CDZ The Test for Trump's Popularity Going Forward.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
Trump's planned rally to support Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia could tell us a lot! Keeping in mind:

The urgency for the GOP to hold the Senate.
The move that's on for Trump supporters to ignore this election for Senate seats.
The feelings of futility being felt by Trump's supporters now that the loss is sinking in.
A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.
Other factors that could tell the story on Trump's popularity going forwar, or lack of?

Trump's planned rally to support Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia could tell us a lot! Keeping in mind:

The urgency for the GOP to hold the Senate.
The move that's on for Trump supporters to ignore this election for Senate seats.
The feelings of futility being felt by Trump's supporters now that the loss is sinking in.
A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.
Other factors that could tell the story on Trump's popularity going forwar, or lack of?

Trump should continue to do rallies across the nation for 2024
“A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.”

This fails as a false premise.

Indeed, Democrats nominated Biden solely because they knew that of the other candidates seeking the nomination, Biden was the only candidate with a chance to defeat Trump.

For most Democrats, by defeating Trump, Biden has exceeded their expectations.
“A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.”

This fails as a false premise.

Indeed, Democrats nominated Biden solely because they knew that of the other candidates seeking the nomination, Biden was the only candidate with a chance to defeat Trump.

For most Democrats, by defeating Trump, Biden has exceeded their expectations.
Well Biden was the only candidate with dementia, so did that make him electable in the DNC?
Trump's planned rally to support Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia could tell us a lot! Keeping in mind:

The urgency for the GOP to hold the Senate.
The move that's on for Trump supporters to ignore this election for Senate seats.
The feelings of futility being felt by Trump's supporters now that the loss is sinking in.
A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.
Other factors that could tell the story on Trump's popularity going forwar, or lack of?

Trump should continue to do rallies across the nation for 2024

Trump should do a rally across the street from anywhere Joe shows up to talk. There will be 100 people and two media at Joe's speech and 100,000 people and 17 media covering Trump.
Indeed, Democrats nominated Biden solely because they knew that of the other candidates seeking the nomination, Biden was the only candidate with a chance to defeat Trump.
Biden was, obviously, a wise choice.

Even Trump must have realized that he needed to fear him most, and got his big, flabby butt impeached by his fake contrivance to smear ol' Joe at a time his prospects were not very good.

Rudy Toot Toot and the Borscht Boys really fouled up on that caper!

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 7.52.23 PM.png
The Dems' non-establishment candidates were all demonized as being commies for Joe's sake. And that means America's poor and middleclass will suffer in the growing poverty for another 4 years!

America might just as well kept Trump. Once again the opportunity to catch up with the world's leading democracies has been wasted.

And in 4 years time there will be no real awakening in America that brings the realization that there isn't a commie under every bed!

The establishment's message is strong and enduring, commies and socialists can't bring any real change except causing hair to grow on the palms of every American's hands!

best wishes from Canada.
Indeed, Democrats nominated Biden solely because they knew that of the other candidates seeking the nomination, Biden was the only candidate with a chance to defeat Trump.
Biden was, obviously, a wise choice.

Even Trump must have realized that he needed to fear him most, and got his big, flabby butt impeached by his fake contrivance to smear ol' Joe at a time his prospects were not very good.

Rudy Toot Toot and the Borscht Boys really fouled up on that caper!

Attempt at humor or just showing off your not-so-good photoshopping skills?
Attempt at humor or just showing off your not-so-good photoshopping skills?
Hardcore Trumpers are very grim about their Loser, and desperately need to lighten up, but I do not use photoshop, skillfully or otherwise. No need. There are several photos of Trump with his Borscht Boys.
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Trump's planned rally to support Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia could tell us a lot! Keeping in mind:

The urgency for the GOP to hold the Senate.
The move that's on for Trump supporters to ignore this election for Senate seats.
The feelings of futility being felt by Trump's supporters now that the loss is sinking in.
A possibility of many Dem supporters coming to the realization that they were conned into accepting Biden.
Other factors that could tell the story on Trump's popularity going forwar, or lack of?

The press conference today that turned into a Trump rally in Georgia is all I need to know. I am not saying it WILL happen but I am saying I won't be surprised if there are over 100k people at the rally on Saturday night and if they go through with holding 2 rallies I might try to attend the one in North Georgia.

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