The truth behind the GOP politics and their blind allegence to Trump


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
There are two defining factors that keep Ryan and Mitch in step with the mad man, just two reasons.

1) They are able to place anything before this nut and he will sign matter what it is, Trump will take a opportunity to have a massage photo signing and declare it law. Trump is out for the spotlight, not substance nor policy and both house leaders know this. Years of waiting and planing for a moment like this, a dream come true for this party.

2) What is also clear is that the GOP is fully aware of its base. Angry white people with GUNS!! I honestly believe with my heart and soul, this party fears its base and its arsonal of guns more than anything in the world. These people are unpredictable, uneducated, crazy as hell and have no issues taking a car and running into a human beings or shooting from a building, etc....they're locked and loaded and will not hesitate to take that anger out on a Mitch or a Ryan. 200 million plus guns in this country....that is why the GOP fears Trump's base...not Trump, not Banon, but the idiots that support their rhetoric!

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