The U.S. and other nations have no definition of victory in Ukraine

Not sure that you understand me correctly (or that I correctly expressed myself). Under the Donbas stalemate I meant what was happening in 2015-2022 between Ukraine and rebel regions (Russia) - a constant smoldering of the conflict; ineffective agreements (the Minsk Accords) that were used as an excuse by each side in blaming the other one; a big war as the result of this stalemate.

If this stalemate is proposed as some method to stop the war, then it isn't worth a try.

then they will just have to fight it 5 years from now. The situation isn't truly comparable to the Koreas as that was more like a civil war, and the lines settled after a few years of senseless fighting that didn't see the lines moved. Also it was across the entire peninsula making drawing a line easier.

This is two different countries, two different peoples, and the lines are like a giant semi-circle encasing the Donbas AND the Crimea.
then they will just have to fight it 5 years from now. The situation isn't truly comparable to the Koreas as that was more like a civil war, and the lines settled after a few years of senseless fighting that didn't see the lines moved. Also it was across the entire peninsula making drawing a line easier.

This is two different countries, two different peoples, and the lines are like a giant semi-circle encasing the Donbas AND the Crimea.
In 5 years, the conditions for peace for Ukraine will be worse than they are now. Now, they are worse than they could have been in 2022.

Alas, Ukraine should take Russian 'proposals' and work with them. I don't really like them at all, but that is reality. This war doesn’t make sense.
In 5 years, the conditions for peace for Ukraine will be worse than they are now. Now, they are worse than they could have been in 2022.

Alas, Ukraine should take Russian 'proposals' and work with them. I don't really like them at all, but that is reality. This war doesn’t make sense.
Russias conditions for peace

You give us what we want and stop bothering us
In 5 years, the conditions for peace for Ukraine will be worse than they are now. Now, they are worse than they could have been in 2022.

Alas, Ukraine should take Russian 'proposals' and work with them. I don't really like them at all, but that is reality. This war doesn’t make sense.

Worse if Putin is still alive or dead and someone even more hard core takes over. Better if Putin dies and the opposition takes over. (what's left of it)

They won't and can't, because in their minds then all this fighting would be for nothing.
Worse if Putin is still alive or dead and someone even more hard core takes over. Better if Putin dies and the opposition takes over. (what's left of it)

They won't and can't, because in their minds then all this fighting would be for nothing.
There is no opposition there. Putin has already put forward his conditions.
The Russo–Ukrainian war continues. Although Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has indicated an interest in negotiation, the Biden administration has escalated the fighting, most recently by permitting the use of American weapons to strike targets within Russia. Europe’s vocal war party is pushing for even more.
The stakes were evident when Putin expanded military forces along Ukraine’s border in late 2021. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted: “The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.… So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders.”
In March 2022, even Zelensky acknowledged as much: “Security guarantees and neutrality, the nuclear-free status of our state. We are ready to agree to it. This is the most important point. This was the first fundamental point for the Russian Federation, as far as I remember. And as far as I remember, they started a war because of this.” Yet the U.S. helped torpedo Russo–Ukrainian negotiations.The continuing war is an obvious disaster for the participants, most importantly Ukraine, since it provides most of the battlefield. The ongoing war is a human catastrophe. Simply giving more aid in hopes that something good will result is not a strategy. This approach ensures continued death and destruction and risks military escalation and expansion.

The U.S. and other nations have no definition of victory in Ukraine

who said to you ?

this is our plan :
In other words sacrifice more Ukrainians, promote imperialism,
said 🇷🇺IMPERIALIST N1 (Maskal) HERE

Capturing territory is easy. Holding hostile territory is hard

We learned that in Vietnam and Afghanistan

They seem to be holding it just fine, and Ukraine doesn't have the topography (jungle or mountains) nor the tenacity of people to make that an apt comparison.

They also have a sizable Russian ethnic population in both those areas supporting them.
I can counter your pathetic replies all day long.

From the Oslo Accords (Sept. 1993) until September 2000 - nearly 300 Israelis were killed in attacks.

During the Al-Aqsa Intifada (Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2005), another 1,100 Israelis were killed.

Since September 2000, Palestinian terrorist attacks have claimed at least 1,429 Israeli lives. Hundreds more have been wounded.

Since the Oslo Accords were signed, at least 1,345 Israeli civilians have been murdered (revised to exclude soldiers and police). These figures do not yet include the still undetermined total (estimated at more than 1,000) of Israelis killed in the October 7, 2023, massacre perpetrated by Hamas.

This list includes 21 Israelis killed abroad in terror attacks directed specifically against Israeli targets and three American diplomatic personnel killed in Gaza. It does not include IDF soldiers or other non-civilians.

Since the founding of Israel to today, please tell me the numbers of Israelis versus Palestinians killed and wounded, and displaced? What do you see?

HINT: it’s not close and a conclusion is obvious.

Unfortunately, dumb Americans like you have no knowledge of the entire history. You know of atrocities by Palestinians whom you are indoctrinated to hate, but know nothing of the atrocities by Israel.
I can counter your pathetic replies all day long.

From the Oslo Accords (Sept. 1993) until September 2000 - nearly 300 Israelis were killed in attacks.

During the Al-Aqsa Intifada (Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2005), another 1,100 Israelis were killed.

Since September 2000, Palestinian terrorist attacks have claimed at least 1,429 Israeli lives. Hundreds more have been wounded.

Since the Oslo Accords were signed, at least 1,345 Israeli civilians have been murdered (revised to exclude soldiers and police). These figures do not yet include the still undetermined total (estimated at more than 1,000) of Israelis killed in the October 7, 2023, massacre perpetrated by Hamas.

This list includes 21 Israelis killed abroad in terror attacks directed specifically against Israeli targets and three American diplomatic personnel killed in Gaza. It does not include IDF soldiers or other non-civilians.
In 1993, who agreed to recognize Israel?

In 1998, who recognized Israel at the UN’s General Assembly?
They seem to be holding it just fine, and Ukraine doesn't have the topography (jungle or mountains) nor the tenacity of people to make that an apt comparison.

They also have a sizable Russian ethnic population in both those areas supporting them.

Russia is facing massive casualties
While the US economy can sustain military occupations lasting decades, Russia does not have that luxury.

Russias days of “they will treat us as liberators” are long gone.
They have been brutal to the civilian population and have lost any goodwill

Many Chechen fighters went to Ukraine and joined the jihad against Russia. Ukraine has become a hotbed of jihadist activities targeting Europe as a result. Despite the danger posed by ISIS-K, Ukraine has not banned jihadists from entering the country.

According to counterterrorism researchers – during the Syrian conflict, Ukraine has been used as a transit point for ISIS fighters who sought to move further into the European nations.

In Ukraine, these individuals receive treatment to improve their health and meet representatives of local terror cells. Additionally, they managed paper marriages with Ukrainian females, which enabled them to get citizenship in the country ultimately.

Russia is facing massive casualties
While the US economy can sustain military occupations lasting decades, Russia does not have that luxury.

Russias days of “they will treat us as liberators” are long gone.
They have been brutal to the civilian population and have lost any goodwill

And they have a history of absorbing them, both self inflicted and inflicted by others. Right now they seem to be doing just fine.

That's all well and good for the propaganda battle, but does nothing for the actual battle, or questions for rational people on the actual battle and the anticipated outcomes.

Right now I am re-reading a book on the Battle of Tannenberg (1914). The Russians got their ass kicked in that one, and still lasted 3+ years before Revolution brought them down.

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