The Vatican Conspiracy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Vatican conspiracy tale inspired by the recent Dan Brown films which I think invite us all to ponder the scope and breadth of new age diaries! Enjoy,


Vatican City became the site of an unusual conspiracy theory in the New Year. You see, a priest was killed, and rumors flew as to the connections between this Vatican holy man and the Illuminati, an underground conspiracy involving the decoding of old text meant to be read backwards and forwards and with light-sources for messages about the coordination of intelligence in holy cities such as Jerusalem. There were also suspicions that the death of the Vatican priest was related to a recent theft of a Vatican insignia ring. Suddenly, Vatican City was all the rave in the news.


Two journalists, one with a background in holy text, were sent to Vatican City to investigate links between the killing of the priest, the theft of the Vatican insignia ring, and the involvement of the Illuminati. These two journalists, Elisa and Thomas, were ordered by the Post from America to inquire into the nature of this gossip circulating, gossip which could possibly and quickly spread into an undesirable wildfire.


VATICAN MESSAGE: "The death of Father Downing was a tragedy and a loss to the Vatican, and investigators are busy now."


ELISA: I think the theft of the insignia ring signals the Illuminati.
THOMAS: Why would the Illuminati want a Vatican ring displaced?


The prime suspect in the theft of the Vatican insignia ring was a city tourist-traveler named Isaac Satan, an Algerian-American who sold Christian homemade crafts on the streets of Vatican City. Isaac would often dress in religious head-gear while serving the travelers in the holy city as a merchant. There were suspicions by the Vatican investigators that Satan was somehow involved in the theft of the Vatican insignia ring, since he had a special and strange reputation for being a local dancer.


ELIZABETH SHAW: "I've been serving as one of the investigators in this awful case, and I could really use some help now."


Meanwhile, the Pope was busy conducting a special PR tour inspecting the quality of Internet connections linked to the Holy See. Everything was network now, you see, and the Vatican wanted the Pope to serve as a special spiritual messenger of global connectedness and communications and open dialogue during this strange time of conspiracy theories. It was reported ironically that the Pope had a special liking for Apple computers from America.


CARMEN: "I've been hired by the Vatican investigators, including Inspector Shaw, to decode links between the crimes and Illuminati."


As Carmen worked to inquire if Isaac Satan really was the dastardly thief responsible for the theft of the Vatican insignia ring, she created hypotheses that Satan was actually some kind of offbeat 'fall-guy' hired by the Illuminati and was possibly also responsible for the killing of the Vatican priest, Father Downing. However, Isaac maintained his innocence by inisting that his only human role in the Vatican City was to serve as a simple and affable merchant of Christian crafts. As reporters and investigators and holy men scrambled to understand the depths of this troubling Vatican conspiracy, Carmen wondered if all this press was somehow ironically positive for this new era of great media daylight!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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