The Trump Recession Began in February

I am surprised. I thought Trump would have done this sooner. Yep, recession started in February, before the shutdowns.

This from Trump's previous three quarters of low GDOP growth. His doubled deficits. His 1.5 triullion stimulus a failure.

Trumps piss poor response to COIVD 19 just expanded it.

There's also a school of thought that holds the wheels began coming off Trump's economy last September:

Fed’s Repo Loans to Wall Street Skyrocket by 230 Percent Week Over Week

"The Federal Reserve is desperately hoping that the pandemic, the coast-to-coast protests and the military generals’ scathing rebuke of the President’s plan to 'dominate' grannies and college kids with bayonets and Black Hawk helicopters in the streets would distract the public from its money-feeding tube to Wall Street..."

"As we explained yesterday, the wheels were coming off the financial bus months before COVID-19 had claimed its first victim anywhere in the world.

"As our ongoing series on the Fed’s bailouts explain, the emergency loans from the Fed began on September 17, 2019 while the first reported case of COVID-19 did not emerge until more than three months later.

"Based on the Fed’s own Excel spreadsheet data, the Fed had made more than $6 trillion cumulatively in revolving emergency loans to Wall Street before the first COVID-19 case was reported in China."

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