The tragic life of slaves around the World

The people who are most joyful in life, Dekster? Are the most grateful. They truly have hearts of gratitude. Is that a coincidence? I do not believe it is. I believe gratitude produces joy.
Consumers should become better educated about this, and MSM should do a better job of reporting it. If it becomes sufficiently well-known, pressure can be applied down the line to stop a lot of the slavery.
While there are no official records of how many men are enslaved on Thai fishing boats, the Thai government estimates that up to 300,000 people work within its fishing industry, 90% of whom are migrants vulnerable to being duped, trafficked and sold to the sea.

The vast majority of these men come from neighbouring Cambodia, Laos and Burma, lured by Thailand’s strong economy and large pool of unskilled jobs. They pay brokers to help traffic them over the border and find them work in factories, on plantations or at construction sites – but many of them will be sold instead on to boats to fill a massive labour shortage in Thailand’s fishing sector.Trafficked into slavery on Thai trawlers to catch food for prawns Global development The Guardian
These men come illegally hoping to get a job illegally and are sold into slavery. Is that it? What are they complaining about? They tried to break the law.
Indentured slaves are no less slaves than any other slaves. And where are the liberals who should be blubbering in their crying towels about the world's communist polities wherein all people are slaves? They aren't allowed to leave their countries and they need internal passports to travel within their own terror states. There are millions of blacks held in bondage, yet I'd say Asia has at least 4 times as many slaves. I'd also be amazed if at least 50% of Pakistan's children aren't in some state of bondage slavery. That's all Pakistan is: one giant slave colony.
Makes the assholes here marching in protest look pretty stupid, doesn't it?
Therein lies the stupidity of some people. I guess your stance is that if someone has it worse than you its ok for you to be mistreated. What a dumb ass.

I do not believe that is what has troubled you, Asclepias. I believe you have been hit with the reality that the people in NY and Ferguson have nothing to complain about. They are living like kings and queens compared to these people being posted on this thread. They protest to destroy property, smash and grab and justify this by reliving the story of how an armed robber who refused to stand down is now dead because a police officer dared to defend himself. The other one refused to obey the law - resisted arrest and had a heart attack in an ambulance and for this you think these people are justified in inciting the people of America to violence against Police Officers? Resulting in the death of 2 officers and for what? So they can have some free television sets? The trouble here is that the entitlement mindset has gone into overdrive and now people believe they are justified in armed robbery and law breaking with no consequences. It is time to face reality. True injustice is what you see in these photographs. You've got nothing to complain about and neither does any other red blooded American in this country. Thank God you live here and stop behaving as if the world owes you a living. It does not.

If the protesters in America do not stop this nonsense and start having a grateful heart for the great privilege of being an American? I believe God will have to wake all of you up Himself! You won't like it either!

Mark my words! That day is Coming! It is surely Coming!
Pardon me but thats a bunch of BS. Different circumstances entirely. The people all over this country has just as much right to draw attention to brutality no matter how it looks compared to someone elses plight. They have slavery right here in the US if you really want to precise. It makes no sense to not protest. What you are advocating is that we allow our situaton to grow just as bad as theirs then and only then is it right to complain. Well at that point you wont have much of a voice left will you?

You keep it up and the Communists will make sure we have it just as bad. Cut the nonsense! I have heard enough! You and your protester buddies are going to create a situation in which our freedoms will be a thing of the past! You can be sure the sharks are circling the waters even now just waiting for the moment we are vulnerable enough to blindside us and take us down hard. America is becoming more and more vulnerable to an outside attack because a nation divided is destined to fall. WAKE UP.

And stop trying to derail my thread. This isn't Ferguson, Tootsie bell. I am not putting up with it.
Jere said Tootsie Bell. :lol:
Let me translate since Jere doesn't cuss.

Hmm. It's along the lines of "go fuck yourself without vaseline so it BURNS".

