The Supreme Court is afraid of the word “shall”


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
After months of wrangling about an Ethics Code, SCOTUS has finally released its Ethics Reform that all have signed.

Unfortunately, rather than use the word Judges “shall” act this way, they use the word “should”
There is no independent review, no consequences….just judges enforcing on themselves

Motherhood and Apple Pie Code

That just means they're still crooked ... insider trading is still legal for congressmen, they know beforehand who gets the trillion dollar defense contract and can wisely invest before the news is announced to the public ...

Joe Bidet didn't get this rich on a senator's salary ... unfortunately, Bubba is that stupid ...
After months of wrangling about an Ethics Code, SCOTUS has finally released its Ethics Reform that all have signed.

Unfortunately, rather than use the word Judges “shall” act this way, they use the word “should”
There is no independent review, no consequences….just judges enforcing on themselves

Motherhood and Apple Pie Code

Who do you want judging them?
After months of wrangling about an Ethics Code, SCOTUS has finally released its Ethics Reform that all have signed.

Unfortunately, rather than use the word Judges “shall” act this way, they use the word “should”
There is no independent review, no consequences….just judges enforcing on themselves

Motherhood and Apple Pie Code

If shall means have to, somebody should write in Congress shall obey the Constitution. :laughing0301:
"Shall" defined in Black's Law Dictionary....It doesn't mean what most of you believe it does.

Article III, Sec 1. of the U.S. Constitution states:

"The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour"

That's a much lower bar for removal than other Government officials. There is no specific method for removing a SCOTUS judge in the Constitution, but one was impeached by the House & tried by the Senate:

His crime was "letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions". Ring any bells?

Given our current House there's little chance of any SCOTUS judge getting impeached, but as soon as the Dems take it back, Clarence Thomas may very well be.
The credibility of the court is at stake

It is just crazy that this is a partisan point of view.

The SCOTUS has zero actual power to enforce their rulings, all they have is their reputation and credibility.

But now even that is divided down partisan lines.

The ship is sinking fast
I repeat, you don't like Sotomayor's grift - impeach her.

Nobody is talking about impeachment

But we don’t want our judges to have the appearance of impropriety

How would you react if the Liberal Judges went on a week long vacation on George Soros’s yacht?
Nobody is talking about impeachment

But we don’t want our judges to have the appearance of impropriety

How would you react if the Liberal Judges went on a week long vacation on George Soros’s yacht
Like when RGB went on 14 boondoggles in a single year on private interest's dime - more than any other Justice?


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