The Sleeping Giant Is Awake: A Quiet States' Rights Revolution Is Happening...

That would be the feds' call, Frank, not Colorado's. If you are a toker and live in CO, then you will be happy.
Fuck the big government ass lickers. do realize the whole Sandy Hook thing is not about whipping up anti-gun assholes. Its about the expected pushback..........these fuckers WANT pushback from some extreme right-wing group so they can paint all gun owners and people right of center as radicals. Aurora didnt get it done.........if Sandy Hook doesnt, dollar to 1,000 stale donuts another mass shooting event is coming.

Adam Lanza...........lmao...........we've gotten to a place where the hordes of the herded will buy anything put out by the state run media. Next it might be a 90 pound woman carrying around 200 pounds of ammo and weapons and killing people with precision shooting.........maybe even a bazooka and a big bag of grenades this time. And the sheep will buy the narrative in a heatbeat.

By the way Paulitician.........expect to see video of Lanza any day now, both in the school and at the counter at the gun shop. They've had nearly 2 months to work on it!!!:2up:
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Throughout our history it has been the right wing, the slave states if you will, that have championed "states' rights." Fundamentally, this is because federal power has been more supportive of the will of the majority of citizens, i.e. more left-democratic than state power in those Southern states with an entrenched oligarchy and high GINI index.

This goes back to the 3/5 compromise and has carried forward to this day in ideas like nullification, the Electoral College, the filibuster etc. etc. It would be nice to think the conflict is one of philosophy but the actual issues always seem to be the rich vs. the rest.

Are you really that ignorant of American history? :confused:

I am sorry about your confusion. Your tendentious inquiry about my ignorance is not an argument as it has no facts and no logic. If you would like to attempt to remedy my ignorance, I would be happy to learn from your teaching. Please try and be specific as you are dealing with a eager but inexperienced student. Thanks
The slave states were neo-libertarian, operating in the Democratic Party. When the "conscious Whigs" deserted the "slave Whigs" after 1852, the slave Whigs joined the neo-libertarian slave wing in the Democratic Party. When the "conscious Democrats" refused to support the slave wing any further in 1860, the Democratic Party shattered and the neo-libertarian slave wing of the southern Democrats brought on the Civil War.

Learn history, Frank.


"You tell 'em, Peckerwood!"
That would be the feds' call, Frank, not Colorado's. If you are a toker and live in CO, then you will be happy.

You know that marijuana is a "Controlled Substance" right?

Are there only certain Federal laws that Obama can follow?

Frank, you can complain and talk all you want. But you are not in charge. Get elected to the state lege or to Congress, or put one of the leges in your pocket, then you might be able to do something more than complain.
That would be the feds' call, Frank, not Colorado's. If you are a toker and live in CO, then you will be happy.

You know that marijuana is a "Controlled Substance" right?

Are there only certain Federal laws that Obama can follow?

Frank, you can complain and talk all you want. But you are not in charge. Get elected to the state lege or to Congress, or put one of the leges in your pocket, then you might be able to do something more than complain.

Jake, you're not making any sense.
Unfortunately these laws being passed have no real affect other than make people feel good.

Federal Laws supersede State law, just as State laws supersede County or City laws/ordinances.

I guess you've never heard of the legal theory of nullification.

State Nullification: What Is It? | Liberty Classroom

What is it?

State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.

Says Who?

Says Thomas Jefferson, among other distinguished Americans. His draft of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 first introduced the word “nullification” into American political life, and follow-up resolutions in 1799 employed Jefferson’s formulation that “nullification…is the rightful remedy” when the federal government reaches beyond its constitutional powers. In the Virginia Resolutions of 1798, James Madison said the states were “duty bound to resist” when the federal government violated the Constitution.

What’s the Argument for It?

Here’s an extremely basic summary:

1) The states preceded the Union.
2) In the American system no government is sovereign.
3) Since the peoples of the states are the sovereigns, then when the federal government exercises a power of dubious constitutionality on a matter of great importance, it is they themselves who are the proper disputants, as they review whether their agent was intended to hold such a power.

Why Do We Need It?

As Jefferson warned, if the federal government is allowed to hold a monopoly on determining the extent of its own powers, we have no right to be surprised when it keeps discovering new ones.

Isn’t This Ancient History?

Two dozen American states nullified the REAL ID Act of 2005. More than a dozen states have successfully defied the federal government over medical marijuana. Nullification initiatives of all kinds, involving the recent health care legislation, cap and trade, and the Second Amendment are popping up everywhere.

Doesn’t Nullification Violate the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause?

Thomas Jefferson knew about the Supremacy Clause, it’s safe to assume. The Supremacy Clause applies to constitutional laws, not unconstitutional ones.

Please visit the link for more details and more links to good sites on the subject.

And you’ve never heard of Cooper v. Aaron (1958):

The interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment enunciated by this Court in the Brown case is the supreme law of the land, and Art. VI of the Constitution makes it of binding effect on the States "any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." P. 18.

No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it. P. 18.

FindLaw | Cases and Codes

In an opinion released by Brian Kane, Assistant Chief Deputy representing the Idaho Attorney General, concerning ‘nullification’:

Courts Have Expressly Rejected Nullification

Our history is replete with federal enactments that were unpopular in one State or
another, or even within regions. Taking the logic of the nullification theory to its natural
extension, federal law would become a patchwork of regulation depending upon which
States chose to comply. It is hardly surprising, given this specter, that no court has ever
upheld a State effort to nullify a federal law.

The most instructive case on nullification is likely Cooper v. Aaron. This case
arose out of a belief by the State of Arkansas that it was not bound to follow the Supreme
Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Arkansas, through its governor and
legislature, claimed that there is no duty on the part of state official to obey federal court
orders based upon the Court's interpretation of the federal constitution. The governor
and the legislature, in practical effect, were advancing the theory that the States were the
ultimate arbiters of the constitutionality of federal enactments and decisions.

