The Syllogism Of The Left


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
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The libtards fell in love with communist China when China hosted the Olympics....if they were honest most of them would not stop at socialism...they would go full communist....look how they defend China....

I hope you're not giving FDR a pass.....he had a love affair with Joseph Stalin and his Bolsheviks.....and we have suffered for it ever since.
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
This reminds me of the brown turd Oblummer everytime a rag head, camel jockey Moooslims decided to kill a bunch of people in the name of Allah. Oblummer would come out and tell US we needed to be tolerant of Muzzies because all Muzzies arent bad, or they might have hostile actions against them. Liberals never change their playbook, just the names have been changed to protect the guilty...
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
This reminds me of the brown turd Oblummer everytime a rag head, camel jockey Moooslims decided to kill a bunch of people in the name of Allah. Oblummer would come out and tell US we needed to be tolerant of Muzzies because all Muzzies arent bad, or they might have hostile actions against them. Liberals never change their playbook, just the names have been changed to protect the guilty...

Well.....he is Muslim.

He probably feels that shielding those who did no more than attack infidels isn't, in the scheme of things, that awful.
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
This reminds me of the brown turd Oblummer everytime a rag head, camel jockey Moooslims decided to kill a bunch of people in the name of Allah. Oblummer would come out and tell US we needed to be tolerant of Muzzies because all Muzzies arent bad, or they might have hostile actions against them. Liberals never change their playbook, just the names have been changed to protect the guilty...
Lowlife white trash
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
This reminds me of the brown turd Oblummer everytime a rag head, camel jockey Moooslims decided to kill a bunch of people in the name of Allah. Oblummer would come out and tell US we needed to be tolerant of Muzzies because all Muzzies arent bad, or they might have hostile actions against them. Liberals never change their playbook, just the names have been changed to protect the guilty...
Lowlife white trash
Wow, at least i wasnt out there shooting a Christmas event in San Bernardino, and the brown turd was telling US to be tolerant. I wasnt out there shooting up Fort Hood where most of the innocent people were there to be seen by that Muzzie doctor, who went against his hypocritic oath. And the brown turd spoke of tolerance. And i especially wasnt there in Orlando shooting up gays in the 100s and the brown turd spoke of tolerance. Even my bud in the picture decided enough was enough with Oblummer not being for the people but rag head radical muslims who frequently visited the "Rainbow House of horrors". But alas, i have some very low IQ thing telling me i am a lowlife and white trash.....I laugh at your stupidity...
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
This reminds me of the brown turd Oblummer everytime a rag head, camel jockey Moooslims decided to kill a bunch of people in the name of Allah. Oblummer would come out and tell US we needed to be tolerant of Muzzies because all Muzzies arent bad, or they might have hostile actions against them. Liberals never change their playbook, just the names have been changed to protect the guilty...
Lowlife white trash

"Lowlife white trash"

Your new avi???

I approve.

Would "America-Hating Lowlife white trash" be too long?
"China’s control of U.S. media comes out into the open
News organizations like CNN and The Atlantic are no longer worried about keeping up false pretenses. They are owned, operated, and propagated by the Chinese Communist Party. They have been for a while, but now they've stopped pretending otherwise.

They control them through censorship. The risk of being forced out of the second most lucrative market in the world is too daunting for most major media outlets to ignore. They have to keep a CCP-approved narrative at all times while suppressing any hints of anti-CCP narratives from coming forward.

It’s no longer about amplifying pro-CCP news and muting dissent. They are outright promoting the Chinese Communist Party’s styles of management and totalitarian rule as models for the United States to appreciate and even adopt. This is a “quick creep,” a rapid removal of subtleties and nuances in reporting that is being replaced by blatant promotion of the CCP as superior to America’s constitutional republic system.

We will see more and more articles, television, radio, and podcast reports in coming weeks that tout China’s efforts to “successfully” contain the coronavirus. We are already seeing the shift away from reporting the CCP’s unambiguous guilt in allowing the coronavirus to become a worldwide pandemic. In the EU, speaking ill of China regarding the coronavirus is anathema. In the United States, such sentiment is becoming a reality as well.

NBC Provides Platform for Chinese Propaganda Bashing U.S. Pandemic Response
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today show provided a megaphone to the Chinese Communist Party to spread propaganda about the coronavirus pandemic and bash the United States. Throughout a softball report on China rejecting criticism from President Trump, a top official of the authoritarian regime was repeatedly allowed to push misinformation without challenge."
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. Thanks!
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. Thanks!

It's difficult to make an Asian blush.....but you may be doing just that.
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. Thanks!

Thank you, Bluzie....
1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.

...the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
Yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. Thanks!

Thank you, Bluzie....
You're QUITE welcome, PC. Your threads and posts are ALWAYS informative and a joy to read.

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