The shooting of my dogs and the justice system in America


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I am trying to file a lawsuit against the guy who shot my dogs, I need his name and address which police have. I have been trying to get this information for my court form since before Christmas, they keep telling me to call back over and over again every couple days for the last 2 weeks+ - First it's officer Hefner who has the information but he's not here, then Hefner says to me that he will get this information to me within the next few days, now officer Hefner just told me that it is the corporal Smith that has this information and he should have it for me by Tuesday, but when I talked to corporal Smith before Christmas, he told me that Hefner is the one who has that information and he will call me back. I suspect something is very fishy, any advice appreciated. here is the papers I am preparing for the court:

First of all I have to say that these dogs meant to me absolutely no less than for anyone in this room their children. They were outside dogs, they were very healthy, very happy and very well behaved dogs. If you have doubts I have lots of videos on this CD, these dogs were always outside with the Chickens, and they never hurt those chickens. When I decided to file a law suit with this court, I was asked if this is about money, I had to say ok, but this has absolutely nothing to do with money.

The question here is, weather this so called hunter was attacked by my psychopath dogs, or weather my dogs were murdered by this psychopath. When I called the police, the first thing police asked me was weather the dogs were on the leash. If we are to judge my dogs guilt or innocence by weather they were on the leash, then we might as well ask was the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan that raped and murdered women and children, were THEY on the leash, and why not? This is what the police based their judgment on. And if this is how you, the judge will base your judgment on, then I already know that I am not speaking to you, but only to God.

Let us look at some facts related to the shooting of my dogs. no more than 5 minutes before I heard the shots, I passed this guy right near my house, he was parked right in front of my friends, neighbors camp which is 500 feet away from my house. I stopped and said hello, and even though I knew my father is about to come out there with the dogs as he always does, I saw absolutely no need to warn him, because first of all, this is right near my property, no normal human being hunts so close to someone else's house, second of all, as I stopped and said hello, and he was acting like he was about to leave, he had no gun, which I must now assume he was hiding the gun when he saw us coming, and finally there were so many dog tracks in the snow from there to my house that it is absolutely impossible not to notice, unless the hunter is seriously on drugs, and that did not seem to be the case. when police arrived, they saw all the tracks.

When I asked the police how can he shoot right from the road, which is what I assumed he did at first, the police officer told me that as long as you are 10 feet of the road, you can shoot, when I asked this question from the game commissioner, he could not give me any straight answer, and neither could the dog law officer, but when I did some research on internet, I found on the government web site USDA.GOV it states, you have to be at least 150 yards from the road to hunt. Not to mention from someone else's property. The location of the shooting was less than 150 yards from the road and the camp. Which means that these police officers either have no clue about hunting laws, or they were purposely trying to deceive me.

So now, let us look at his claim that my dogs, who never even attacked my chickens, decided to attack him as he followed their tracks which clearly led from my house into the woods. The photo clearly shows the dog was shot on the side not in the front. Me, my father and my wife all testify that we heard absolutely no growling, no barking and no shouting from this so called hunger before we heard multiple shots. THEN, we heard dogs squealing, my father screaming, and then few MORE shots. I ran to the house, grabbed the my rifle thinking that he must have shot my father the second time, and within a minute, less than 2 minutes, I was there, and I collapsed crying. I see this guy trying to flee towards his vehicle and I realized I better run and get his license plate, and as soon as he saw me do that, he called the police and said "I'm here at the Nansen". He MENTIONED the name of our place!! Which means he KNEW our place, and if he knew our place, he obviously knew our dogs. he was no outsider, and EVERYONE around here knew our dogs, people always stopped and admired how beautiful and how well behaved they are. they were always outside playing, they slept outside, they each had their own house, but they preferred to sleep under the snow, they never touched the chickens, they never touched people, or the bicyclists that would pass by once in a while, they never touched the handicapped man that drove by here several times on his tricycle.

The reason I closed my bar Dancing at the Nansen, was because there was a lot of vandalism after I started speaking freely about this system, and I thought it will be safer for my dogs and my family if we kept the bar closed, but apparently speaking out in America is no different than speaking out in Soviet Union. You can speak freely against the liberals or conservatives, but if you go deeper into the problem, you become a threat and you are dealt with accordingly.

