The Sovietization Of The American Press


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (
I'll take your word for it. I don't get my news from them much. If I must be informed, I will just read my talking points of the day from the Illuminati. We have a secret facebook group that disguises itself as a birdwatching club.
The msm was co-opted by the Oligarchy some time ago. It is all about protecting the wealth and power of the elite. Very little of what they report can be believed.

The Church Committee exposed this way back in the 70s, but no one paid attention or took action to correct it.
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (
Except in the USSR, the media didn't volunteer.

We have it even worse.
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (

You're obviously referring to the right-wing NaziCon press like Fox News, etc...
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (
Except in the USSR, the media didn't volunteer.

We have it even worse.
Agreed. I don't know how we ever get back to a place where we can trust the media again. It's become almost impossible to find a news source that isn't slanted at best, dishonest at worst.
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (

You're obviously referring to the right-wing NaziCon press like Fox News, etc...
No. I'm referring to ALL media. It's sad that there are people like you that are so partisan that they'll tolerate any injustice and lie if it benefits their preferred political party.
It has become obvious that the MSM in the USA no longer reports straight news. Nothing is presented without spin and it all combines to drive a specific narrative, We can easily see this when we flip through so called "news" programs and hear the exact same terminology describing a person or an event. We see this when we see chyron's scrolling under our screens detailing "mostly peaceful protests" while showing the flaming buildings left by that peaceful protest in the background. This is a long read but well worth the time.

The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (

What you are describing is the right wing media. It wants to advcance fascism in the US as long as their fascist is in charge. They are a fifth column.

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