The Tree of Life synagogue - A Must Read For All Hate Mongers !


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!
I would never promote hate.


However, I'm a big fan of surliness.
I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!

Why would anyone care what a pro-faggot organization has to say about events that aren't even related to the faggotry and sickness that they promote?
I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!
You do know that a Radical Muslim killed 49 gays and wounded 50 others at a Gay Bar, that was Obama's FBI that fucked up and allowed the fucker to buy guns and do his liberal deed?
That it was a Radical Muslim on Obama's FBI terrorist list,that took weapons into Fort Hood shot up young wounded soldiers in the name of Allah, and Obama called it work place violence?

That it was 2 Radical Muslims, again on Obama's FBI terrorist list that shot up a Christmas Party in San Bernardino and Obama again called it work place violence?

Seems that liberals are the ones condoning such violence against gays, Christians and any other people who happen to be in their vicinity. And when the Republicans were shot up at the Virginia baseball field, I guess that was okay also? Only people promoting violence is the liberals, as for liberals and Muslims think alike.
With the growing Muslim presence in the West, progressives have witnessed first hand how effective Islam is at combating white supremacy and white privilege. Towns in Europe that were once bastions of whiteness are now exclusively dominated by Muslims, who do not welcome whites or Christians. Witnessing this transformation, progressives have begun to form a powerful alliance with Islam, striking fear into the hearts of whites, conservatives and Christians throughout the western world.
When all the rest of the Christians are gone and only the liberals are left, they will be slaves of Islam or have their heads cut off.

I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!

Why would anyone care what a pro-faggot organization has to say about events that aren't even related to the faggotry and sickness that they promote?
They promote and defend human / civil rights! You are exactly the type of "person" who I am addressing with my admonition! You should be ashamed ! You have blood on your hands !!
They promote and defend human / civil rights! You are exactly the type of "person" who I am addressing with my admonition! You should be ashamed ! You have blood on your hands !!

Why should I be ashamed? I'm not the one who openly sides with sick, immoral, mentally-defective freaks and perverts. That would be you.

I get why you're not ashamed. Shame requires a conscience—a sense of right and wrong, good and evil—which it has long been clear that you lack.
There is plenty of pain when a massacre occurs, but looking for scapegoats to blame it on just makes things worse.

Just because a person belongs to a certain religion group, political group, or belief system does not make it ok to blame everyone in that group for what he did.

Individuals, not groups, are to blame for these crimes.
I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!

Why would anyone care what a pro-faggot organization has to say about events that aren't even related to the faggotry and sickness that they promote?
They promote and defend human / civil rights! You are exactly the type of "person" who I am addressing with my admonition! You should be ashamed ! You have blood on your hands !!
Nice try on using the Rules for Radicals you follower of Lucifer. Only people with blood on their hands is Obama and Eric Holder(who allowed 10,000 Mexicans to die by Fast and Furious), James Comey for failing at protecting those I mentioned above,and you fuckers who voted for them, not once but twice.
There is plenty of pain when a massacre occurs, but looking for scapegoats to blame it on just makes things worse.

Just because a person belongs to a certain religion group, political group, or belief system does not make it ok to blame everyone in that group for what he did.

Individuals, not groups, are to blame for these crimes.

I was in fact admonishing individuals. However rose individuals are often part of a group that shares and promotes there rhetoric and values

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alphabet people are not being persecuted in any way, except for sporadic individual attacks, most of which are highly ambiguous (i.e., "Was he attacked for being gay, or for being an ass-hole?"). One has no "civil right" to demand that others recognize an obvious delusion. Would this gang of thugs object to Pocahontas Warren still laying claim to being a "Woman of Color"? That's her preferred delusion - now exposed for the lie it always was.

Official refusal to condone "transgenderism" is not oppression, but merely recognizing biological fact. I dare those who claim otherwise to challenge the NCAA, the International Olympic Committee, the PGA, the NBA, and so on. These institutions ALSO deny the fiction of transgenderism, but somehow fly under the radar of Lambda, et al.

The neurotic pursuit of victimhood must the quashed. At all costs.
I strongly urge everyone to read this before you utter, or condone another hateful, bigoted word here or any where else!

Lambda Legal Responds to Tree of Life Massacre, Week of White Supremacist Violence

Selected Excerpts:

Our hearts go out to the family, friends, and community of the Tree of Life congregation following the anti-Semitic massacre on Saturday. We share in the grief and anger of people everywhere in response to this latest act of hate violence at the end of one of the most painful weeks in recent memory. We stand with other marginalized and targeted communities, united in our determination to beat back bigotry

We stand opposed to the white supremacist violence convulsing our nation and stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted by it. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and with Jewish people everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community of Louisville, and with people of color everywhere across this country. We stand in solidarity with immigrants.

This is what it comes down to......

“We know that all of these attacks are connected, each part of a larger web of hate that is being spun in an effort to undermine civil rights and intimidate people. And we know that LGBTQ people are targets in that larger web. Last week began with news of a memo being circulated within the federal government that sought to erase transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people by literally defining them out of existence for purposes of federal law.

The bottom line....

“This effort to undermine our democracy through violence and repression must not be allowed to succeed.

Do not dare to claim that you believe in democracy, do not dare to call liberals Fascists , if you promote hate!
Clue: Not agreeing with your neo-fascist politics of perpetual victimhood ≠ Hate.
Mr. Bowers, the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter, had a sharp, enduring hatred for President Trump, and that was his motive. Sure, it was a hate crime. The idea of recognizing Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people drove Bowers to madness.

No mention of what religion Bowers is, my guess is he is a devout Jihadi.
Mr. Bowers, the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter, had a sharp, enduring hatred for President Trump, and that was his motive. Sure, it was a hate crime. The idea of recognizing Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people drove Bowers to madness.

No mention of what religion Bowers is, my guess is he is a devout Jihadi.
That is ridiculous! Hate for Trump was not his motive. It was hate for Jews!!
Alphabet people are not being persecuted in any way, except for sporadic individual attacks, most of which are highly ambiguous (i.e., "Was he attacked for being gay, or for being an ass-hole?"). One has no "civil right" to demand that others recognize an obvious delusion. Would this gang of thugs object to Pocahontas Warren still laying claim to being a "Woman of Color"? That's her preferred delusion - now exposed for the lie it always was.

Official refusal to condone "transgenderism" is not oppression, but merely recognizing biological fact. I dare those who claim otherwise to challenge the NCAA, the International Olympic Committee, the PGA, the NBA, and so on. These institutions ALSO deny the fiction of transgenderism, but somehow fly under the radar of Lambda, et al.

The neurotic pursuit of victimhood must the quashed. At all costs.
What the hell are you blathering about now. It seems that you're confused about what thread you're on.

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