The Court expressly rejected this argument stating: "No state legislator or
executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his
undertaking to support it." The Court went further: A governor who asserts power to
nullify a federal court manifests that the fiat of a state governor, and not the Constitution
of the United States, would be the supreme law of the land.

All acts of Congress are presumed to be Constitutional until a Federal court rules otherwise. Only the Federal courts, not the states, have the authority to review and determine the constitutionality of a given act of Congress. See: Gibbons v. Saunders (1827), US V. Lopez (1995), US v. Morrison (2000).

Consequently, any law enacted by a given state designed to nullify a Federal statute, or to forbid Federal officers from executing their lawful duties within that state, would be invalidated by the courts.
Fuck the big government ass lickers. do realize the whole Sandy Hook thing is not about whipping up anti-gun assholes. Its about the expected pushback..........these fuckers WANT pushback from some extreme right-wing group so they can paint all gun owners and people right of center as radicals. Aurora didnt get it done.........if Sandy Hook doesnt, dollar to 1,000 stale donuts another mass shooting event is coming.

Adam Lanza...........lmao...........we've gotten to a place where the hordes of the herded will buy anything put out by the state run media. Next it might be a 90 pound woman carrying around 200 pounds of ammo and weapons and killing people with precision shooting.........maybe even a bazooka and a big bag of grenades this time. And the sheep will buy the narrative in a heatbeat.

By the way Paulitician.........expect to see video of Lanza any day now, both in the school and at the counter at the gun shop. They've had nearly 2 months to work on it!!!:2up:

Oh, i know. They really are itching for another Waco/Ruby Ridge. And if it doesn't happen soon, they're more than willing to facilitate it. They gave guns to brutal Mexican Drug Cartels for God's sake. They're capable of anything. So definitely stay tuned.
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Fuck the big government ass lickers. do realize the whole Sandy Hook thing is not about whipping up anti-gun assholes. Its about the expected pushback..........these fuckers WANT pushback from some extreme right-wing group so they can paint all gun owners and people right of center as radicals. Aurora didnt get it done.........if Sandy Hook doesnt, dollar to 1,000 stale donuts another mass shooting event is coming.

Adam Lanza...........lmao...........we've gotten to a place where the hordes of the herded will buy anything put out by the state run media. Next it might be a 90 pound woman carrying around 200 pounds of ammo and weapons and killing people with precision shooting.........maybe even a bazooka and a big bag of grenades this time. And the sheep will buy the narrative in a heatbeat.

By the way Paulitician.........expect to see video of Lanza any day now, both in the school and at the counter at the gun shop. They've had nearly 2 months to work on it!!!:2up:

Oh, i know. They really are itching for another Waco/Ruby Ridge. And if it doesn't happen soon, they're more than willing to facilitate it. They gave guns to brutal Mexican Drug Cartels for God's sake. They're capable of anything. So definitely stay tuned.

You are entitled to all the opinions you want, even the crazy ones, like that above.
so, have any of you sandy hook conspiracy fuckfaces taken the time to find a family of one of the children murdered in cold blood and tell them to their face it was all bullshit? i would love to see this. please do. i mean, i know you won't because you have to sit around and wait for your disability checks, but if you ever get that moto-scooter out and about to newtown, please spit in their faces. i beg you.
Yes, a quiet peaceful Revolution is well underway. More & more States are now reasserting their rights. It really is great to see. Thank you Mr. President for waking this Sleeping Giant.

Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Faced with the prospect of new federal gun restrictions, the Wyoming House gave initial approval Wednesday to bills that sponsors say would exempt guns in the state from new regulations while possibly taking the fight to criminals who might choose to attack public schools.

The House voted in favor of a bill that would seek to block the federal government from restricting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It amended the bill to specify that federal officials who tried to enforce any ban would be subject to state misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges.

President Barack Obama has called for reinstituting a federal assault weapons ban following the massacre of 20 Connecticut first-graders by a gunman last month.

The House on Wednesday also gave preliminary approval to a bill that would allow citizens who hold concealed carry permits to carry guns on campuses of public schools, colleges and the University of Wyoming.

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, sponsored the bill to exempt assault rifles and magazines from federal control. He said Wyoming should get its position on record before a new federal ban comes down.

“It is clearly a different case than trying to nullify something that’s already in existence,” Kroeker said...

Read More:
Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures « CBS DC

How many of these hilariously funny fringe laws been signed by a Governor?

And how did the Civil War end?

Anti-dedegregation laws?
so, have any of you sandy hook conspiracy fuckfaces taken the time to find a family of one of the children murdered in cold blood and tell them to their face it was all bullshit? i would love to see this. please do. i mean, i know you won't because you have to sit around and wait for your disability checks, but if you ever get that moto-scooter out and about to newtown, please spit in their faces. i beg you.

Violence doesn't solve anything.
Throughout our history it has been the right wing, the slave states if you will, that have championed "states' rights." Fundamentally, this is because federal power has been more supportive of the will of the majority of citizens, i.e. more left-democratic than state power in those Southern states with an entrenched oligarchy and high GINI index.

This goes back to the 3/5 compromise and has carried forward to this day in ideas like nullification, the Electoral College, the filibuster etc. etc. It would be nice to think the conflict is one of philosophy but the actual issues always seem to be the rich vs. the rest.

Democrat states were the slave states.

Democrat Party was the KKK Party

LBJ "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" was a Democrat

Yes, the Solid South morphed into the Southern Strategy. Democrats and Republicans change positions like football teams at half-time. What is your point?

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