The US Switched Side in the War on Terror


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report | Mail Online

The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.

It was just as so many of us thought all along. Now we know why Gaddafi so suddenly had to go. He was working with the west to suppress Al Quaeda, just like Assad was doing in Syria and Hosni Mubarak was doing in Egypt.
Just more proof that allowing corrupt politicians to intervene in other nation's affairs, always leads to problems.

Obama using Libya as an arms depot for transfer of weapons through Turkey and into Syria to over throw Assad, allowing AQ access to these weapons, is about as dumb a strategy as can be imagined. But fools do what fools do.

At least BO deserves credit for shutting down the arms transfer...but only after four Americans lost their lives and the lies about Benghazi continue.
this is what damns BO....

Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.
'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'
'The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.'
this is what damns BO....

Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.
'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'
'The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.'

That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."
The problem with US foreign policy is that it is all about US interests. Problem with US interests is that they are conflicting at best.

Like funding Iran and Iraq at the same time, sort of thing.
The left will try to lie its way out of this. That's expected.
The problem with US foreign policy is that it is all about US interests. Problem with US interests is that they are conflicting at best.

Like funding Iran and Iraq at the same time, sort of thing.

The definition of 'US interests' does not include the interests of the American people as a whole.

It has typically referred to the interests of the power elite, including the political class, military industrial complex, bankers, Wall Street, and other assorted corrupt entities like the top .001% of the wealthiest Americans.
this is what damns BO....

Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.
'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'
'The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.'

Yup. And I said that in here at least 20 times. A base the size of Sigonella ALWAYS has Strike Troops ready to rock n' roll.


dimocraps are lying scum.

ALL of them.

Had they sent a couple of F-18s over Benghazi at Warp III, that would have probably scared the living shit out of the bad guys, too.

I had a couple of Super Sabres fly over me BELOW the sound barrier one time and it startled me. And I knew they were coming and on my side.

They knew we were in the middle of a shit storm, couldn't really locate us and were just letting the bad guys know they were there. All they saw was me firing a whole magazine of tracers at them and they investigated after learning that we were in the area. Never could get them on the PRC 25 (could've been the bomb crater we were hiding in :dunno:)

dimocraps are just lying scum.

And BTW? The bad guys di di mau'd the fuck on out of there. And I'm pretty sure they were NVA regulars, not some local idiots. At least that's what our trailing scouts (opposite of point man) told us.

dimocraps lie. And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lets them get away with it
The left will try to lie its way out of this. That's expected.

That's step #2

When confronted with facts that make dimocrap scum look like the scum they are -- Which ALL facts do, they follow a three step process

1) Ignore it and hope it goes away

2) If it doesn't go away, lie. Lie like a motherfucker. Lie like the lying bitches they are. Then lie some more. And get the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to lie for them.

3) If steps 1 and 2 don't work, attack. Call names, accuse us of racism, misogyny, taking a woman's control of her body away from her, voter suppression, etc, etc ad nauseam.

Oh, they're not related, you say?

So what? To the scum of the earth, dimocraps, they'll find a bridge to connect them. Trust me.

For instance.... Hitlery Clinton is a female. Or was born one anyway.

They'll accuse us of misogyny for informing the world of her utter incompetence.

Susan Rice, the lying **** who went on 5 Sunday Morning TV shows to LIE about Benghazi is Black.

Criticizing her is racist, doncha know.

And since they're both females (a dubious claim at best) they'll accuse us attacking them ONLY because we want to disempower women. The 'war on on women', as it were.

dimocraps are some lying, dishonest, corrupt, deceitful scum.

The worst that have ever walked the earth.

And I mean that
The left will try to lie its way out of this. That's expected.

That's step #2

When confronted with facts.....

Except that so called report is very short on facts and extremely long on drama queen rhetoric.

Maybe. But why?

Why would the committee misrepresent the facts?

Are they stupid? If so, who is stupid? Be specific, please.

Are they being partisan? Again, be specific.

I'll trust a non-partisan fact-finding commission of retired experts before I'll trust ANYTHING coming out of the Harry Reid controlled Senate or the regime.

They have already proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what liars they are. Several times.

It could be that these people are lying, too. But..... Why?

Why would they do that? What have they got to gain? How would it give them an advantage or enrich them?

Let me tell you something.....

