The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never

It is a myth that Mohammed got on his horse and together they flew to some far off place (probably Timbuktu), but Freeman being a good Muslim believes this myth. Maybe Freeman can tell us why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran but is mentioned so many times in the Bible. He can also tell us why the Muslims are destroying any Jewish antiquities found under the temple mount. It is pathetic how the Muslims are trying to disapprove any ancient Jewish history in Jerusalem.

The Destruction of the Temple Mount Antiquities, by Mark Ami-El

When Jerusalem was founded, Freeman's ancestors were living on the Saudi Peninsula like prehistoric cavemen.


There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never

What kind of BS are you trying to push? What myths? I've never heard such gobbletygook.

Just confirmation from israelis archeologist that this temple is a myth in history.

The Temple seems more realistic than a flying horse, which is the basis of the Muslims' claim to Jerusalem.

Everyone know Herod the Great did a lot of building. Rome.
yiostheoy, et al,

I really love stories from prophecy, ancient myths, great legends and religious visions. And I find adventures about sacred artifacts, sacramental properties of mystical talismans from long forgotten ancient civilizations most illuminating.

Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 3.13.52 PM.png

TO: Personification of justice,
goddess of wisdom and good counsel,
and the interpreter of the gods’ will.

All praise to wise Themis, great mistress of order,
great friend of the seer and the sibyl
whose words were once heard in Delphi and Dodona,
great lady of the law who holds the balance,
whose blessings fall on the just and the true.

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never
So you think a book that is more myth is better than the myth it purports to mythologize?

There is a problem here of the tail chasing the dog.

Josephus Flavius the Jewish/Roman general/historian is the best source of what actually existed in Jerusalem.

He was there and he wrote contemporaneously.

He saw the temple. He walked it.

Archeology is based on the some scientific techniques and principles of science resting on a basis of perceived methodological rigor, and objectivity. While it does include some elements of investigative inquiry commonly based on empirical evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning; it does not always follow the process of the scientific methods.

So much time, so much damage and destruction, has taken place in the area - then restoration and reconstruction. The disturbance of the ground has been dramatic. So, it is not reasonable to assume that the art of discovery and the scientific method will be as productive as it might have been in undisturbed ground. In fact, it might be wise to think that some of the discoveries and evidence might very well be misleading, indeterminate or subject to varied interpretation.

Most Respectfully,
Do you think he is Paul, Jesus or Vespasian, or a little of both. Note the typology in his writings. King Herod built a temple and temple mount. That is what he writes about .
Josephus Flavius tells us Herod re-built a temple on the mount.

Not just "built" but re-built.

RE built, oh goody , then that was the third temple. Thank you. We now have Solomon's, the one built with Persian money when a small no. of exiles returned , and now Herods . Strike 3 and your out. Solomon's temple, everything about Solomon is so greatly exaggerated, his temple was as well.
It is currently vogue in Hebrew Studies to say Judaism was invented in Babylonia in 500 BCE.

But this does not explain where it came from nor how it got there.

The most sensible historical forensics however fully supports a Moses character as the real starting point in Egypt. And Moses explains in his intro book "Genesis" (Bereshet) how they got there -- to Egypt.

It was the whole point of the story.

Moses never wrote anything, he may of (if someone like him existed) chiseled something in stone, but that would be about it. Your right, its a story.
Rare 3000 year old King David era seal found by Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Trying to disconnect the Jewish people from the Temple Mount and all our long history in the land is both ridiculous and futile.

Rare 3000 year old King David era seal found by Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Trying to disconnect the Jewish people from the Temple Mount and all our long history in the land is both ridiculous and futile.

So how do we know its belong to David and even so what does it prove? Nothing at all. David didn't bulld a temple.
Barkay said the images of two animals, one on top of the other, are inscribed in the base of the seal, possibly representing a predator and its prey. He also noted that the seal is perforated, thus enabling it to be hung from a string.

Grasping at straws. Palestine was a route taken from Egypt to Assyria, so this proves nothing.

Also what does it have to do with today, from the 10 century BC?????
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

Their mosque has been there longer than any Hebrew temple, and is a historic place. Its just too darn bad the Hebrews didn't think enough of Palestine to defend it, isn't it.
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


Do you know anything about Sams?
>>Marilyn Sams holds a B.A. and M.A. in English and American Literature from the University of Utah and Brigham
Young University<<

There is the motivation, and lack of valid study in History and Archaeology or even geology. Her work is based on Ernest L. Martin's The Temples that
Jerusalem Forgot

As for Finkelstein
>>a way must be found to allow state organizations, such as the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Israel National Parks Authority, to oversee the management of this sensitive place.<<
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

Their mosque has been there longer than any Hebrew temple, and is a historic place. Its just too darn bad the Hebrews didn't think enough of Palestine to defend it, isn't it.

