"The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.


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That's been true for a long time, at least insofar as political parties have clout. But the Duopoly is entrenched and bends over backward to make sure it stays entrenched, right down to controlling the Presidential debates which if anyone doesn't know are under the strict control of the Demoplican-Republicrat Party -- which means no questions, and no candidates, will show up in them without the approval of the Duopoly.

How much racketeering is THAT. :eusa_doh:

And their most useful tool in keeping any third party shut out is the Electoral College with its WTA scheme. That's why the vast majority of us vote not FOR one candidate but to BLOCK another, it's why we've been given the perpetual choice of "Bad" or "Worse". In 2016 three states famously swung the outcome, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. NONE of those states voted in the majority for the candidate that got ALL of their electoral votes. And that's a racket.

Gore Vidal famously noted, "as for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't remembered that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties". We haven't had that for over a century.
Not gonna happen. Americans have willingly enslaved themselves to the two party system
The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party


We got one....
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.




NOT fascist

NOT commie

NOT deranged....

moderates and rationalists
The Republican party under the leadership of Trump is already well on the way toward building a strong third party. There are still too many neocon globalists in the R party but we're making progress. Now if the DOJ would do its job and prosecute some coupsters we could get rid of 50+ totally rotten and corrupt bastards in our government. But if your dream is to have a shiny new socialist-communist state, wake up and apologize
That's been true for a long time, at least insofar as political parties have clout. But the Duopoly is entrenched and bends over backward to make sure it stays entrenched, right down to controlling the Presidential debates which if anyone doesn't know are under the strict control of the Demoplican-Republicrat Party -- which means no questions, and no candidates, will show up in them without the approval of the Duopoly.

How much racketeering is THAT. :eusa_doh:

And their most useful tool in keeping any third party shut out is the Electoral College with its WTA scheme. That's why the vast majority of us vote not FOR one candidate but to BLOCK another, it's why we've been given the perpetual choice of "Bad" or "Worse". In 2016 three states famously swung the outcome, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. NONE of those states voted in the majority for the candidate that got ALL of their electoral votes. And that's a racket.

Gore Vidal famously noted, "as for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't remembered that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties". We haven't had that for over a century.
Don't you think if Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and others got together and joined forces that they would be immediately taken seriously ?

I support Trump right now....he's taking on the shadow government like no other president has in a very long time. With our back, he would work for us, not those puppet masters pulling his strings now. When the truth comes out in the Durham indictments people will see.
The duopoly is in very firm control. Its coup d'état was so gradual and thorough that voters just let it go.
I agree. And when the Dimsocialist Party screws Commie Bernie again he should run on the Communist Party ticket and take all his moron minions with him.
That's been true for a long time, at least insofar as political parties have clout. But the Duopoly is entrenched and bends over backward to make sure it stays entrenched, right down to controlling the Presidential debates which if anyone doesn't know are under the strict control of the Demoplican-Republicrat Party -- which means no questions, and no candidates, will show up in them without the approval of the Duopoly.

How much racketeering is THAT. :eusa_doh:

And their most useful tool in keeping any third party shut out is the Electoral College with its WTA scheme. That's why the vast majority of us vote not FOR one candidate but to BLOCK another, it's why we've been given the perpetual choice of "Bad" or "Worse". In 2016 three states famously swung the outcome, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. NONE of those states voted in the majority for the candidate that got ALL of their electoral votes. And that's a racket.

Gore Vidal famously noted, "as for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't remembered that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties". We haven't had that for over a century.
Don't you think if Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and others got together and joined forces that they would be immediately taken seriously

Wouldn't matter. The Duopoly has a monopoly --- that's why we call it a Duopoly. It controls everything. You could have all four of those people and toss in Weld, Sanford, Walsh and a hundred more, and the Duopoly would ensure you either never heard of them or that everything you heard was negative, and you wouldn't see them in a debate and you wouldn't see them on ballots, certainly not enough. And when election day came every one of us would be faced with the stark reality that the EC system was going to require either a "red" or a "blue" vote, end of story. And that's why they never run a candidate of quality --- they don't need to. All they need is somebody who's not as bad as the other one, emphasis on "one".

It's like that old joke about the two campers who get attacked by a bear, one says "you think you can outrun that hear?" and the other says "I don't need to outrun the bear, I only need to outrun you".

Utah is an example. Even McMullin ran a strong campaign and got a significant vote in his home state, keeping Rump to a dismal 45% of the state vote even with an R after his name. And yet he gets 100% of Utah's electoral votes. So it doesn't matter. The system is rigged, and it's rigged to stay rigged.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



If there ever were a cause that could be called, "bipartisan", it would be that the two political parties will never allow another to take power from them.
Not gonna happen. Americans have willingly enslaved themselves to the two party system



If it were "willingly" there wouldn't be all this dissension about it, would there.

HOW exactly did the American public choose for a long list of individual states to allot their Electors via a WTA system? I can't seem to find that in the history books.

HOW did we "approve" of the so-called "Commission on Presidential Debates" wresting away control of the debate process, thereby controlling the whole thing? I'm not sure a lot of people even KNOW about it.

Not seeing a "willing" in this.
What does a third party have to offer, other than a watered-down version of one side or the other? We're not about to see a third party that advocates both American nationalism and abortion, or raising taxes and strengthening the border.

It's one side or the other in these times and I'm completely happy with the party I have
What does a third party have to offer, other than a watered-down version of one side or the other? We're not about to see a third party that advocates both American nationalism and abortion, or raising taxes and strengthening the border.

It's one side or the other in these times and I'm completely happy with the party I have

This is like saying "I live in Indiana so what good is Wyoming? I'm completely happy with vacationing in Illinois".


We do not have "two parties". We have a SINGLE party that dresses itself up in alternate red or blue constumes and you're supposed to go, "oh look-- difference". What you're not supposed to do is look up and see the same puppeteer pulling the strings on both. And that puppeteer is never going to allow you to see anything but his own puppets.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



There already is a strong 3rd party inside of the Democrap party...it's called the COMMUNIST PARTY!!!

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