The tragic life of slaves around the World

I apologize for calling you tootsie bell. That was not necessary. I do not get out of my house much. Are you kidding me? You are talking to a recluse here. As for luxuries. Americans are better off than the rest of the world which was my point in telling you that these protesters need to take a look around - be grateful for all that they have been give (Given being the operative word here) and thank God for it. Instead of behaving like a horse leach and demanding, More! More!
No problem. Someone calling me a name matters little to me. If you are a recluse you should stop that and travel to other countries. Some Americans are better off than people in other countries. Dont get fooled by the propaganda. The protesters need to deal with their reality before looking around. If they are being abused, being grateful they are americans doesnt quite cut it. They should protest. It has nothing to do with someone else being enslaved. You dont ignore evil just because its a lesser of 2 evils. You deal with the evil so it doesnt turn into a greater evil.

I'm not in favor of name calling. Thank you for your forgiveness. If you apologise first to Gracie, I'm sure she will look favorable towards such humility. She is a fair minded woman. As to traveling to other countries, it isn't necessary. I have a computer and can see quite clearly what is going on out there. I also have been a member and supporter of VOM for almost 15 years now and get monthly news letters. I see the photographs and get first hand information about the plight of those suffering under Communist regimes, Islamic States, and such, Asceplias. I'm not hiding under a pillow here. I do make my voice heard and you should too. You and I have a different perception of what evil is. I find evil to be a protest on behalf of an armed robber who was charging a law abiding police officer, a protest on behalf of a man arrested 30 times prior for breaking the law only to ignore it yet again, resist arrest when he was caught and die in an ambulance on the way to a hospital that the tax payers undoubtedly would have picked up the tab for. I find evil to be chanting death to Cops and marching down the middle of a NYC street - therein blocking traffic and bringing the world to a standstill so that they can incite the murder of two police officers. I find evil to be a people outraged that NYPD would turn their backs on a Communist Mayor who first turned his back upon them by throwing them under the proverbial bus! I find evil to be busing these lawless, police hating protesters around the United States on the taxpayers dollar. I find evil to be calling good evil and evil good! I call evil ignoring the plight of your own brothers and sisters - even children - enslaved around the world right this second in order to continue a protest that has no valid purpose other than to further disrupt law and order throughout the United States of America. That is what I call evil. Feel free to pass the word. I find the actions of these protesters in Ferguson and NYC to be a reprehensible disgrace.

It's time for you to get on the right side of the issues and make a stand for something that counts. Like making your voice known to put an end to slavery around the world. Then you'll be getting somewhere.
I'm not really in favor of name calling either but I will if the situation warrants. I wont apologize to Gracie because she is the one that got a hair up her ass and decided it was ok to call me a negro and ****** before I ever made a disparaging remark to her..She is the one that admitted she was learning more about Black people from stormfront. You can be her friend but to me she is nothing but a latent racist that just realized it.

You basically just admitted you are the product of propaganda. You dont sit back and observe the world through a computer. You need to be there and see for yourself. You dont want to be that guy that is the victim of someone elses interpretation of the facts. For instance you say the guy was an armed robber that was charging a law abiding police officer. I hope you were not talking about Brown because he was not armed and I know he wasnt charging the officer. Why would he do that if he just ran from him? I dont find the protests to be evil. They are a valid protest of the reality that Black and Brown people get harassed and killed by the cops all the time. Once you come to grips that your reality does not = our reality you may be able to see with a bit more clarity.

If that is your true feelings about respecting others (you have to get respect from them first) then you will have to retract your own thread - Respecting others - won't you?

I am listening to the testimonies of victims who have risked their very lives to tell their stories. What in the world are you talking about - I am the product of progaganda?

Have a look in the mirror, Asceplias. You are listening to the likes of Al Sharpton instead of examining the facts for yourself concerning the case in Ferguson and N.Y.. It would appear to me that you are more interested in agreeing with those who accuse the innocent in order to justify the guilty!

