The top trending Reddit post at the moment: "Movement to defund police gains 'unprecedented' support across US"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I just happened to click on reddit as I was looking at Python questions, and this was on the front landing page, top posting of the day and it is only 4 hours old. This ideology had started in Canada possibly before it started in the U.S and it is growing. I'm not a big reddit user at all, but it is a gauge of where the younger generation are probably at.

Over 3000 comments and 44000 upvotes and every minute these numbers increase significantly. I am guessing this push isn't going to slow down any time soon especially when L.A already took $150M away. In Canada we've had major (former) political figures resign from their post-government jobs for saying that racism isn't systemic, even though he did admit it exists. He was Cancelled, immediately from CBC and two other private company gigs.

The Thought Police are pushing hard before the election. Seems some want to keep everyones focus AWAY from the economy, China and other key issues that could decide 2020 and want to make a push for "race" to be the issue.

I just happened to click on reddit as I was looking at Python questions, and this was on the front landing page, top posting of the day and it is only 4 hours old. This ideology had started in Canada possibly before it started in the U.S and it is growing. I'm not a big reddit user at all, but it is a gauge of where the younger generation are probably at.

Over 3000 comments and 44000 upvotes and every minute these numbers increase significantly. I am guessing this push isn't going to slow down any time soon especially when L.A already took $150M away. In Canada we've had major (former) political figures resign from their post-government jobs for saying that racism isn't systemic, though he did admit it exists.

The Thought Police are pushing hard before the election. Seems some want to keep everyones focus AWAY from the economy, China and other key issues that could decide 2020 and want to make a push for "race" to be the issue.

The super city police departments really have failed in defending the people's lives and property during the ongoing George Floyd Riots, which sort of is an about face with their draconian enforcement of the Lockdown just last month.

If the cops want to keep their influence, they are going to have to impose their dominance over the domestic terrorists rioting in America's cities. Put the fear of God into these rioters.
I support the police generally but I accept that their primary role is to do the paperwork after a crime. Their secondary, defend the community, role is clearly a failed role for them - not the fault of the beat cop but of their leadership. I'm ok with having to defend and protect myself and my own. I just hate doing paperwork.
I just happened to click on reddit as I was looking at Python questions, and this was on the front landing page, top posting of the day and it is only 4 hours old. This ideology had started in Canada possibly before it started in the U.S and it is growing. I'm not a big reddit user at all, but it is a gauge of where the younger generation are probably at.

Over 3000 comments and 44000 upvotes and every minute these numbers increase significantly. I am guessing this push isn't going to slow down any time soon especially when L.A already took $150M away. In Canada we've had major (former) political figures resign from their post-government jobs for saying that racism isn't systemic, though he did admit it exists.

The Thought Police are pushing hard before the election. Seems some want to keep everyones focus AWAY from the economy, China and other key issues that could decide 2020 and want to make a push for "race" to be the issue.

The super city police departments really have failed in defending the people's lives and property during the ongoing George Floyd Riots, which sort of is an about face with their draconian enforcement of the Lockdown just last month.

If the cops want to keep their influence, they are going to have to impose their dominance over the domestic terrorists rioting in America's cities. Put the fear of God into these rioters.

In the less than 20 minutes since I posted this, it is up over 51000 upvotes.

Appears some are going to ride this Tsunami.
The police/corrections/judicial fiefdoms just laugh at us. And they will again as the salaries, benefits, pensions and power will still be concentrated into them. There have been many warnings over the years. But the fiefdoms prevail. Many good and fair officers. Ruined by the inept, incompetent, sadistic, abusers and insulting remarks to individuals by a percentage that gives them a bad reputation.
I feel sooooo sorry for those young people of all ethnicities who are pushing to defund the cops.

If it does happen, many of those young people will be sooooooo sorry when they become victims of very, very, very bad people, and there are no cops to come to their rescue or at least to capture the perps.

Yeah! A lot of cops are not nice people. But there are more non-cops who are super bad: they rob, they sucker punch, they assault, they rape, and they murder.

Our poor country!
If the police are unable to do their job, then armed civilians will step up to do it, and they shall do so with prejudice...
I feel sooooo sorry for those young people of all ethnicities who are pushing to defund the cops.

If it does happen, many of those young people will be sooooooo sorry when they become victims of very, very, very bad people, and there are no cops to come to their rescue or at least to capture the perps.

Yeah! A lot of cops are not nice people. But there are more non-cops who are super bad: they rob, they sucker punch, they assault, they rape, and they murder.

Our poor country!
People can and will learn to defend themselves once again and break away from the top down authority ideology where we are suppose to facilitate the will of those in power.Those groups have proven they are a failure at their jobs.
I feel sooooo sorry for those young people of all ethnicities who are pushing to defund the cops.

If it does happen, many of those young people will be sooooooo sorry when they become victims of very, very, very bad people, and there are no cops to come to their rescue or at least to capture the perps.

Yeah! A lot of cops are not nice people. But there are more non-cops who are super bad: they rob, they sucker punch, they assault, they rape, and they murder.

Our poor country!

Of course you need police, we all do. I am telling you though the radicals behind this will not stop. Now that Biden said he would within 100 days create a federal oversight agency to deal with police, they are going to push him for more and then more again. To the point he will say, "we will investigate every police budget in the country and I will sign an E.O to immediately cut it by 40% and have that money redistributed to the inner cities".

It may not be that extreme, but watch as they keep applying pressure and demanding he do more and given more. Biden will, as he knows Trump will defeat him on the economy and China.
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I feel sooooo sorry for those young people of all ethnicities who are pushing to defund the cops.

If it does happen, many of those young people will be sooooooo sorry when they become victims of very, very, very bad people, and there are no cops to come to their rescue or at least to capture the perps.

Yeah! A lot of cops are not nice people. But there are more non-cops who are super bad: they rob, they sucker punch, they assault, they rape, and they murder.

Our poor country!

Of course you need police, we all do. I am telling you though the radicals behind this will not stop. Now that Biden said he would within 100 days create a federal oversight agency to deal with police, they are going to push him for more and then more again. To the point he will say, "we will investigate every police budget in the country and I will sign an E.O to immediately cut it by 40% and have that money redistributed to the inner cities".

It may not be that extreme, but watch and they keep applying pressure and demanding he do more and given more. Biden will, as he knows Trump will defeat him on the economy and China.

Yes, you are right on!

We all know that any money to the inner cities usually goes into the pockets of local politicians who could not care less about the people they "serve."

And -- to be frank -- lack of money is NOT the main problem in the inner cities. The main problem is bad behavior at school, in the housing projects, and on the street.
End the drug wars
If the police are unable to do their job, then armed civilians will step up to do it, and they shall do so with prejudice...
too late the police have been doing it with prejudice since they were created.

By "prejudice" I mean they will act in a manner they believe is lawful, and that will almost always benefit the person who's taken on the responsibilities of the cops. The problem is that whether what they choose to do is legal or not will never enter the equation...
Either Trump is going to win in a landslide when the silent majority puts an end to this madness, or Biden wins in a landslide and the madness will take over. There will be no middle ground.

Defund the police? wow. smh

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