"The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"

That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



Man of the people worldview
I laugh
What does a third party have to offer, other than a watered-down version of one side or the other? We're not about to see a third party that advocates both American nationalism and abortion, or raising taxes and strengthening the border.

It's one side or the other in these times and I'm completely happy with the party I have

This is like saying "I live in Indiana so what good is Wyoming? I'm completely happy with vacationing in Illinois".


We do not have "two parties". We have a SINGLE party that dresses itself up in alternate red or blue constumes and you're supposed to go, "oh look-- difference". What you're not supposed to do is look up and see the same puppeteer pulling the strings on both. And that puppeteer is never going to allow you to see anything but his own puppets.

Someone's been spending too much time reading Alex Jones' InfoWars website. So now you're turning all libertarian on us or something? That's the kind of bullshit Ron Paul tried to foist on us back in 2008, and I didn't buy into it for a second.

No, there are two distinct parties: The Republican Party of Trump, and the Democrat Party of Socialism. You can't vote for both of them, and there is no conglomeration of the two because they are worlds apart. You have to choose between one or the other. Even if you throw your vote into the Green Party, the Communist Party USA, or the Socialist Party USA, you're still voting for the Democrat Party.

Case in point: Bernie Sanders is a Marxist who calls himself an "Independent". Yet he's running as a Democrat.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



I hate when the MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH sounds like petrified horse shit SOLELY because of the mouth from whence it came.

What does a third party have to offer, other than a watered-down version of one side or the other? We're not about to see a third party that advocates both American nationalism and abortion, or raising taxes and strengthening the border.

It's one side or the other in these times and I'm completely happy with the party I have

This is like saying "I live in Indiana so what good is Wyoming? I'm completely happy with vacationing in Illinois".


We do not have "two parties". We have a SINGLE party that dresses itself up in alternate red or blue constumes and you're supposed to go, "oh look-- difference". What you're not supposed to do is look up and see the same puppeteer pulling the strings on both. And that puppeteer is never going to allow you to see anything but his own puppets.

Someone's been spending too much time reading Alex Jones' InfoWars website. So now you're turning all libertarian on us or something? That's the kind of bullshit Ron Paul tried to foist on us back in 2008, and I didn't buy into it for a second.

No, there are two distinct parties: The Republican Party of Trump, and the Democrat Party of Socialism. You can't vote for both of them, and there is no conglomeration of the two because they are worlds apart. You have to choose between one or the other. Even if you throw your vote into the Green Party, the Communist Party USA, or the Socialist Party USA, you're still voting for the Democrat Party.

Case in point: Bernie Sanders is a Marxist who calls himself an "Independent". Yet he's running as a Democrat.


Your last line tells us you have no clue what political parties even ARE so I won't waste any more time on you.
What does a third party have to offer, other than a watered-down version of one side or the other? We're not about to see a third party that advocates both American nationalism and abortion, or raising taxes and strengthening the border.

It's one side or the other in these times and I'm completely happy with the party I have

This is like saying "I live in Indiana so what good is Wyoming? I'm completely happy with vacationing in Illinois".


We do not have "two parties". We have a SINGLE party that dresses itself up in alternate red or blue constumes and you're supposed to go, "oh look-- difference". What you're not supposed to do is look up and see the same puppeteer pulling the strings on both. And that puppeteer is never going to allow you to see anything but his own puppets.

Someone's been spending too much time reading Alex Jones' InfoWars website. So now you're turning all libertarian on us or something? That's the kind of bullshit Ron Paul tried to foist on us back in 2008, and I didn't buy into it for a second.

No, there are two distinct parties: The Republican Party of Trump, and the Democrat Party of Socialism. You can't vote for both of them, and there is no conglomeration of the two because they are worlds apart. You have to choose between one or the other. Even if you throw your vote into the Green Party, the Communist Party USA, or the Socialist Party USA, you're still voting for the Democrat Party.

Case in point: Bernie Sanders is a Marxist who calls himself an "Independent". Yet he's running as a Democrat.


