The Sunday Comics...


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Do you ever read the Sunday comics ? When I was a little kid, I used to put my face right up to them and I was just amazed because it was just this massive dots. I think life is like that sometimes but I'd like to think, from God's perspective life, everything even death, makes sense . It's not just dots instead we're all connected and it's beautiful, and it's funny, and it's good. From this close we can't expect it to make sense right now... To be continued !
When I was a kid I used to read the comics and the sports page.

Later in life I read the comics, the sports page and Parade magazine.

These days it's pretty much just the financial section...
I would read the underwear ads first then the comics and sports page.
I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable but why the underwear ads first ? Do you have an underwear fetish ? No judgement intended, just curious. I'm 70 years old and I'm into turtles and dinosaurs, and I don't care if everybody in the whole world knows, it's what I've always liked. If it makes you at all uncomfortable, just ignore the question. Have a great day and a great life. Thanks, Stan.
I would read the underwear ads first then the comics and sports page.
I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable but why the underwear ads first ? Do you have an underwear fetish ? No judgement intended, just curious. I'm 70 years old and I'm into turtles and dinosaurs, and I don't care if everybody in the whole world knows, it's what I've always liked. If it makes you at all uncomfortable, just ignore the question. Have a great day and a great life. Thanks, Stan.
You never liked the bra and panties ads?I can't ell you how many times I viewed them with only one hand when I was younger.
You never liked the bra and panties ads?I can't ell you how many times I viewed them with only one hand when I was younger.
I understand, for me it was the Marlboro Man ads. Thanks again, Stan.
You never liked the bra and panties ads?I can't ell you how many times I viewed them with only one hand when I was younger.
This is the only naked lady I like. Blooming all over my yard. Thought of you when I saw them. Enjoy.


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