I know, Gracie, I lost my temper. I need to regroup. Quickhit mentioned the need for more exposure on these stories so they can put pressure on these people to stop the slavery. I think that is a worthy cause to get involved in. I'm going to focus on that tomorrow. God willing. Have a good night. Sweet dreams you ladies and gents.
I do not believe that is what has troubled you, Asclepias. I believe you have been hit with the reality that the people in NY and Ferguson have nothing to complain about. They are living like kings and queens compared to these people being posted on this thread. They protest to destroy property, smash and grab and justify this by reliving the story of how an armed robber who refused to stand down is now dead because a police officer dared to defend himself. The other one refused to obey the law - resisted arrest and had a heart attack in an ambulance and for this you think these people are justified in inciting the people of America to violence against Police Officers? Resulting in the death of 2 officers and for what? So they can have some free television sets? The trouble here is that the entitlement mindset has gone into overdrive and now people believe they are justified in armed robbery and law breaking with no consequences. It is time to face reality. True injustice is what you see in these photographs. You've got nothing to complain about and neither does any other red blooded American in this country. Thank God you live here and stop behaving as if the world owes you a living. It does not.

If the protesters in America do not stop this nonsense and start having a grateful heart for the great privilege of being an American? I believe God will have to wake all of you up Himself! You won't like it either!

Mark my words! That day is Coming! It is surely Coming!
Pardon me but thats a bunch of BS. Different circumstances entirely. The people all over this country has just as much right to draw attention to brutality no matter how it looks compared to someone elses plight. They have slavery right here in the US if you really want to precise. It makes no sense to not protest. What you are advocating is that we allow our situaton to grow just as bad as theirs then and only then is it right to complain. Well at that point you wont have much of a voice left will you?

You keep it up and the Communists will make sure we have it just as bad. Cut the nonsense! I have heard enough! You and your protester buddies are going to create a situation in which our freedoms will be a thing of the past! You can be sure the sharks are circling the waters even now just waiting for the moment we are vulnerable enough to blindside us and take us down hard. America is becoming more and more vulnerable to an outside attack because a nation divided is destined to fall. WAKE UP.

And stop trying to derail my thread. This isn't Ferguson, Tootsie bell. I am not putting up with it.
Who said the Communists will be able to do anything? I dont remember the last time a communist society worked in the modern world. I'm speaking of protesting racism. No I wont cut anything and I dont care if you have had enough. You cant tell me allowing brutality in any form to exist is helping someone in slavery. You are in essence saying keep quiet or the monsters will get you to. I'm not a timid person. If you are afraid go hide somewhere. I make a lot of noise. I'm not derailing your thread. The racist harlot Gracie did that.

Al Sharpton is a Communist. So is the Mayor of NY. You are living in a country - America - that has been targeted by Communists. This is no joke. The Communists among us want to drive the nation over the cliff - that is why they are busing protesters all over the country and bankrolling this Protest. Stop contributing to your own demise , Asceplias. Once we go over the cliff - there is no going back. So think exit strategy because in this scenario? There isn't one.

Please apologise to Gracie or you'll have to take back your own words on the Respect thread you started. You will recall we both agreed everyone should be treated with respect. No pre - qualifying. She is a nice woman. Let's be nice. Thank you.
Al Sharpton is many things but a communist he is not. Even if he was there is nothing wrong with communist ideas. I'm not contributing to my demise. I will be fine regardless of who is charge.

I will apologize to Grace when she apologizes for calling me a negro and a ****** and assuming I should be fine it.

she was inaccurate in her assessment?
People do what they can do. There are a plethora of groups addressing third world plight. They may be conservative Christian churches digging wells, clearing/planting fields, etc, billionaires like Bill Gates trying to drive innovations like waterless toilets, or liberals like David Milliband trying to raise money to get food to refugees. We each get to decide what we do with our time, money and energies. We don't get to decide what other people's priorities are.

Whose deciding? If my thread convicts the hearts of some folks who are protesting brutality and suddenly see they have no complaints compared to the rest of the world and recognize they have taken things for granted? It's an opportunity to change. I think its time Americans became more grateful don't you?
Why do you keep saying they have no complaints? Its pretty self evident they have complaints and thats why they are protesting.

