The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
Amazing how much trouble you can get into, blindly accepting bad information and following rabble-rousers. Dumb asses.
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
They have every right to believe the election was fraudulent. It’s called the First Amendment.

How were they ever going to “take over” the government? They were just protesting the fraud.
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
They have every right to believe the election was fraudulent. It’s called the First Amendment.

How were they ever going to “take over” the government? They were just protesting the fraud.
Yes, they have every right to be delusional. The right they don't have is to break into the Capitol, kill a cop, cause a terrorist to be killed by another cop, and threaten peoples' lives.
Can I turn you in for being a tard? ... :cool:
I find you are like certain Muslim mosque's who refused to turn in potential terrorists. The vast majority of mosques were as concerned as all Americans and were very helpful in stopping islamic terrorism. They were patriots
Sunni is a seditionist.Sunni is dangerous. For so long we all though the minions were a bunch of goofballs. They are goofballs but they are dangerous. They must be stopped.
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The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
They have every right to believe the election was fraudulent. It’s called the First Amendment.

How were they ever going to “take over” the government? They were just protesting the fraud.
If you feel what happened January 6th was just a protest you should be on the FBI's watch list. Just because so many were a bunch of hayseed goofballs does not mean what they did was not an insurrection. You better change your thinking or watch out. Our nation has had enough of you idiots.
The irony and selective memory displayed here on a regular basis truly cracks me up. For all who engage in this thank you for the laughs.
Are you referring to the riots this summer? I felt any one who participated in violence and property damage should face the full weight of the law. Their crimes included burglary, property destruction, battery on a police officer and more. Everyone who did those crimes should be prosecuted.
It is the same for Qanon/Trump seditionists. Their crimes include insurrection, battery on a police officer, property destruction, sedition. Both groups are rioters but sedition and insurrection carry the heaviest consequences.
The far left and the far right are the same.
I laugh at right wing idiots like you who do not realize you just like the far left nuts.
The irony and selective memory displayed here on a regular basis truly cracks me up. For all who engage in this thank you for the laughs.
Are you referring to the riots this summer? I felt any one who participated in violence and property damage should face the full weight of the law. Their crimes included burglary, property destruction, battery on a police officer and more. Everyone who did those crimes should be prosecuted.
It is the same for Qanon/Trump seditionists. Their crimes include insurrection, battery on a police officer, property destruction, sedition. Both groups are rioters but sedition and insurrection carry the heaviest consequences.
The far left and the far right are the same.
I laugh at right wing idiots like you who do not realize you just like the far left nuts.
First the positive rating was an accident. Now having delt with that I have never once defended tried to justify, spin or rationalize the actions that took place at the Capitol in one post I mockingly said look a mostly peaceful protest taking a shot at CNN for there reporters claim during a live shot with a building burning in the background. Beyond that I have called it exactly what it was a riot by mob just as those were this Summer. Hate to break this to you mister selective memory but the rioters during the Summer attacked police officers destroyed property attacked federal buildings attacked police stations tried to set up their own so called autonomous zones in fact there was another riot in Portalnd on New Years eve where a police station was fire bombed. So if you want to claim the acts at the Capitol were insurrection and sedition so were those during the Summer because they were doing the same type of stuff. I don't see either group as committing insurrection and sedition I see them for what they were two out of control mobs rioting where as you have to try to add your qualifier to try and make the leftwing mobs actions seem slightly acceptable.
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election.

You have any citation to back that up? Or is this just one more thing you pulled out of your ass? And if this wasn't a rigged election, they why don't you prove it? If the MOUNTAINS of evidence were all "baseless," they why the mad rush to deny it and sweep it under the rug? Why the media blackout that having an illegal election that broke so many state laws and accepted and counted so many disqualified ballots from unverified sources was THE REAL CAUSE OF THE RIOT?

In other words, why the avoidance of noting the riot was caused by the Democrats? Had they not spent a YEAR undermining election laws to favor themselves to have an election that broke EVERY RULE in the Carter-Baker Commission that they HAD TO KNOW would raise millions of doubts and questions and objections then give the nation the finger, there never would have been any protest!

Questions remain unanswered to the American people pertaining to:
forged signatures,
ballot-box stuffing,
ballot harvesting,
paying for voting,
offering raffle prizes for voting,
voting in place of the deceased,
doctoring ballots,
voting twice,
not delivering opposition ballots,
destroying opposition ballots,
backdating ballots,
re-running ballots through counting machines,
restricting access of poll observers,
assaulting and threatening observers
advising voters at the voting booth,
‘finding’ stacks of ballots hours and days later,
feigning water main breaks to clear out voting precincts and then manipulate counting machines,
delivering truckloads of computer-generated ballots,
employing software susceptible to vote-switching,
and untold numbers other illegal and un-democratic schemes.

And in every case, done so as to benefit Biden's election.

