The secret 'Corona-Paper' from German Interial Ministerium proves Corona-Pandemic is a lie ( 86 pages secret report for download )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
We are completely cheated, our western industries are deliberately destroyed by governments, we must be vaccinated. The question is WHY?
You can read below and download ( and distribute ) the Truth about Corona Lie

###### The original story

The so-called "Corona Paper", published by an employee of Seehofer's Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) who has since been removed from office, is making a big splash. Doctors and scientists who were involved in the preparation of the paper contradict Seehofer's statement that it is a "private opinion" of the speaker. They are now publicly calling on the BMI to transparently present the risk assessments allegedly made there. Here the joint press release of the external experts and the entire "Corona Paper" for download.

Press release of the external experts of the corona paper from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, info from BMI staff
With astonishment we, the doctors and scientists involved in an advisory capacity in the preparation of the aforementioned corona paper, take note of the press release of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) of 10th May "BMI staff disseminates private opinion on corona crisis management - elaboration (summary of the evaluation under: Link was made outside the responsibility and without order and authorization".
In this press release, the Ministry writes: "According to the information available to date, the elaboration was also carried out with the participation of third parties outside the BMI. We assume that with third parties we, the signatories, are meant.

We take the following position.
We assume that the Federal Ministry of the Interior has a great interest in ensuring that its specialists, who are entrusted with the extremely important task of recognising crisis developments and averting damage to Germany by issuing timely warnings, both act with a concrete mandate and act on their own initiative.
In our opinion, the specialist officials addressed would have to initiate an immediate reassessment of the protective measures on the basis of this paper, for which we also offer our advice.
In its press release, the Federal Ministry of the Interior clearly states that it will not, however, take this analysis into account. It is incomprehensible to us that the responsible Federal Ministry wants to ignore such an important assessment on the basis of comprehensive technical expertise.

Due to the seriousness of the situation, it must be a matter of dealing with the available factual arguments - regardless of the history of their origin.

Therefore we ask:
Why did the BMI not support the employee's request and why does the BMI use the comprehensive analysis now available on the basis of high-quality external
expertise in its assessment of the relationship between benefit and harm of corona protection measures?

The BMI writes further in its press release:
"As a result of the danger of corona infections, the Federal Government has taken measures to protect the population
Measures taken. These are continuously being considered within the Federal Government and
regularly coordinated with the prime ministers of the federal states."

The corresponding employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior contacted us by way of a specialist inquiry when preparing the risk analysis for the assessment of the medical collateral damage caused by the "corona measures".

Carried by the responsibility, we supported the committed BMI employee in examining this essential question to the best of our knowledge and belief, in addition to our actual professional activity.

Renowned colleagues, all of them outstanding representatives of their profession,
took a factual position on specific issues on the basis of the requested expertise. This resulted in an initial comprehensive assessment of the medical damage that has already occurred and the threat of medical damage, including expected fatalities.

The BMI employee carried out an assessment based on our work and forwarded the result to the responsible authorities. You will find the relevant document in the appendix to this press release. There is no question that due to the short time available, this can only be the beginning of an even more extensive examination. However, we believe that our analysis provides a good starting point for the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the interior ministries of the Länder to weigh up the possible benefits of the protective measures carefully against the damage they cause.

Translation from german:

We ask the BMI:
inform us in a timely manner how exactly this weighing is taking place. We request this on the basis of
prove data, facts and sources. We would like to compare this with our analysis. In view of the current sometimes catastrophic patient care, we would be
if this analysis leads to a different assessment than our own, which is reassuring for us
seems difficult to imagine at present.

Furthermore, the BMI writes:
"The incidence of infections in Germany is so far rather low in international comparison. The measures taken are working."

In accordance with the international technical literature, we only share this statement regarding the effectiveness of the protective measures to a limited extent. We therefore ask the BMI in the interests of transparency:
to disclose the sources according to which this finding is made.

Altogether, at the request of a courageous employee of the BMI, we have shown the manifold and serious undesirable effects of corona protection measures in the medical field and these are serious. For us, the whole process gives the impression that, after a certainly difficult initial phase of the epidemic, the risks have now not been considered to the necessary extent and, in particular, not in a comprehensive risk assessment.

With regard to reporting on this incident, we ask that the focus be on the value of our analysis and that we report on ourselves, both in office and in person, in a manner appropriate to the serious situation.

Covid-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is a serious illness for many people in known risk groups. As with any serious infectious disease, it is important to find the best treatment for patients and to prevent infection routes.

But therapeutic and preventive measures must never be more harmful than the disease itself. The aim must be to protect the risk groups without endangering medical care and the health of the population as a whole, as is unfortunately happening at the moment.

We in science and practice, as well as very many colleagues, experience the consequential damage caused to our patients by corona protection measures on a daily basis. We therefore call upon the Federal Ministry of the Interior to comment on our press release and hope for a pertinent discussion that will lead to the best possible solution for the entire population with regard to the measures.

Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, University Professor of Medical Microbiology (retired), University of Mainz
Dr. med. Gunter Frank, general practitioner, member of the permanent guidelines commission of the German Society for Family Medicine and General Medicine (DEGAM), Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Soz. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn, Emeritus of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hockertz, tpi consult GmbH, former director of the Institute for Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Karina Reiß, Department of Dermatology and Allergology University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, Professor of Pathology, Heidelberg, Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen, Deputy Curriculum Director of the Medical University of Vienna Department of General and Family Medicine, Chairman of the German Network of Evidence-Based Medicine (DNEbM)
Dr. med. Til Uebel, resident family doctor, specialist for general medicine,
Diabetology, emergency medicine, lecturer at the Institute of General Medicine at the University of Würzburg, academic teaching practice at the University of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. Harald Walach, Prof. Med. University of Poznan, Dept. of Paediatric
Gastroenterology, visiting professor at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Dept. of Psychology

Download the complete Corona Paper

Jouwatch publishes here a download link to download the complete "Corona Paper". We share the opinion that it was right not to have published the paper until now - to protect the author of the paper and to give the federal and state ministries the opportunity to view the document.

We link here to the first publishers. The document can be downloaded here as a PDF file. (SB)

Wir verlinken hier auf die Erstveröffentlicher. Das Dokument kann hier als PDF-Datei herunterladen werden. (SB)


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