The War on Men: Why American boys are failing at school—and men are losing in life

So he is only in the plus range if he rants in favor of conservatives?
Meaning if he dared say that george washington was a great American?

If that is my only two choices then I choose washington the great American
Meaning if he dared say that george washington was a great American?

If that is my only two choices then I choose washington the great American

If claiming that George Washington was not a great American makes the college student worthless, we have bigger problems.
If claiming that George Washington was not a great American makes the college student worthless, we have bigger problems.
Even a fool may have a useful skill if given enough training

Our lib/woke higher education system proves that
Grade school was boring as he'll and I had to put up with idiot nuns. Why aren't the people complaining about schools putting together reading lists for kids. Was Robert Heinlein man enough for you? I am sure I read these in grammar school:

Orphans of the Sky
The Door into Summer
Citizen of the Galaxy

Of course this was before Star Wars and science fiction got stoopid. Or garbage called science fiction today.
Is the falling behind in school a sign of bigotry against males or a lack of effort from males? If you focus on your studies, as a male, you are labeled a nerd or worse. Not by society, but by your peers.
Today nerds are foisted up as successful.


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