The Senate Will Not Waste Its Time Considering a Democrat Bill Which the President Won’t Sign

Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019

So what you are saying is that the once proud Senate is now nothing but a lapdog for the POTUS, they will do the bidding of the POTUS. What is the point of them even being there then?

No, the Senate just isn't going to waste its time debating and voting on measures that will never be implemented, just because and out of control House of Representatives is passing the measures.

So, they will be lap dogs for the POTUS and never send him a bill and make him not sign it. I guess the plus side is that there will not be a significant piece of legislation passed in the next two years, so that is a win for the citizens.
The senate was sure a lap dog for Obama, what makes you think this is different?
This is a GOP Senate doofus
Ignoramus....when Obama had the senate, they were a lapdog for him. Reid made sure of that. try and keep up...I know it's difficult for you.
The new Senate is going to be really busy confirming all of the new judges, they may not have time to consider an end to the shutdown right away
The new Senate is going to be really busy confirming all of the new judges, they may not have time to consider an end to the shutdown right away
Yea...more important to get those corporatist judges confirmed than to get people back to work
There go the Republicans, not representing the will of the people.
The Midterms showed a majority of Americans don't want Trump's wall and every single poll says the same thing.
A majority of Americans do not want their tax dollars to stroke Trump's giant ego.
If the GOP keeps up with their Trump over country bullshit, they will be history in 2020.
Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019
Why not? How many bills did they send to Obama knowing he would not sign them?

no answer yet?

Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019
Why not? How many bills did they send to Obama knowing he would not sign them?

no answer yet?


You don't know?......ROTFLMFAO....You're not even good at trolling!
Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019
What are the Republicans giving up for wall funding, the last thing on earth that dems want? It must be something good for that compromise to work out. Dems supported a bill during the DACA fight that included fixing daca and wall funding but your shitty leader was being a wishy washy whimp and sank it. Oh well. Maybe he doesn't actually want a wall just a fight.
wait till the guys who check you in at airports go on strike ,,leaving america in huge trouble Then maybe the orange ah will make a move for america and not his stinkin ego
Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019
Why not? How many bills did they send to Obama knowing he would not sign them?

no answer yet?

we shall see..

“What we’re asking the Republicans in the Senate to do is to take ‘yes’ for an answer. We are sending them back exactly, word for word, what they have passed,” Pelosi said. “Why would they not do that? Is it because the president won’t sign it? Did they not hear about the coequal branch of government, and that we the Congress send the president legislation and he can choose to sign or not?”
So has the Senate done ANYTHING yet?

Not with Democrat stuff.

“What we’re asking the Republicans in the Senate to do is to take ‘yes’ for an answer. We are sending them back exactly, word for word, what they have passed,” Pelosi said. “Why would they not do that? Is it because the president won’t sign it? Did they not hear about the coequal branch of government, and that we the Congress send the president legislation and he can choose to sign or not?”
Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019
Why not? How many bills did they send to Obama knowing he would not sign them?

no answer yet?

we shall see..

“What we’re asking the Republicans in the Senate to do is to take ‘yes’ for an answer. We are sending them back exactly, word for word, what they have passed,” Pelosi said. “Why would they not do that? Is it because the president won’t sign it? Did they not hear about the coequal branch of government, and that we the Congress send the president legislation and he can choose to sign or not?”

Co-equal or not, the Democrats had better face reality. If Trump invokes emergency powers, they could well find themselves spiraling down the tidy hole.
Pelosi can go pound sand. No border wall funding, no deal. The shutdown can continue till hell freezes over as far as I am concerned.

McConnell said the Senate won’t even consider legislation passed by the House Democrats this week because it won’t include border wall funding. “Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement can pass the House, earn 60 votes in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature,” McConnell said, adding, “All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House won’t solve anything.”

“As I’ve said consistently for the last two weeks, the Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the President will not sign,” McConnell said.

TheGatewayPundit ^ | January 2, 2019

The Senate doesn't exist to pass bills the President won't sign you anti American asshole.

If Senate Republicans won't do their jobs, they need to be replaced.

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