You are so nutty. Hey did you know those Zionists built their wailing wall around the Al Aqsa Mosque? pass it on. 'Atta girl. Heh Heh! they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon....

We can correct your ignorance until we are all blue in the face and it will make not whit of difference, because you are entirely unwilling to look at facts, objective truths, historical evidence. Evidence like the Tel Dan Stele, the Mesha Stele, the Merneptah Stele, and the Kurkh Monolith. Evidence like the coins and bullae found at the Temple Mount and in the Sifting Project. Evidence like the Hebrew script Immer bullae which corresponds to Jeremiah 20. Evidence like the "Freedom for Zion" coin from the Roman times and the First Revolt and the "Half-Shekel" coin (Exodus 30). Evidence, already mentioned, such as the writings of Josephus. Evidence in the Tombs of the Patriarchs, and Rachel and Joseph, remembered and honored for thousands of years. Evidence of the existence of the Kotel itself.

It doesn't matter what we present to you (and by "you", I mean all those on this board who blindly and ignorantly post comments and threads rejecting Israel's -- the Jewish people's -- history), you will not accept it. No matter what we say, you will blindly -- intentionally, willfully blindly -- reject it or move the parameters of the discussion to a new realm in order to support your rejection of anything Jewish.

You claim that there is no connection between the Jewish people and the historical lands in question. We prove there is and ..

You claim Jewish history doesn't exist. We prove it does and ....

You claim that its not Jewish. We prove it is and ...

You claim it is pre-dated by another culture. We prove it is not and ...

You claim that an invading, conquering culture has precedence. We prove they do not and ...

You claim that the modern Jewish people are not really Jews. We prove we are and ...

You claim that the Jewish people are not a "people" or a "culture" or an "indigenous group". We prove we are and ...

You claim that the Jewish people are just a religion. We prove we aren't and ...

You claim that ..... and on and on and on it goes.

Until, once pressed for actual, objective criteria for what "counts", you disappear because you CAN'T answer that question without revealing that there is NO criteria for you other than, "as long as its not the Jews".

It doesn't matter what proofs we offer. It doesn't even matter that the proofs we offer are obvious and clearly visible in the world and obviously true and it is pointedly SILLY to argue against them. they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon....

We can correct your ignorance until we are all blue in the face and it will make not whit of difference, because you are entirely unwilling to look at facts, objective truths, historical evidence. Evidence like the Tel Dan Stele, the Mesha Stele, the Merneptah Stele, and the Kurkh Monolith. Evidence like the coins and bullae found at the Temple Mount and in the Sifting Project. Evidence like the Hebrew script Immer bullae which corresponds to Jeremiah 20. Evidence like the "Freedom for Zion" coin from the Roman times and the First Revolt and the "Half-Shekel" coin (Exodus 30). Evidence, already mentioned, such as the writings of Josephus. Evidence in the Tombs of the Patriarchs, and Rachel and Joseph, remembered and honored for thousands of years. Evidence of the existence of the Kotel itself.

It doesn't matter what we present to you (and by "you", I mean all those on this board who blindly and ignorantly post comments and threads rejecting Israel's -- the Jewish people's -- history), you will not accept it. No matter what we say, you will blindly -- intentionally, willfully blindly -- reject it or move the parameters of the discussion to a new realm in order to support your rejection of anything Jewish.

You claim that there is no connection between the Jewish people and the historical lands in question. We prove there is and ..

You claim Jewish history doesn't exist. We prove it does and ....

You claim that its not Jewish. We prove it is and ...

You claim it is pre-dated by another culture. We prove it is not and ...

You claim that an invading, conquering culture has precedence. We prove they do not and ...

You claim that the modern Jewish people are not really Jews. We prove we are and ...

You claim that the Jewish people are not a "people" or a "culture" or an "indigenous group". We prove we are and ...

You claim that the Jewish people are just a religion. We prove we aren't and ...

You claim that ..... and on and on and on it goes.

Until, once pressed for actual, objective criteria for what "counts", you disappear because you CAN'T answer that question without revealing that there is NO criteria for you other than, "as long as its not the Jews".

It doesn't matter what proofs we offer. It doesn't even matter that the proofs we offer are obvious and clearly visible in the world and obviously true and it is pointedly SILLY to argue against them.