Complaints? Do you realize that we as a people are richer than 92% of the rest of the world? If you have a bed, a roof and some pocket change - not even a savings account - you're in that 8%. Do you know that people living in the 10/40 window live on approximately a dollar a day? Do you know why America was so hated all these years? They envy our freedom! Keep this up? And we will lose it. Then you'll see how quickly today will seem like a dream. When you do not have it any longer. We never appreciate something until it's gone. Ask any person who has lived under a communist regime and they will tell you . They are even seeing the signs clearly, Asceplias. And openly warning us.
You must not get out of the US a lot. I've traveled the world and I can tell you that people in other countries have the same luxuries we do. Of course they have some very impoverished places as well but there are a number of countries I would live in if my family was not here in the states.
People do what they can do. There are a plethora of groups addressing third world plight. They may be conservative Christian churches digging wells, clearing/planting fields, etc, billionaires like Bill Gates trying to drive innovations like waterless toilets, or liberals like David Milliband trying to raise money to get food to refugees. We each get to decide what we do with our time, money and energies. We don't get to decide what other people's priorities are.

Whose deciding? If my thread convicts the hearts of some folks who are protesting brutality and suddenly see they have no complaints compared to the rest of the world and recognize they have taken things for granted? It's an opportunity to change. I think its time Americans became more grateful don't you?
Why do you keep saying they have no complaints? Its pretty self evident they have complaints and thats why they are protesting.

Complaints? Do you realize that we as a people are richer than 92% of the rest of the world? If you have a bed, a roof and some pocket change - not even a savings account - you're in that 8%. Do you know that people living in the 10/40 window live on approximately a dollar a day? Do you know why America was so hated all these years? They envy our freedom! Keep this up? And we will lose it. Then you'll see how quickly today will seem like a dream. When you do not have it any longer. We never appreciate something until it's gone. Ask any person who has lived under a communist regime and they will tell you . They are even seeing the signs clearly, Asceplias. And openly warning us.
You must not get out of the US a lot. I've traveled the world and I can tell you that people in other countries have the same luxuries we do. Of course they have some very impoverished places as well but there are a number of countries I would live in if my family was not here in the states.

I apologize for calling you tootsie bell. That was not necessary. I do not get out of my house much. Are you kidding me? You are talking to a recluse here. As for luxuries. Americans are better off than the rest of the world which was my point in telling you that these protesters need to take a look around - be grateful for all that they have been give (Given being the operative word here) and thank God for it. Instead of behaving like a horse leach and demanding, More! More!
lol. I about peed myself seeing Jere get so mad she called someone a Tootsie Bell. :rofl:

You are funny, Gracie. This board would not be the same without you. I'm glad you're here. Thanks for the laughter this morning. I had a good laugh at myself!
That is another thing these people in chains do not have. They don't have laughter because there is nothing for them to laugh about. They are suffering all the day long while their families do not even know what happened to them. (some) Imagine what it would be like to be a slave and have no hope for a better life? Just the looks on the faces of these people tell the story of how much despair they are in. These big companies, Walmart, Costco and the others listed are keeping their slavers in business. This must end! Want to stage a protest? Stage one on those grounds, Asceplias! Then you'll be doing something productive.
Huffpost missed one of the greatest offenders ------> CP Foods- whose customers are Walmart, Costco, Tesco, Morrisons,Carrefour and more.. they are not on this list. The seafood provided by the Slave Owners who use Thai Slaves - it's not on this list. That means it is up to us to put them on the map! Can the USMB bloggers do it? Yes, we can!

13 Products Most Likely To Made By Child Or Forced Labor PHOTOS

Note who is not on this list!

And why!

The vessels catch fish and shellfish for domestic and international markets, including roughly 350,000 tonnes of trash fish, every year, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). This trash fish is separated at sea and ferried back on cargo boats to shore, where it is ground down and turned into fishmeal for multinational companies such as CP Foods, which use it in animal feed for prawn, pig and chicken farming.

CP in turn supplies food retailers and giant international supermarkets including Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, Costco, Morrisons, the Co-operative and Iceland, with frozen and fresh prawns, and ready-made meals.


Time to educate these folks that they are financing Massive Slave Labor!
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Meet the Slavers who supply Walmart, Costco, Tesco, Carrefour, Morrisons, and other major Companies selling to their Seafood to the World!

CP Foods Company

CP Foods
At CP Foods, we create beautiful
delicious food for every occasion
from some of the world’s finest
production facilities.
Choose from our own branded ranges
or ask us to develop your own-label

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