How far off the road do you have to be to hunt?
You must be 150 yards off of roads, designated trails
and boundaries.
What about hiking trails?

This photo shows my dog Black was shot on the side, this is not in any attack mode:
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Oh man. Why did you have to post a pic???

Now I have to go bleach my eyes. DAMMIT...give a warning when you show dead or abused animals in the THREAD title, will ya? Sheesh.

Meanwhile, it should be public record. Go to the court.
Ditto, losing is your dogs hurts and knowing it was no accident hurts even more. I think you need to talk to a lawyer.
Ditto, losing is your dogs hurts and knowing it was no accident hurts even more. I think you need to talk to a lawyer.
Thanks for the advice, I had no trouble spending thousands of dollars to try to heal the surviving dog's leg, but I will not spend any money on lawyers, because I believe in myself, I may not be a doctor, but I believe I understand law. and the lawsuit is not so much about winning as it is about me speaking to (if not anyone else) god in court.
pvsi said:
I am trying to file a lawsuit against the guy who shot my dogs, I need his name and address which police have.
Ah poor doggie!!

I am so sorry....... Your dog must have felt fear towards this person,i dont think she would have done this for no reason....

Good luck in your endeavors!!
Ditto, losing is your dogs hurts and knowing it was no accident hurts even more. I think you need to talk to a lawyer.
Thanks for the advice, I had no trouble spending thousands of dollars to try to heal the surviving dog's leg, but I will not spend any money on lawyers, because I believe in myself, I may not be a doctor, but I believe I understand law. and the lawsuit is not so much about winning as it is about me speaking to (if not anyone else) god in court.

There is a long list of people who thought the same thing. They all lost their cases.
Ditto, losing is your dogs hurts and knowing it was no accident hurts even more. I think you need to talk to a lawyer.
Thanks for the advice, I had no trouble spending thousands of dollars to try to heal the surviving dog's leg, but I will not spend any money on lawyers, because I believe in myself, I may not be a doctor, but I believe I understand law. and the lawsuit is not so much about winning as it is about me speaking to (if not anyone else) god in court.

There is a long list of people who thought the same thing. They all lost their cases.
Then my case continues to be against the American criminal justice system.
Whoever shot your dogs should be skinned alive and staked out over an anthill.

That said. In many jurisdictions it is the policy that the parties not be provided with the personal information of other parties. When it suits them, the authorities have no problem with giving out whatever information they wish. When I was carjacked, my personal information was given to the carjacker, absolutely in violation of state law.

You can get an attorney to sue the police department directly for concealing information. You can get a reporter to do an investigation. If you have a friendly police officer you can ask them to look into police records for you. If bullets were recovered from your dogs, you have ballistic evidence that can be traced. You can hire a private detective. Do you have a partial plate number and a description of the car? You are well over half way to finding the person.

What you should not do is equate shooting your dogs with military action in Fallujah. You won't get anywhere.
Whoever shot your dogs should be skinned alive and staked out over an anthill.

That said. In many jurisdictions it is the policy that the parties not be provided with the personal information of other parties. When it suits them, the authorities have no problem with giving out whatever information they wish. When I was carjacked, my personal information was given to the carjacker, absolutely in violation of state law.

You can get an attorney to sue the police department directly for concealing information. You can get a reporter to do an investigation. If you have a friendly police officer you can ask them to look into police records for you. If bullets were recovered from your dogs, you have ballistic evidence that can be traced. You can hire a private detective. Do you have a partial plate number and a description of the car? You are well over half way to finding the person.

