The Solution for Blacks in America

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Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!):

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!):

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

Guinea is another choice, where Civil Rights Leader Stokely Carmichael moved. In spite of its name, there are actually relatively few Italians living there.
1. A few African Americans , mostly artists, have moved to Europe. Before World War II, they found little racial prejudice, for they were few in number. One of the most famous was Ms. J. Baker, the singer.

2. The majority of African Americans can no more be expected to emigrate to a strange country than can any other American.

3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime.
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!): Home

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

Maybe you should just learn to live with them. White man brought them here and this is their home, like it or not.
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!): Home

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

Maybe you should just learn to live with them. White man brought them here and this is their home, like it or not.
I get along fine when they act like human beings.

They can’t seem to learn to live with whites without being paranoid and afraid.
3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime
Umm yea, wouldn’t that be nice. Their education just gets worse (thanks to liberals), their single-mom household rates keep going up (thanks thug culture), and their violent crime rates are still the highest (thanks thug culture again).
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!): Home

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

Maybe you should just learn to live with them. White man brought them here and this is their home, like it or not.

Here in America, we have plenty of cities that have virtually no African Americans, you know. If a honky wants to live strictly among his own, plenty of places in Pennsylvania and elsewhere where blacks are seen only on TV, and if there are any in the local population they are students at the local university or cons sitting in stir in the local penitentiary.
1. A few African Americans , mostly artists, have moved to Europe. Before World War II, they found little racial prejudice, for they were few in number. One of the most famous was Ms. J. Baker, the singer.

2. The majority of African Americans can no more be expected to emigrate to a strange country than can any other American.

3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime.
Nina simone died a Frenchie

She moved there for that reason......she was disappointed
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!): Home

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

Maybe you should just learn to live with them. White man brought them here and this is their home, like it or not.
There are a great percentage of white people who do that or want to do that. And there are white people who do not. There are a percentage of Black people who want to remain with their own also. There is no dialogue on real stuff. Just accusations. Either way this is getting past the point of being old.
3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime.
Dream on....

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1. A few African Americans , mostly artists, have moved to Europe. Before World War II, they found little racial prejudice, for they were few in number. One of the most famous was Ms. J. Baker, the singer.

2. The majority of African Americans can no more be expected to emigrate to a strange country than can any other American.

3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime.
#3 will never happen. ever.
3. I think a better way is for African Americans to follow in the footsteps of Asian Americans: make education a priority, have two-parent families, study hard at school, refrain from violent crime.

Can I add a 4th list item for consideration:

4) Stop thinking the world owes you a fucking living. Develop a strong work ethic (if that's possible). Get a job and KEEP it. Develop skills that will allow you to progress. And learn to PAY your own way. Buy (and pay for) -- not steal, the things you want.

(I know, I'm way out on the ledge with this one. Lol...)
Can I add a 4th list item for consideration:

4) Stop thinking the world owes you a fucking living. Develop a strong work ethic (if that's possible). Get a job and KEEP it. Develop skills that will allow you to progress. And learn to PAY your own way. Buy (and pay for) -- not steal, the things you want.

(I know, I'm way out on the ledge with this one. Lol...)
And if I could piggyback on you, I’d add to recall the traits the African-American Museum of the Smithsonian said were “Traits of Whiteness” - and adopt them. These included:

1) being polite
2) speaking English properly
3) working hard
4) respecting authority
5) being on time
6) thinking rationally
7) delaying gratification

….and some other whiteness traits I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Why is this thread still open. And why is it not moved to the rubber room where it belongs?

As to the OP, blacks aren't the only ones who have a problem with white racism. And if ANYONE needs to relocate its you descendants of piss poor european runaways.
We keep hearing how America is just so racist. Too much “systemic racism” in police, and every other institution. Even though we spend billions on education and welfare programs for decades, affirmative action policies to give blacks positions they would never fairly earn on their own, we’re still racist because we won’t hand over all of our wealth to the negroes.

Blacks talk so much about how scared they are to live in America. So, why not move out of the country? Plenty of other non-white countries with zero racism.

Here’s a few great places you can relocate to, and the beauty is you don’t have to learn a new language, you can keep speaking the white man’s language you were forced speak now because America is racist:

Liberia (setup just for ex-slaves of evil white America): How to Move to Liberia: the Complete Relocation Guide | InterNations GO!

Jamaica,(a beach paradise): Moving to Jamaica: 8 Things to Know Before Moving to Jamaica

Kenya (the homeland of Obama!): Home

Ghana: Ghana Immigration Service - Ministry of the Interior│Republic of Ghana

I think Lincoln tried that approach and didn't get very far. Does Liberia ring a bell?

IN FACT -- the OPPOSITE is happening. I was very surprised by the statistics of black immigration TO the US. Especially in the past 6 or 8 years. Pew reports that one in every five black people in America in 2022 are either new immigrants or CHILDREN of new immigrants over the past generation. Still trying to figure out WHY that is considering the numbers -- but it's likely to be due to different "family goals" and easy access to abortion for multi-generational black Americans.

Africa has accounted for the fastest growth in the U.S. Black immigrant population, but the Caribbean remains the largest origin region. Together, these two regions accounted for 88% of all Black foreign-born people in the U.S. in 2019.

Between 2000 and 2019, the Black African immigrant population grew 246%, from about 600,000 to 2.0 million. As a result, people of African origin now make up 42% of the country’s foreign-born Black population, up from just 23% in 2000.

Still, the Caribbean remains the most common region of birth for U.S. Black immigrants. Just under half of the foreign-born Black population was born in this region (46%).

SO -- THESE folks haven't heard of the "systemic racism" problem in America OR they aren't worried at ALL about it. And THAT is understandable considering what they are FLEEING from in many cases. Especially from Haiti and war-torn African countries.

BTW -- Met some engineers in Silicon Valley that immigrated to the US from Africa via Jamaica. Jamaica has great technical ed centers. And African parents who can afford it often send kids there for science/engineering. This is WHY -- this influx should be encouraged. Might be a way to "UN-woke" the "native" "african Americans" who wake up every morning feeling discriminated against.

The Caribbean black influx has an EXCELLENT outcome in terms of getting their share of the "American dream". Their success in America matches pretty well with all other immigrant classes.
Umm yea, wouldn’t that be nice. Their education just gets worse (thanks to liberals), their single-mom household rates keep going up (thanks thug culture), and their violent crime rates are still the highest (thanks thug culture again).

Sadly, you lump ALL blacks into the same boxcar. That's pretty much the pinnacle of Racism.
MANY African Americans are far more intelligent, stronger and wealthier than you will ever be.

The problem is that too many blacks have been spoon fed the Victim Card by power hungry Democrats and many of those those African Americans have turned to thuggery. And while it would be nice to ignore genetics..some of those ignorant blacks may not possess the intellect to rise above the easy path of the victim card. (Just as some whites cannot)
Why is this thread still open. And why is it not moved to the rubber room where it belongs?

As to the OP, blacks aren't the only ones who have a problem with white racism. And if ANYONE needs to relocate its you descendants of piss poor european runaways.

Another loser who lumps ALL into one Boxcar. Racist.
Even in his own family there are surely some who disagree with him and probably some married to blacks.
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