The Source Of Liberal "Knowledge"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It should be evident that only a fair and honest media cans serve as a font of information. Any other sort of press provides nothing but propaganda, you know, like the government school system.

2. ‘It was awful. And now it’s gone’: WaPo called out for making ‘cringe-worthy’ Kamala Harris content disappear
To hear the Washington Post tell the tale, they did not scrub previous content that proved to be unflattering to Vice President Kamala Harris, they simply “repurposed and updated” the information.

And still, the legacy media insists that it’s a pillar of integrity — despite being one of the least trusted institutions in society.

“Legacy media has a trust problem right now — lots of Americans seem to believe that ‘the media’ is playing for one political team, he continued. “Editorial decisions like this one, even if unintentional, feed into that perception.”

3. "YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED removing dislikes from Biden White House page — anything to fool the proletariat
Friday, January 22, 2021 by: News Editors

The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime on their very first day in office.
Jen Psaki held a press briefing with the leftist horde in the White House Briefing Room on Wednesday after the Biden Hunger Games Inaugural.
After being sworn in Joe Biden signed several executive orders to open borders, shut down US energy production and punish American companies.

During the White House presser, the American public was quick to downvote Psaki’s nonsense. At 3 PM the video had 10,000 down votes.
But by 7 PM YouTube came to the rescue and erased the downvotes by several thousand.
The number at 7:31 PM had remarkably dropped to 3.1 thousand votes.

This is more evidence of how the Tech Giants do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices."

4.Every one of your 'Fact-Checkers' is nothing more than a spin-off of a Liberal media outfit.


5. All of which goes to prove what the finest President in a hundred years said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan
Liberals get their knowledge from them Liberal Universities
Conservatives get their knowledge from Conspiracy websites
The ineptitude of the can't servatives on this board shows where knowledge is not.
1. It should be evident that only a fair and honest media cans serve as a font of information. Any other sort of press provides nothing but propaganda, you know, like the government school system.

2. ‘It was awful. And now it’s gone’: WaPo called out for making ‘cringe-worthy’ Kamala Harris content disappear
To hear the Washington Post tell the tale, they did not scrub previous content that proved to be unflattering to Vice President Kamala Harris, they simply “repurposed and updated” the information.

And still, the legacy media insists that it’s a pillar of integrity — despite being one of the least trusted institutions in society.

“Legacy media has a trust problem right now — lots of Americans seem to believe that ‘the media’ is playing for one political team, he continued. “Editorial decisions like this one, even if unintentional, feed into that perception.”

3. "YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED removing dislikes from Biden White House page — anything to fool the proletariat
Friday, January 22, 2021 by: News Editors

The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime on their very first day in office.
Jen Psaki held a press briefing with the leftist horde in the White House Briefing Room on Wednesday after the Biden Hunger Games Inaugural.
After being sworn in Joe Biden signed several executive orders to open borders, shut down US energy production and punish American companies.

During the White House presser, the American public was quick to downvote Psaki’s nonsense. At 3 PM the video had 10,000 down votes.
But by 7 PM YouTube came to the rescue and erased the downvotes by several thousand.
The number at 7:31 PM had remarkably dropped to 3.1 thousand votes.

This is more evidence of how the Tech Giants do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices."

4.Every one of your 'Fact-Checkers' is nothing more than a spin-off of a Liberal media outfit.

View attachment 448011

5. All of which goes to prove what the finest President in a hundred years said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

Complains about MEdia and then the first source used is from a Extreme Right wing site

The Second one is NAturalNews

A conspiracy site....

So you give out about where other people get there information while using an extreme right wing site and bat shit crazy site as your proof...
Could it be possible that you are the one who is lost?
Conservative “Knowlege”

Obama was born in Kenya
Global Warming is a myth
Trump was cheated in the election
The Source Of Liberal "Knowledge"

Comedy central?
With all due respect, the previous president governed almost exclusively via Twitter.

And the Hollywood thing was OK if the meme was Eastwood, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, James Wood, etc.

You are being selective in your opinion here, IMO.
The ineptitude of the can't servatives on this board shows where knowledge is not.


Let's check:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies.

And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.
1. It should be evident that only a fair and honest media cans serve as a font of information. Any other sort of press provides nothing but propaganda, you know, like the government school system.

2. ‘It was awful. And now it’s gone’: WaPo called out for making ‘cringe-worthy’ Kamala Harris content disappear
To hear the Washington Post tell the tale, they did not scrub previous content that proved to be unflattering to Vice President Kamala Harris, they simply “repurposed and updated” the information.

And still, the legacy media insists that it’s a pillar of integrity — despite being one of the least trusted institutions in society.

“Legacy media has a trust problem right now — lots of Americans seem to believe that ‘the media’ is playing for one political team, he continued. “Editorial decisions like this one, even if unintentional, feed into that perception.”

3. "YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED removing dislikes from Biden White House page — anything to fool the proletariat
Friday, January 22, 2021 by: News Editors

The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime on their very first day in office.
Jen Psaki held a press briefing with the leftist horde in the White House Briefing Room on Wednesday after the Biden Hunger Games Inaugural.
After being sworn in Joe Biden signed several executive orders to open borders, shut down US energy production and punish American companies.

During the White House presser, the American public was quick to downvote Psaki’s nonsense. At 3 PM the video had 10,000 down votes.
But by 7 PM YouTube came to the rescue and erased the downvotes by several thousand.
The number at 7:31 PM had remarkably dropped to 3.1 thousand votes.

This is more evidence of how the Tech Giants do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices."

4.Every one of your 'Fact-Checkers' is nothing more than a spin-off of a Liberal media outfit.

View attachment 448011

5. All of which goes to prove what the finest President in a hundred years said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

Complains about MEdia and then the first source used is from a Extreme Right wing site
View attachment 448103

The Second one is NAturalNews
View attachment 448105

A conspiracy site....

So you give out about where other people get there information while using an extreme right wing site and bat shit crazy site as your proof...
Could it be possible that you are the one who is lost?

Here's your opportunity to show what you've learned from whatever sites you value:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies.

And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.

It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

Here's why:
"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
The Source Of Liberal "Knowledge"

Comedy central?
With all due respect, the previous president governed almost exclusively via Twitter.

And the Hollywood thing was OK if the meme was Eastwood, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, James Wood, etc.

You are being selective in your opinion here, IMO.

The reality is that Trump accomplished quite a bit in a short time. How about your guy?

these are some of those things past: Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency
The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.

All from un American sites!
What is an American site, moron. What a field-day for the heat. A thousand people in the street. Singing songs and carrying signs. Mostly say, hooray for our side.
You quote the song you do not understand. I am afraid you are the m0r0n
I understand it very well--I was involved and aware when it came out in 1966--what were you, six, whistle britches? STFU.
So you know what the song was written about? I sure do baby boy.
The ineptitude of the can't servatives on this board shows where knowledge is not.


Let's check:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies.

And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.
Anything rumpy did is bad for America. Most are un American as is rumpy. You seem to fit there too.

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