With so many living in Poland during WWII and in Russia and Ukraine, Brittan, and then the US, seems like were all jews. Such a big lie, and besides all Judaism is a made up religion and most so self proclaimed jews are atheist. Actually Israel is not really important except they demand lots of foreign aid from the US and they are committing a genocide with everyone overlooks. Those who do practice Judaism are like zealot Muslims, very radical.
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

Their mosque has been there longer than any Hebrew temple, and is a historic place. Its just too darn bad the Hebrews didn't think enough of Palestine to defend it, isn't it.

You are so nutty. Hey did you know those Zionists built their wailing wall around the Al Aqsa Mosque? pass it on. 'Atta girl. Heh Heh!

They didn't , Herod did.
Their mosque has been there longer than any Hebrew temple, and is a historic place. Its just too darn bad the Hebrews didn't think enough of Palestine to defend it, isn't it.

Wow. People make silly arguments. They really fail to think of the concepts they are arguing. What are the concepts here?

1. Total or partial destruction of a holy place removes ownership.
2. Usurping or re-building on a holy place confers ownership.
3. Length of possession is the determining factor for ownership.
4. Defending (successfully) a holy place is a requirement. (As opposed to sharing it).

So let's put those concepts to the test. If the Jewish people destroyed the Muslim buildings on the Temple Mount -- the Muslims no longer have a claim to them. If the Jewish people re-build a Temple there, they have sole claim. If they defend it successfully, it is theirs. If they keep it long enough, they will have the true claim to it.

Hmmmmm. I would think that SHARING would be preferable.
With so many living in Poland during WWII and in Russia and Ukraine, Brittan, and then the US, seems like were all jews. Such a big lie, and besides all Judaism is a made up religion and most so self proclaimed jews are atheist. Actually Israel is not really important except they demand lots of foreign aid from the US and they are committing a genocide with everyone overlooks. Those who do practice Judaism are like zealot Muslims, very radical.

Thank you for confirming my point. No matter what we offer, you just keep coming up with more rationalizations for disenfranchising the Jewish people from anything....
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never

Too bad we've found a coin from the First Temple period in the Temple Mount.

You Islamos all need to blow yourselves up for Allah before sunset. Get busy.
The Bible is so accurate that archeologists have it in one hand and a shovel in the other. The amount of historic information is invaluable. And they are dragging science along with them.
And as always, prophecy.... that God can, and even the best creative copywriter cannot.

Oh yes the fake exodus, certainty not as described in the OT. no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon, they will fabricate some I'm sure. The bible is not prophecy, its typology. How do you think Cinderella fit into those slippers.
The brilliant anti-Semitic defense attorney Penelope is going to defend the Egyptians in this case. She is anxiously awaiting for the conclusion when she deposits 1/3 which she will be getting since she took the case on a contingency.basis.

Egyptian Academic: Jews Must Return 'Treasures' Stolen during Biblical Exodus to Egypt - Breitbart
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never

It is a myth that Mohammed got on his horse and together they flew to some far off place (probably Timbuktu), but Freeman being a good Muslim believes this myth. Maybe Freeman can tell us why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran but is mentioned so many times in the Bible. He can also tell us why the Muslims are destroying any Jewish antiquities found under the temple mount. It is pathetic how the Muslims are trying to disapprove any ancient Jewish history in Jerusalem.

The Destruction of the Temple Mount Antiquities, by Mark Ami-El

When Jerusalem was founded, Freeman's ancestors were living on the Saudi Peninsula like prehistoric cavemen.


There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never

What kind of BS are you trying to push? What myths? I've never heard such gobbletygook.

Just confirmation from israelis archeologist that this temple is a myth in history.

The Temple seems more realistic than a flying horse, which is the basis of the Muslims' claim to Jerusalem.

Everyone know Herod the Great did a lot of building. Rome.
Since Penelope looks upon herself as being very educated about ancient times (no doubt this "super intelligent" woman has a PhD in this subject), she should play this game to see how much she really knows and she could tell us her score (and be honest about it)..

Ancient Israel: Resources - Bible History Online
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

Their mosque has been there longer than any Hebrew temple, and is a historic place. Its just too darn bad the Hebrews didn't think enough of Palestine to defend it, isn't it.

It is surprising that a good Catholic as Penelope would deny the temple in Jerusalem. Didn't Jesus worship at the temple in Jerusalem?

A Portrait Of Jesus' World - Temple Culture | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS

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