The over-arching intent here in this "election" was to quash our constitutional right to vote in open and fair elections, to block the rightful, winning candidate from taking office, and to steal future elections at every level. All of these maneuvers, and others yet to be revealed in the aggregate, required central planning behind them.

We need a Special Prosecutor to ask:
  1. Who delivered thousands of ballots by truck?
  2. Who drove the trucks?
  3. Did anyone have to pay for the trucks and drivers?
  4. Who summoned the drivers, in the wee hours, and
  5. who coordinated the delivery and timing?
  6. Who instigated the ‘water main’ break, or the equivalent excuse, in Atlanta?
  7. Who informed postal officials to instruct their workers to backdate ballots?
  8. Who directed postal workers to doctor ballots?
  9. Who directed poll workers to discard or destroy outside envelopes for mail-in ballots?
  10. Where were the ballot mills located?
  11. Who printed thousands of ‘Biden votes,’ and delivered them in pristine condition – thus indicating that the ballots had never been mailed, and virtually had never been handled?
Without these matters being explored and resolved, there never will be any trust in Biden or our elections again by half the country if not more. No thinking person can review the available evidence and think there was nothing there --- all just a coincidence. I have first hand experience in politics and have seen the corruption even at the local level, and it just gets worse the higher up you go.

ALL OF THIS could be spared by simply having an independent counsel and review board study the evidence and PROVE IT IS ALL BASELESS and did NOT affect the outcome of the election. After all, democrats have told us elections are a SACRED TRUST and that every (legal, registered) vote MUST COUNT.

SO WHY DO THE DEMOCRATS FIGHT THIS if they are certain Biden really won?
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
It was the biggest sham election in World History
The vast majority of those who took over the capitol felt there had been a fraudulent election. They felt as "patriots" they needed to take over congress and reverse the election and stop congress from declaring Biden President. They were trying to take over the government.
The majority of domestic terrorists come from this group. All individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory could go the way of other "patriots".
It is essential if, individuals who follow the conspiracy nonesense theory, hear of fellow conspiracy theorists planning domestic terrorism they turn them in.
Will those on this site who believe the election was fraudulent, will turn someone in if they threaten domestic terrorism?
To me, that is true patriotism; stopping sedition.
They have every right to believe the election was fraudulent. It’s called the First Amendment.

How were they ever going to “take over” the government? They were just protesting the fraud.
It transcends the First Amendment. The First Amendment covers speech. These communists intend the criminalization of opinion, ideas and thoughts.
It's amusing watching all the useful idiot drones on the left parrot this "terrorist" malarkey. Not one of them appear capable of independent thought or simple deductive reasoning.
The hypocrites in the democrat party normalized and promoted rioting all summer long and now are screaming like babies when those chickens come home to roost.
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The irony and selective memory displayed here on a regular basis truly cracks me up. For all who engage in this thank you for the laughs.
Are you referring to the riots this summer? I felt any one who participated in violence and property damage should face the full weight of the law. Their crimes included burglary, property destruction, battery on a police officer and more. Everyone who did those crimes should be prosecuted.
It is the same for Qanon/Trump seditionists. Their crimes include insurrection, battery on a police officer, property destruction, sedition. Both groups are rioters but sedition and insurrection carry the heaviest consequences.
The far left and the far right are the same.
I laugh at right wing idiots like you who do not realize you just like the far left nuts.
First the positive rating was an accident. Now having delt with that I have never once defended tried to justify, spin or rationalize the actions that took place at the Capitol in one post I mockingly said look a mostly peaceful protest taking a shot at CNN for there reporters claim during a live shot with a building burning in the background. Beyond that I have called it exactly what it was a riot by mob just as those were this Summer. Hate to break this to you mister selective memory but the rioters during the Summer attacked police officers destroyed property attacked federal buildings attacked police stations tried to set up their own so called autonomous zones in fact there was another riot in Portalnd on New Years eve where a police station was fire bombed. So if you want to claim the acts at the Capitol were insurrection and sedition so were those during the Summer because they were doing the same type of stuff. I don't see either group as committing insurrection and sedition I see them for what they were two out of control mobs rioting where as you have to try to add your qualifier to try and make the leftwing mobs actions seem slightly acceptable.
the actions this summer were criminal and despicable but not a formal insurgency. No court in the land could convict for insurrection for this summer.
The extreme left and the right are the same but to this point their crimes are different.
It's amusing watching all the useful idiot drones on the left parrot this "terrorist" malarkey. Not one of them appear capable of independent thought or simple deductive reasoning.
The hypocrites in the democrat party normalized and promoted rioting all summer long and now are screaming like babies when those chickens come home to roost.
Many on the right are looking at you as a sedionist, also. The US Government is looking for those who participated on 1/6 and are keeping a close eye on anyone who sees nothing wrong with what they did. Maybe you are one on the FBI watch list

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