who abuses others. We live in a false machismo society now where people screw with others in the past but are strangely silent today when the new powerful is worse than they were/are. This will end of course in a bad way, and we are heading in that direction. The Chinese can come over here with their military and the Prog women will be in their concubines.

You sound fearful of quite a bit. Seems like you're just projecting your lack of masculinity on to others.
The totalitarian government has done this. I help no Prog anymore. I resent any arrogant person of a powerful fiefdom like law who abuses others. We live in a false machismo society now where people screw with others in the past but are strangely silent today when the new powerful is worse than they were/are. This will end of course in a bad way, and we are heading in that direction. The Chinese can come over here with their military and the Prog women will be in their concubines.
If you want to blame feminists for your failures, by all means go ahead. Just know it is bullshit.
No it's not bullshit, and we can point to precise locations on the campus of the University of Wisconsin that are feminazi citadels at least since 1995.

These are opportunist females whose support comes from not only heterosexual males in the administration, but also from gay males. All of which were likely behind the recent transphobia protest, already mentioned, because they are dem progs, the very worst kind.
No it's not bullshit, and we can point to precise locations on the campus of the University of Wisconsin that are feminazi citadels at least since 1995.

These are opportunist females whose support comes from not only heterosexual males in the administration, but also from gay males. All of which were likely behind the recent transphobia protest, already mentioned, because they are dem progs, the very worst kind.

Since the article specifically talks about boys not doing well in school and not going to college, evidence from a college campus does not apply.

Each student is responsible for their own. If they choose not to put in the effort, blaming feminists or democrats, or republicans is bullshit.
And feminists have done what to make boys not study or work hard in school?
You live ghetto as in the Village. But are doing good personally. Over 4 billion dollars to launch each of the first four SLS moon missions that were supposed to cost a few hundred million dollars each by promises. A decade later more than what was promised. Just a small smidgen of every big ticket industrially build item we need. Lowered standards cannot fix problems as quick and cheaper. But the fraud problem solvers can feel important.

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