What you should not do is equate shooting your dogs with military action in Fallujah. You won't get anywhere.
Thanks. also good point about your car jacking case. The police are being "friendly" to me, they are just "stonewalling" me for whatever reason. they and I know full license plate, (GXL6595 - dark blue SUV, I suspect he's from Pittsburgh area) and police talked to him after the shooting. it's just taking them too long to "retrieve" the information, and I am anxious to see if/what else this scumbag has done, which I plan to do as soon as I get his name, but I am concerned that they are taking this time to eliminate traces of his past activity, before they will give me his name.
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Ditto, losing is your dogs hurts and knowing it was no accident hurts even more. I think you need to talk to a lawyer.
Thanks for the advice, I had no trouble spending thousands of dollars to try to heal the surviving dog's leg, but I will not spend any money on lawyers, because I believe in myself, I may not be a doctor, but I believe I understand law. and the lawsuit is not so much about winning as it is about me speaking to (if not anyone else) god in court.
I've been involved in several legal actions and I have found that just talking to a lawyer about a case can be very helpful, even if you have to pay him for his time. Unfortunately, it's not just about the law. You really do need to have some professional opinion of the case before you carry it too far. These things can stretch out for years and if you finally do go to court and loose it can be costly.

People often considering suing in order get justice but law suites are invariably about financial compensation for damages, not justice.

Good Luck
Update. the police officer corporal Smith just told me that he thinks his last name is Severance, that I can look it up in the phone book, that they can not give me the information and that maybe Hefner (the other police officer, his partner) will call me back. In other words they are not being straight with me at all. I asked so how do I file charges against him, he said just try to look up his name in the phone book he is from Kane (my small town, population about 3000 or less).

This is American justice system. I called the local court to ask how to obtain the information, they said to call back in 15 minutes.
Whoever shot your dogs should be skinned alive and staked out over an anthill.

They should also have vinegar poured over their skinless body at regular intervals, and their remains set on fire.

What sort of cold hearted fuck shoots a dog like that, anyway?
I hope you find whomever did this. And again, I am so sorry you lost your furkids.

man if had been me and i found out who it was that killed me dogs,i would hire a hitman.
Sometimes these things are easier said than done, If I would have not been struck by grief and if I had a better gun, and if I knew all the details, I would definitely have shot him on the spot myself. but all I have is my story, my voice, and all I can do is try to organize the world against this filth - this is not the first time I was hurt in my life and I know I am not the only one who is being hurt every day. I was hurt when I was 6, and when I was 9 especially when my mom went to prison in USSR, I was hurt when in many ways living in USA, when my bar was vandalized repeatedly in 2009/2010, here, right near where my dogs were shot, I was hurt many times living in North Philadelphia, by gangs of black kids, and one time was the day when some white scum dragged a black man to death in Texas, and I KNEW that day that something might happen to me as a repercussion, I was hurt when my car windows were smashed to steal my $10 sneakers, and when I was walking to the music store in my first years in America, around 1989.

But these days, I am mostly hurt by knowing what the animals are doing in places like Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine and all over the world. I am living in a nice place, I have a nice house (even if it's a little bit too big) I have a nice garden, a nice huge aquarium, a job I love, a wife I love... but I believe I got those things after I learned that I live my life not for myself but for the world, so all those things I have do not mean anything to me, because my soul is constantly with those who are being abused by the system, by the establishment. My fight did not start on the day my dogs were shot. and I hope that you 9:11 will understand, that just because in my movement there is hardly anyone participating, that all the other movements are a fraud. I will be making more videos which I hope you will watch and share. best movements started small, and they were led by people who never gave up.
I hope you find whomever did this. And again, I am so sorry you lost your furkids.

man if had been me and i found out who it was that killed me dogs,i would hire a hitman.

We don't do stuff like that in this country; It's called murder for hire.

Think before you shoot off your mouth.
Murderer who was hired is the fat piece of scum who shot my dogs. I will later make another speech with details proving my case - police did not give me his name and I am unable to sue him. they know who did it, and I know his license plate. in fact most of the details are already here on this thread
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man if had been me and i found out who it was that killed me dogs,i would hire a hitman.

We don't do stuff like that in this country; It's called murder for hire.

Think before you shoot off your mouth.
Murderer who was hired is the fat piece of scum who shot my dogs. I will later make another speech with details proving my case - police did not give me his name and I am unable to sue him. they know who did it, and I know his license plate.

I wasn't commenting on that, I'm saying you can't go around hiring hit-men in this country - It's called murder for hire.

Did you see this person shoot your dogs??? If you got their licence plate, you can follow this up, go down and press charges if you want, but how do you know the motives of the person who did this?

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