The unimaginable audacity


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The only thing that matters is DO THEY VOTE DEM.

If they VOTE DEM, they can steal, cheat, kill, rape all they want... the Dems want them here.
These hispanics do not see themselves as breaking into the country. They believe they have a right to be here and a right to benefits. They say "We never crossed the border. The border crossed us."
It takes some serious “chutzpah” to engage in the criminal activity of breaking into a foreign nation and then demanding that the government of that foreign nation ignore your criminal transgressions and reward you with citizenship.

Let’s hope that President Trump instructs the law enforcement community to arrest and prosecute each and every one of these criminals.

Report: DACA Illegal Aliens to Begin Arriving on Capitol Hill to Lobby Lawmakers on Amnesty - Breitbart

Trump is in charge. Blame him.
I don't understand why you hate everyone that isn't white?
I do, however, completely understand why you hate obeying the law. Because it prevents you from forcing your beloved fascists ideology on all of society.

Sorry fascist...we have laws in the U.S. and they will be obeyed now that the anti-American radical in the White House has been replaced by someone who does respect the rule of law.
It takes some serious “chutzpah” to engage in the criminal activity of breaking into a foreign nation and then demanding that the government of that foreign nation ignore your criminal transgressions and reward you with citizenship.

Let’s hope that President Trump instructs the law enforcement community to arrest and prosecute each and every one of these criminals.

Report: DACA Illegal Aliens to Begin Arriving on Capitol Hill to Lobby Lawmakers on Amnesty - Breitbart

Trump is in charge. Blame him.
Why would anyone blame President Trump for Barack Insane Obama’s illegal (and unethical) activity of encouraging foreigners to invade the U.S.? :dunno:
These hispanics do not see themselves as breaking into the country. They believe they have a right to be here and a right to benefits. They say "We never crossed the border. The border crossed us."
Which is the equivalent of a rapist declaring “I didn’t rape that woman - that woman raped me” (which, ironically enough, is an argument progressives actually attempt). :eusa_doh:

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