The best thing that can happen to the dimocrap party is for the facts to come out and destroy Hitlery Clinton's chance for the nomination.

Because once she declares and starts running. Once she's got all her money, her staff, the DNC, the machine in her back pocket.....

Once all that happens and about July of 2016, Republicans release shit they've been sitting on for the last couple years that PROVES the lying whore knew EVERYTHING that was going on and sat on her hands and did nothing.....?

The ass-kicking the dimocrap party will take at the ballot box will make the Reagan's win over Mondale look like a photo finish

God I hope you people are that stupid and that arrogant and run that stinking bitch against us. It could be the end of the dimocrap party for 20 years
this is what damns BO....

Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.
'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'
'The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.'

That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."

so on one hand..... the 'U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives'.......

but on the other hand you claim...."the CIA launched a successful counter attack....." ?

hey i'm not taking anything away from the CIA agents that went to the compound about 10pm which was already trashed and burning, couldn't find Stevens but brought back Smith dead, and then defended the annex till dawn....

but that was no "counterattack".....

there was no counterattack because BO didn't send anybody in to counterattack...
this is what damns BO....

That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."

so on one hand..... the 'U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives'.......

but on the other hand you claim...."the CIA launched a successful counter attack....." ?

hey i'm not taking anything away from the CIA agents that went to the compound about 10pm which was already trashed and burning, couldn't find Stevens but brought back Smith dead, and then defended the annex till dawn....

but that was no "counterattack".....

there was no counterattack because BO didn't send anybody in to counterattack...

You can't make this shit up:

Breaking: Office Of Director Of National Intelligence Misled Congress About Contacts With Muslim Brotherhood


Is it time for the special prosecutor yet?

Via Clarion Project:

Newly declassified documents obtained by the Clarion Project show that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) misled members of Congress in 2012 about its involvement with Muslim Brotherhood-linked entities.

Further, the documents show that there were even a number of internal communications within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence expressing concerns about the Brotherhood links of these entities.

The story of the deception began when the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified to Congress on February 10, 2011 saying that the Muslim Brotherhood is “a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has described Al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam.”
That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."

so on one hand..... the 'U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives'.......

but on the other hand you claim...."the CIA launched a successful counter attack....." ?

hey i'm not taking anything away from the CIA agents that went to the compound about 10pm which was already trashed and burning, couldn't find Stevens but brought back Smith dead, and then defended the annex till dawn....

but that was no "counterattack".....

there was no counterattack because BO didn't send anybody in to counterattack...

You can't make this shit up:

Breaking: Office Of Director Of National Intelligence Misled Congress About Contacts With Muslim Brotherhood


Is it time for the special prosecutor yet?

Via Clarion Project:

Newly declassified documents obtained by the Clarion Project show that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) misled members of Congress in 2012 about its involvement with Muslim Brotherhood-linked entities.

Further, the documents show that there were even a number of internal communications within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence expressing concerns about the Brotherhood links of these entities.

The story of the deception began when the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified to Congress on February 10, 2011 saying that the Muslim Brotherhood is “a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has described Al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam.”

BO is a master at taqiyya...
this is what damns BO....

That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."

so on one hand..... the 'U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives'.......

but on the other hand you claim...."the CIA launched a successful counter attack....." ?

hey i'm not taking anything away from the CIA agents that went to the compound about 10pm which was already trashed and burning, couldn't find Stevens but brought back Smith dead, and then defended the annex till dawn....

but that was no "counterattack".....

there was no counterattack because BO didn't send anybody in to counterattack...

You think the militants just gave back the building without a fight? Nope, the CIA and their Libyans partners(totaled about 20 men) had to fight their way into the building to search for survivors. That was a counterattack. The President left the operational decisions to the military, as he should have, when he gave the order to use all DOD asset available to protect American lives. Smith was already dead and Stevens was missing and, as I recal,l they were worried that Stevens had become a hostage. Everyone else was safe in the CIA annex and were waiting to be evacuated to the fortified embassy in Tripoli.
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report | Mail Online

The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.
It was just as so many of us thought all along. Now we know why Gaddafi so suddenly had to go. He was working with the west to suppress Al Quaeda, just like Assad was doing in Syria and Hosni Mubarak was doing in Egypt.

Katz, you can't just swing the curtain open like that.
It's too much for some to handle.

For instance, Boo is happy being blind

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