The unsustainability of "green" energy

I believe the federal doctrine makes a case for national guard forces staying within the US and for State militia staying within a State.

Any militia type force has no business being beyond their "zone of defense", for protocol purposes.
We need real times of war tax rates enacted by our federal Congress, to prove it is real times of war as proclaimed by Them.
Sadly....we live in a perpetual state of "war-time tax rates" because of the lazy, greedy welfare queens like you and Billo. What we really need to do is end the illegal/unconstitutional welfare state and funnel that money to our military.
We need real times of war tax rates enacted by our federal Congress, to prove it is real times of war as proclaimed by Them.
Sadly....we live in a perpetual state of "war-time tax rates" because of the lazy, greedy welfare queens like you and Billo. What we really need to do is end the illegal/unconstitutional welfare state and funnel that money to our military.
Only in right wing fantasy.

Stop blaming the poor for getting poorer while the rich get richer.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
The other half is upgrading our infrastructure in order to promote the general welfare whenever possible...
We've been over this snowflake. The "General Welfare" clause applies only to their 18 enumerated powers. And "infrastructure" is not one of those powers.

If the U.S. actually followed your desperate and disgusting attempt to exploit the U.S. Constitution and its citizens - the federal government would have to provide firearms for everyone (that definitely "promotes" the "general welfare"), providing housing for everyone, and would have to execute every anti-American progressive in America.
We need real times of war tax rates enacted by our federal Congress, to prove it is real times of war as proclaimed by Them.
Sadly....we live in a perpetual state of "war-time tax rates" because of the lazy, greedy welfare queens like you and Billo. What we really need to do is end the illegal/unconstitutional welfare state and funnel that money to our military.
Only in right wing fantasy.
"Right-wing fantasy" is left-wing code for reality.
Stop blaming the poor for getting poorer while the rich get richer.
Every person is responsible for their own destiny and their own results. For instance - it is the poor's fault for electing idiot Dumbocrats who implement failed left-wing policy which always results in the poor getting poorer. Just ask Venezuela.
We are $19 trillion in debt because of these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years
Billo_Really "logic" - we should not have responded when Al Qaeda collapsed the World Trade Center towers because that is a "bullshit war".

Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and is easily funded. The defense budget is roughly $550 billion. We spend over $1 trillion per year on unconstitutional socialism.

As usual - you speak from a place of astounding ignorance (and greed).
Idiot. The proper response would have been to go in, take out Bin Laden, and gotten the hell out of that forsaken region. Taking Afghanistan, and leaving Bin Laden alive for seven years made us look weak and like fools. Attacking and occupying Iraq on the basis of lies only made that impression worse.

You cocksucks that think that it is more patriotic to spend trillions to kill people in other nations, rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare are pathetic humans, indeed. And then, of course, you will claim to be Christian. How utterly sad.
Henry Ford was a real capitalist. Solid gold for the purposes of this capital discussion. He did not whine about taxes or regulations.
How the fuck do you know that?!? Did you used to sit in his living room with him and discuss that? Were you his assistant that went everywhere with him 24x7? How could you possibly know what he complained about and what he didn't?

How much shit are you going to keep making up on this board?
Idiot. The proper response would have been to go in, take out Bin Laden, and gotten the hell out of that forsaken region.
That's what caused the problem in the first place, you ignorant dillhole. :lmao:

What good does it do to "take out Bin Laden" when Ayman Al-Zawahri would have just assumed control and continued operations? Only an idiot (you) would take out a single individual and leave the rest of the organization, the training camps, and the government allowing all of them to train and operate.
You cocksucks that think that it is more patriotic to spend trillions to kill people in other nations, rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare are pathetic humans,
We don't believe in allowing greedy people like you to be parasites on society in this country. Sorry, not sorry that that pisses you off.
rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare
Your greed and entitlement exemplifies everything that Frédéric Bastiat warned civilization about during the 1800's...
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." -Frédéric Bastiat
You cocksucks that think that it is more patriotic to spend trillions to kill people in other nations, rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare are pathetic humans,
We don't believe in allowing greedy people like you to be parasites on society in this country. Sorry, not sorry that that pisses you off.
LOL You lying little ass. My dd214 state Honorable. On base, in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Presently working as a millwright in a steel mill at 73 years of age. And making one damned good income. Your scuzzy little ass would cave in following me around on a busy day. LOL
You cocksucks that think that it is more patriotic to spend trillions to kill people in other nations, rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare are pathetic humans,
We don't believe in allowing greedy people like you to be parasites on society in this country. Sorry, not sorry that that pisses you off.
LOL You lying little ass. My dd214 state Honorable. On base, in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Presently working as a millwright in a steel mill at 73 years of age. And making one damned good income. Your scuzzy little ass would cave in following me around on a busy day. LOL make such a "good living" that you demand that government illegally confiscate what others have and give it to you. Fuck'n little parasite. You're disgusting. And you clearly weren't raised properly. Good parents teach their children that stealing is wrong.
You cocksucks that think that it is more patriotic to spend trillions to kill people in other nations, rather than spending that money on our own people's health and welfare are pathetic humans,
We don't believe in allowing greedy people like you to be parasites on society in this country. Sorry, not sorry that that pisses you off.
LOL You lying little ass. My dd214 state Honorable. On base, in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Presently working as a millwright in a steel mill at 73 years of age. And making one damned good income. Your scuzzy little ass would cave in following me around on a busy day. LOL make such a "good living" that you demand that government illegally confiscate what others have and give it to you. Fuck'n little parasite. You're disgusting. And you clearly weren't raised properly. Good parents teach their children that stealing is wrong.
Dumb fuck, taxes are the price of civilization, and if you don't pay your share, I'll laugh as I watch you marched off to the local lockup. LOL
Really? I have been a gun owner over 60 years now.
You've also been a full-fledged asshole for over 60 years now. Here is proof...

See - here's the thing dill hole: I'm not allowed to purchase modern fully automatic weapons as the U.S. Constitution dictates I have the right to do. I'm not the least bit impressed that you've been "allowed" to hold onto your pitiful WWII wooden rifle.
Dumb fuck, taxes are the price of civilization, and if you don't pay your share, I'll laugh as I watch you marched off to the local lockup. LOL
Greedy, lazy, parasite....taxes are not wealth redistribution as you've desperately attempted to turn them into. Taxes are to run the government (i.e. pay government salaries, fund government facilities, etc.). A person on welfare is not a government employee. They perform no service for me as a citizen.

Would you like to try again, you greedy, lazy, little parasite???
Dumb fuck, taxes are the price of civilization...
And dealing with ignorant, uninformed, uneducated, greedy little parasites like you is the price of liberty. Well worth it. Small price to pay. But...still annoying having to listening to people like you whine that you deserve what belongs to other people. You're a genuine piece of shit. The worst that society has to offer. No different from Fidel Castro except you didn't have the personality, leadership, or work ethic to get people to follow your disgusting and pathetic communist desires.

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