The Trump Economic Optimism Surge Has Vanished: IBD/TIPP Poll


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011


The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index fell to 51.7 in April, down from 55.3 in March. After hitting a 12-year high of 56.4 in February, optimism has fallen almost all the way back to where it was at the start of November, before the surprise election of Donald Trump.

The polling, from March 24-30, came after President Trump pulled the plug on House Speaker Paul Ryan's bill that would have repealed and replaced ObamaCare but potentially increased the ranks of the uninsured by 24 million.

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index at the start of April remained just above its pre-Trump level, 51.7 vs. 51.3, and holding above the neutral 50 level. Yet two of the IBD/TIPP Poll's three major subindexes, optimism about the six-month economic outlook and satisfaction with government economic policies, have fallen below their pre-election levels. The third subindex, a gauge of optimism about personal financial prospects, remains moderately above its pre-Trump level, undoubtedly helped by the postelection rally in the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite.


The question for markets will be what to make of the sudden drop in Trump-fueled economic optimism. It's possible that the decline could be a fleeting response to the failed GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare, or it could signal lower confidence that Trump will enact a positive economic agenda.

The risk is that a pullback in economic optimism will carry over to the business sector...

...The measure of confidence in federal economic policies slumped 7 points to 42.6, even worse than November's 43.1 reading. The index had signaled optimism for the first time in a decade in February.
from: The Trump Economic Optimism Surge Has Vanished: IBD/TIPP Poll


The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index fell to 51.7 in April, down from 55.3 in March. After hitting a 12-year high of 56.4 in February, optimism has fallen almost all the way back to where it was at the start of November, before the surprise election of Donald Trump.

The polling, from March 24-30, came after President Trump pulled the plug on House Speaker Paul Ryan's bill that would have repealed and replaced ObamaCare but potentially increased the ranks of the uninsured by 24 million.

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index at the start of April remained just above its pre-Trump level, 51.7 vs. 51.3, and holding above the neutral 50 level. Yet two of the IBD/TIPP Poll's three major subindexes, optimism about the six-month economic outlook and satisfaction with government economic policies, have fallen below their pre-election levels. The third subindex, a gauge of optimism about personal financial prospects, remains moderately above its pre-Trump level, undoubtedly helped by the postelection rally in the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite.


The question for markets will be what to make of the sudden drop in Trump-fueled economic optimism. It's possible that the decline could be a fleeting response to the failed GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare, or it could signal lower confidence that Trump will enact a positive economic agenda.

The risk is that a pullback in economic optimism will carry over to the business sector...

...The measure of confidence in federal economic policies slumped 7 points to 42.6, even worse than November's 43.1 reading. The index had signaled optimism for the first time in a decade in February.
Not as bad as Trump's approval rating plummeted

Trump Support Plunges In Latest IBD/TIPP Poll
No shit!

Cut science funding...Screwing over hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs.
Kill renewable energy jobs and investment...Hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Get into trade fights and wars
Kill off our tourist industry.

The guys a real dumbass.
from: The Trump Economic Optimism Surge Has Vanished: IBD/TIPP Poll


The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index fell to 51.7 in April, down from 55.3 in March. After hitting a 12-year high of 56.4 in February, optimism has fallen almost all the way back to where it was at the start of November, before the surprise election of Donald Trump.

The polling, from March 24-30, came after President Trump pulled the plug on House Speaker Paul Ryan's bill that would have repealed and replaced ObamaCare but potentially increased the ranks of the uninsured by 24 million.

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index at the start of April remained just above its pre-Trump level, 51.7 vs. 51.3, and holding above the neutral 50 level. Yet two of the IBD/TIPP Poll's three major subindexes, optimism about the six-month economic outlook and satisfaction with government economic policies, have fallen below their pre-election levels. The third subindex, a gauge of optimism about personal financial prospects, remains moderately above its pre-Trump level, undoubtedly helped by the postelection rally in the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite.