As for me? I'll stand with those who are clearly innocent. The NYPD and the officer in Ferguson. BOTH are innocent. The Grand Jury said so - in both cases. Let Justice prevail. I rest my case.
No. I freely admitted that even though i thought that was a great approach I dont always subscribe to it myself.

How do you know you arent listening to paid actors/writers?

I dont listen to Al Sharpton. Never have. I'm looking at the reality of my life and others I personally know that have been the victims of harrassment and others that have been killed by racist cops.

There was nothing clearly innocent regarding people who lie under oath like Wilson did. The supposed prosecutor who did not even do his job by asking for an indictment didnt help matters either. Sory dog. You are looking at events tinted by your thoughts of what reality is. We wont ever agree until you can take them off and do what most humans have an issue with. Empathize. You cant sympathize because you dont have to deal with it. That being the case, there is nothing you can say to convince me that your opinion that entire races of people are imagining things is even a credible observation of the facts.

Paid actors and actresses? With cut off noses, amputated arms, knocked out teeth and burn scars? I do not know any paid actors and actresses that are willing to go to such lengths to propagate a lie. Do you?

I am glad to hear you do not listen to Al Sharpton. That speaks volumes about you and tells me you have good discernment and are not taken in easily by crooked politicians and false preachers.

You and I disagree on the matter of Ferguson. It is doubtful that there will be any progress on that front because your mind is made up and so is mine.

Have police abused their authority to discriminate against African american citizens? Yes, I believe there have been clearly defined cases of such abuse and it is reprehensible. They should be stripped of their badges immediately in my opinion. But neither case - Ferguson or NYPD provide an example of such abuses.

In both cases the officers on the scene were doing their job as defined by the respective laws of their State. Remember that they are law enforcement officers. NOT LAWMAKERS. In order to amend the law on "loosies" you have to go after the Lobbyists of big tobacco, the lawmakers - who create the taxes on cigarettes and how they are sold - and effect change at that level.

In closing, I do empathize with anyone who has been the victim of discrimination. I have put myself out there for some situations like that and as you do not know me - you would not be aware of that fact. But I have. I do empathize but in the matter of Ferguson and NYPD I believe your empathy is misplaced.
The most powerful weapon we have at our disposal to stop this monstrous practice is intercessory prayer. It is good to make our voices known but without prayer I do not see how it can be stopped. We have got to pray fervently for these people - as if it were us suffering in slavery. Americans do not believe this could happen to them. It can happen. It already has happened to some.
No problem. Someone calling me a name matters little to me. If you are a recluse you should stop that and travel to other countries. Some Americans are better off than people in other countries. Dont get fooled by the propaganda. The protesters need to deal with their reality before looking around. If they are being abused, being grateful they are americans doesnt quite cut it. They should protest. It has nothing to do with someone else being enslaved. You dont ignore evil just because its a lesser of 2 evils. You deal with the evil so it doesnt turn into a greater evil.

I'm not in favor of name calling. Thank you for your forgiveness. If you apologise first to Gracie, I'm sure she will look favorable towards such humility. She is a fair minded woman. As to traveling to other countries, it isn't necessary. I have a computer and can see quite clearly what is going on out there. I also have been a member and supporter of VOM for almost 15 years now and get monthly news letters. I see the photographs and get first hand information about the plight of those suffering under Communist regimes, Islamic States, and such, Asceplias. I'm not hiding under a pillow here. I do make my voice heard and you should too. You and I have a different perception of what evil is. I find evil to be a protest on behalf of an armed robber who was charging a law abiding police officer, a protest on behalf of a man arrested 30 times prior for breaking the law only to ignore it yet again, resist arrest when he was caught and die in an ambulance on the way to a hospital that the tax payers undoubtedly would have picked up the tab for. I find evil to be chanting death to Cops and marching down the middle of a NYC street - therein blocking traffic and bringing the world to a standstill so that they can incite the murder of two police officers. I find evil to be a people outraged that NYPD would turn their backs on a Communist Mayor who first turned his back upon them by throwing them under the proverbial bus! I find evil to be busing these lawless, police hating protesters around the United States on the taxpayers dollar. I find evil to be calling good evil and evil good! I call evil ignoring the plight of your own brothers and sisters - even children - enslaved around the world right this second in order to continue a protest that has no valid purpose other than to further disrupt law and order throughout the United States of America. That is what I call evil. Feel free to pass the word. I find the actions of these protesters in Ferguson and NYC to be a reprehensible disgrace.