Your last line tells us you have no clue what political parties even ARE so I won't waste any more time on you.

Your childish response tells me that you don't have a clue what I just said. If ignorance is bliss such as they say, you must truly be in heaven.

But then, I would expect no less from a ditzy broad like yourself.
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That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.




NOT fascist

NOT commie

NOT deranged....

moderates and rationalists

And no wannabe dictator

That's been true for a long time, at least insofar as political parties have clout. But the Duopoly is entrenched and bends over backward to make sure it stays entrenched, right down to controlling the Presidential debates which if anyone doesn't know are under the strict control of the Demoplican-Republicrat Party -- which means no questions, and no candidates, will show up in them without the approval of the Duopoly.

How much racketeering is THAT. :eusa_doh:

And their most useful tool in keeping any third party shut out is the Electoral College with its WTA scheme. That's why the vast majority of us vote not FOR one candidate but to BLOCK another, it's why we've been given the perpetual choice of "Bad" or "Worse". In 2016 three states famously swung the outcome, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. NONE of those states voted in the majority for the candidate that got ALL of their electoral votes. And that's a racket.

Gore Vidal famously noted, "as for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't remembered that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties". We haven't had that for over a century.
Don't you think if Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and others got together and joined forces that they would be immediately taken seriously ?

I support Trump right now....he's taking on the shadow government like no other president has in a very long time. With our back, he would work for us, not those puppet masters pulling his strings now. When the truth comes out in the Durham indictments people will see.
Nice shirt. Moderates need a party.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



Bernie needs to run Third Party before the DNC Seth Rich's him
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



My answer is both yes and no. What we really need to do is start electing the best people for the job instead of voting by party. However in order to break the strangle hold our present two have on the system, we need to first divide and concur so first three, then four and more until none of them have the strangle hold and control today's two have and we can rid ourselves of the parasites.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



Bernie needs to run Third Party before the DNC Seth Rich's him

They don't have the guts.
Communion is occurring as we now post.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



There already is a strong 3rd party inside of the Democrap party...it's called the COMMUNIST PARTY!!!

They are now the Dimsocialist party.

There is nothing Democratic about it.
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



Bernie needs to run Third Party before the DNC Seth Rich's him

They don't have the guts.
Communion is occurring as we now post.

If you mean Bernie doesn't have the guts to go Third Party, I agree. He's going through the motions because he thinks Bloomy will pay him $100,000,000 to "spend time with my family because I'm a retired investor living on a pension"
That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:

Debatable whether that was a strong third party but it illustrates what I wrote in post 2 and post 15 about the Electrical College. Here's a guy who drew the votes of nearly one-fifth of the electorate, yet got zero in the Electrical College. Short-circuited by a rigged system that was never going to allow him to throw that switch.

In fact it's worth further noting that when some third party does mount a serious challenge, their strategy is not to win outright, that being impossible due to the rigged Duopoly, but rather to deny either of the two party (singular intentional) a majority in the EC, which would then throw the election to the House of Reps where anything can happen.

In other words the only way a 3P has any chance is to circumvent and nullify the election altogether. That's never happened in the Duopoly daze. Now THAT is a rigged system.

It's most interesting that WITHIN the Electoral College somebody must win a majority (currently 270) but within the individual states there's no such requirement. Hence you have Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Utah ALL sending 100% of their Electrics to vote for a candy who couldn't even win 50% of the state.

A strong third party sucking off votes can produce a bad result with a low vote percentage. It gave us Woodrow Wilson :puke: On the other hand it also gave us Lincoln.
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That was Bernie Sanders in 1988, but it's still true today.
Sadly not much has changed in that respect.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks with C-SPAN in 1988 while mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The interview reveals more of Sanders' man-of-the people worldview and political positions, and how little those positions have changed over his 30+ year political career.



If the Dems really want to get rid of Sanders all that they have to do is tell Hillary that is going to testify against her.
I've never understood fervently backing and belonging to a party. It's kind of weird to be that politically active.

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