The question for markets will be what to make of the sudden drop in Trump-fueled economic optimism. It's possible that the decline could be a fleeting response to the failed GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare, or it could signal lower confidence that Trump will enact a positive economic agenda.

The risk is that a pullback in economic optimism will carry over to the business sector...

...The measure of confidence in federal economic policies slumped 7 points to 42.6, even worse than November's 43.1 reading. The index had signaled optimism for the first time in a decade in February.
Trump's meeting with CEOs today was the 17th CEO meeting since he took office. Fox normally televises a good portion of each one. All the big wheels seem enthusiastic because of all the restrictions he's lifted. One reporter said Trump's 17 meetings in 21/2 months were more than Bush and Obama together had in their 16 years in office combined. Give it a little time to see what occurs.
Trump's meeting with CEOs today was the 17th CEO meeting since he took office. Fox normally televises a good portion of each one. All the big wheels seem enthusiastic because of all the restrictions he's lifted.

Duh they seem happy. They're being given free reign to rob us all blind.
Your tax dollars have bigly boosted Mar-a-Lago's profits, among other Dump properties. Congratulations. And USMB is probably selling what info it has about you as we speak, now that Trump has made doing so legal.
...Trump's 17 meetings in 21/2 months were more than Bush and Obama together...
What, the president is supposed to avoid business owners? This idea that people magically become unworthy or unclean if they create jobs and sell things is plain stupid. My take is that Trump's doing somethings right and meeting w/ community leaders is one of them.
...They're being given free reign to rob us all blind.
Sounds like you hate folks that who sell things and hire people. That would be consistent w/ anyone who hates paying for things and earning a wage, but it's still sick.
...They're being given free reign to rob us all blind.
Sounds like you hate folks that who sell things and hire people. That would be consistent w/ anyone who hates paying for things and earning a wage, but it's still sick.
TheOldFool is incensed because everyone is not quitting work, stops building things so they can be dependent on the government programs and free shit.
...They're being given free reign to rob us all blind.
Sounds like you hate folks that who sell things and hire people. That would be consistent w/ anyone who hates paying for things and earning a wage, but it's still sick.

I never said that, cupcake. Remember, Trump bragged about profiting from the misery of the housing crisis and one of his priorities is to remove regulations that were enacted to prevent another housing crisis. He does not have your best interests at heart. Those meetings with CEO's were not about how to improve America, they were about how to keep increasing the wage gap now that under Obama the economy was put back in order.
...TheOldFool is incensed because everyone is not quitting work, stops building things so they can be dependent on the government programs and free shit.
tx! for a min. I thot he was just mad at me but I feel better knowing I'm in good company.


The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index fell to 51.7 in April, down from 55.3 in March. After hitting a 12-year high of 56.4 in February, optimism has fallen almost all the way back to where it was at the start of November, before the surprise election of Donald Trump.

The polling, from March 24-30, came after President Trump pulled the plug on House Speaker Paul Ryan's bill that would have repealed and replaced ObamaCare but potentially increased the ranks of the uninsured by 24 million.

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index at the start of April remained just above its pre-Trump level, 51.7 vs. 51.3, and holding above the neutral 50 level. Yet two of the IBD/TIPP Poll's three major subindexes, optimism about the six-month economic outlook and satisfaction with government economic policies, have fallen below their pre-election levels. The third subindex, a gauge of optimism about personal financial prospects, remains moderately above its pre-Trump level, undoubtedly helped by the postelection rally in the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite.


The question for markets will be what to make of the sudden drop in Trump-fueled economic optimism. It's possible that the decline could be a fleeting response to the failed GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare, or it could signal lower confidence that Trump will enact a positive economic agenda.

The risk is that a pullback in economic optimism will carry over to the business sector...

...The measure of confidence in federal economic policies slumped 7 points to 42.6, even worse than November's 43.1 reading. The index had signaled optimism for the first time in a decade in February.
That OP didn’t age well

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