It's time for you to get on the right side of the issues and make a stand for something that counts. Like making your voice known to put an end to slavery around the world. Then you'll be getting somewhere.
I'm not really in favor of name calling either but I will if the situation warrants. I wont apologize to Gracie because she is the one that got a hair up her ass and decided it was ok to call me a negro and ****** before I ever made a disparaging remark to her..She is the one that admitted she was learning more about Black people from stormfront. You can be her friend but to me she is nothing but a latent racist that just realized it.

You basically just admitted you are the product of propaganda. You dont sit back and observe the world through a computer. You need to be there and see for yourself. You dont want to be that guy that is the victim of someone elses interpretation of the facts. For instance you say the guy was an armed robber that was charging a law abiding police officer. I hope you were not talking about Brown because he was not armed and I know he wasnt charging the officer. Why would he do that if he just ran from him? I dont find the protests to be evil. They are a valid protest of the reality that Black and Brown people get harassed and killed by the cops all the time. Once you come to grips that your reality does not = our reality you may be able to see with a bit more clarity.

If that is your true feelings about respecting others (you have to get respect from them first) then you will have to retract your own thread - Respecting others - won't you?

I am listening to the testimonies of victims who have risked their very lives to tell their stories. What in the world are you talking about - I am the product of progaganda?

Have a look in the mirror, Asceplias. You are listening to the likes of Al Sharpton instead of examining the facts for yourself concerning the case in Ferguson and N.Y.. It would appear to me that you are more interested in agreeing with those who accuse the innocent in order to justify the guilty!

As for me? I'll stand with those who are clearly innocent. The NYPD and the officer in Ferguson. BOTH are innocent. The Grand Jury said so - in both cases. Let Justice prevail. I rest my case.
No. I freely admitted that even though i thought that was a great approach I dont always subscribe to it myself.

How do you know you arent listening to paid actors/writers?

I dont listen to Al Sharpton. Never have. I'm looking at the reality of my life and others I personally know that have been the victims of harrassment and others that have been killed by racist cops.

There was nothing clearly innocent regarding people who lie under oath like Wilson did. The supposed prosecutor who did not even do his job by asking for an indictment didnt help matters either. Sory dog. You are looking at events tinted by your thoughts of what reality is. We wont ever agree until you can take them off and do what most humans have an issue with. Empathize. You cant sympathize because you dont have to deal with it. That being the case, there is nothing you can say to convince me that your opinion that entire races of people are imagining things is even a credible observation of the facts.

Paid actors and actresses? With cut off noses, amputated arms, knocked out teeth and burn scars? I do not know any paid actors and actresses that are willing to go to such lengths to propagate a lie. Do you?

I am glad to hear you do not listen to Al Sharpton. That speaks volumes about you and tells me you have good discernment and are not taken in easily by crooked politicians and false preachers.

You and I disagree on the matter of Ferguson. It is doubtful that there will be any progress on that front because your mind is made up and so is mine.

Have police abused their authority to discriminate against African american citizens? Yes, I believe there have been clearly defined cases of such abuse and it is reprehensible. They should be stripped of their badges immediately in my opinion. But neither case - Ferguson or NYPD provide an example of such abuses.

In both cases the officers on the scene were doing their job as defined by the respective laws of their State. Remember that they are law enforcement officers. NOT LAWMAKERS. In order to amend the law on "loosies" you have to go after the Lobbyists of big tobacco, the lawmakers - who create the taxes on cigarettes and how they are sold - and effect change at that level.

In closing, I do empathize with anyone who has been the victim of discrimination. I have put myself out there for some situations like that and as you do not know me - you would not be aware of that fact. But I have. I do empathize but in the matter of Ferguson and NYPD I believe your empathy is misplaced.

Meet reality Jeremiah.

Off duty black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police Reuters

"The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them."
I'm not in favor of name calling. Thank you for your forgiveness. If you apologise first to Gracie, I'm sure she will look favorable towards such humility. She is a fair minded woman. As to traveling to other countries, it isn't necessary. I have a computer and can see quite clearly what is going on out there. I also have been a member and supporter of VOM for almost 15 years now and get monthly news letters. I see the photographs and get first hand information about the plight of those suffering under Communist regimes, Islamic States, and such, Asceplias. I'm not hiding under a pillow here. I do make my voice heard and you should too. You and I have a different perception of what evil is. I find evil to be a protest on behalf of an armed robber who was charging a law abiding police officer, a protest on behalf of a man arrested 30 times prior for breaking the law only to ignore it yet again, resist arrest when he was caught and die in an ambulance on the way to a hospital that the tax payers undoubtedly would have picked up the tab for. I find evil to be chanting death to Cops and marching down the middle of a NYC street - therein blocking traffic and bringing the world to a standstill so that they can incite the murder of two police officers. I find evil to be a people outraged that NYPD would turn their backs on a Communist Mayor who first turned his back upon them by throwing them under the proverbial bus! I find evil to be busing these lawless, police hating protesters around the United States on the taxpayers dollar. I find evil to be calling good evil and evil good! I call evil ignoring the plight of your own brothers and sisters - even children - enslaved around the world right this second in order to continue a protest that has no valid purpose other than to further disrupt law and order throughout the United States of America. That is what I call evil. Feel free to pass the word. I find the actions of these protesters in Ferguson and NYC to be a reprehensible disgrace.

It's time for you to get on the right side of the issues and make a stand for something that counts. Like making your voice known to put an end to slavery around the world. Then you'll be getting somewhere.
I'm not really in favor of name calling either but I will if the situation warrants. I wont apologize to Gracie because she is the one that got a hair up her ass and decided it was ok to call me a negro and ****** before I ever made a disparaging remark to her..She is the one that admitted she was learning more about Black people from stormfront. You can be her friend but to me she is nothing but a latent racist that just realized it.

You basically just admitted you are the product of propaganda. You dont sit back and observe the world through a computer. You need to be there and see for yourself. You dont want to be that guy that is the victim of someone elses interpretation of the facts. For instance you say the guy was an armed robber that was charging a law abiding police officer. I hope you were not talking about Brown because he was not armed and I know he wasnt charging the officer. Why would he do that if he just ran from him? I dont find the protests to be evil. They are a valid protest of the reality that Black and Brown people get harassed and killed by the cops all the time. Once you come to grips that your reality does not = our reality you may be able to see with a bit more clarity.

If that is your true feelings about respecting others (you have to get respect from them first) then you will have to retract your own thread - Respecting others - won't you?

I am listening to the testimonies of victims who have risked their very lives to tell their stories. What in the world are you talking about - I am the product of progaganda?

Have a look in the mirror, Asceplias. You are listening to the likes of Al Sharpton instead of examining the facts for yourself concerning the case in Ferguson and N.Y.. It would appear to me that you are more interested in agreeing with those who accuse the innocent in order to justify the guilty!

As for me? I'll stand with those who are clearly innocent. The NYPD and the officer in Ferguson. BOTH are innocent. The Grand Jury said so - in both cases. Let Justice prevail. I rest my case.
No. I freely admitted that even though i thought that was a great approach I dont always subscribe to it myself.

How do you know you arent listening to paid actors/writers?

I dont listen to Al Sharpton. Never have. I'm looking at the reality of my life and others I personally know that have been the victims of harrassment and others that have been killed by racist cops.

There was nothing clearly innocent regarding people who lie under oath like Wilson did. The supposed prosecutor who did not even do his job by asking for an indictment didnt help matters either. Sory dog. You are looking at events tinted by your thoughts of what reality is. We wont ever agree until you can take them off and do what most humans have an issue with. Empathize. You cant sympathize because you dont have to deal with it. That being the case, there is nothing you can say to convince me that your opinion that entire races of people are imagining things is even a credible observation of the facts.

Paid actors and actresses? With cut off noses, amputated arms, knocked out teeth and burn scars? I do not know any paid actors and actresses that are willing to go to such lengths to propagate a lie. Do you?

I am glad to hear you do not listen to Al Sharpton. That speaks volumes about you and tells me you have good discernment and are not taken in easily by crooked politicians and false preachers.

You and I disagree on the matter of Ferguson. It is doubtful that there will be any progress on that front because your mind is made up and so is mine.

Have police abused their authority to discriminate against African american citizens? Yes, I believe there have been clearly defined cases of such abuse and it is reprehensible. They should be stripped of their badges immediately in my opinion. But neither case - Ferguson or NYPD provide an example of such abuses.

In both cases the officers on the scene were doing their job as defined by the respective laws of their State. Remember that they are law enforcement officers. NOT LAWMAKERS. In order to amend the law on "loosies" you have to go after the Lobbyists of big tobacco, the lawmakers - who create the taxes on cigarettes and how they are sold - and effect change at that level.

In closing, I do empathize with anyone who has been the victim of discrimination. I have put myself out there for some situations like that and as you do not know me - you would not be aware of that fact. But I have. I do empathize but in the matter of Ferguson and NYPD I believe your empathy is misplaced.

Meet reality Jeremiah.

Off duty black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police Reuters

"The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them."

That is extremely disturbing news, Asceplias! Thank you for posting the link for me to read. That kind of behavior is totally unacceptable! TOTALLY!
When a man enters a country illegally and finds work which is just what he is looking for where is the slavery? If in fact these men really are made slaves, surely the illegals would stop their illegal immigration and choke off the supply of potential slaves.

Did you even read the part where it says many of them are murdered and thrown into the sea just because they got sick or were unable to continue to work 20 hours a day of unending strenuous labor for years on end?
When a man enters a country illegally and finds work which is just what he is looking for where is the slavery? If in fact these men really are made slaves, surely the illegals would stop their illegal immigration and choke off the supply of potential slaves.

Did you even read the part where it says many of them are murdered and thrown into the sea just because they got sick or were unable to continue to work 20 hours a day of unending strenuous labor for years on end?

Yes, I did, QuickHit. I have a printer that is not yet out of the box. When this person comes to my house to get it set up I am making copies of these stories and I am sending a packet with a letter to all of the companies listed that buy from CP Foods. I also plan on confronting CP Foods about this and ask them how do they manage to sleep at night knowing what they are involved in. It is utterly despicable. I think the fishing trawler stories are so horrific it is like being at a North Korean labor camp at sea. It is that bad. It is deeply disturbing to me that there are people on this earth that are suffering that deeply every single day. It is horrific.
When a man enters a country illegally and finds work which is just what he is looking for where is the slavery? If in fact these men really are made slaves, surely the illegals would stop their illegal immigration and choke off the supply of potential slaves.

Did you even read the part where it says many of them are murdered and thrown into the sea just because they got sick or were unable to continue to work 20 hours a day of unending strenuous labor for years on end?

Yes, I did, QuickHit. I have a printer that is not yet out of the box. When this person comes to my house to get it set up I am making copies of these stories and I am sending a packet with a letter to all of the companies listed that buy from CP Foods. I also plan on confronting CP Foods about this and ask them how do they manage to sleep at night knowing what they are involved in. It is utterly despicable. I think the fishing trawler stories are so horrific it is like being at a North Korean labor camp at sea. It is that bad. It is deeply disturbing to me that there are people on this earth that are suffering that deeply every single day. It is horrific.

I would not be surprised if many of the slaves building the pyramids did not have to work that hard.

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