The Second Presidential Debate Oct 16


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
President Obama and Mitt Romney have found a strong area of agreement. Neither want Sandy Crowley to participate in the second presidential debate of this campaign season. The rules they agreed to specifically limit the moderator to time keeping and calling on citizens from the gathering to ask questions.

Candy Crowley Draws Complaints From Obama And Romney Campaigns Before Debate

However I was hearing on the morning news that even if Crowley, who WANTS to ask follow up questions, is backed down from doing that, she is still pre-screening the questions that will be asked from the citizens. In other words these will be neither spontaneous nor random and will be likely specifically engineered to be Crowley's blueprint for the debate.

Are you comfortable with this. Is this what you expected?

Then we'll follow up after the debate.
I would rather hear the campaigners go at it. Not the moderator. Get rid of her ass. I CAN'T wait for the debate. I think its gonna keep me glued more than the V.P. debates. Godfather pizza, corona, good company and these guys going at it. Priceless. Just hope my company keeps their mouths shut lol
I will be watching and hope it is a good, spirited, and substantive exchange.

However, as I commented on another thread, when you have a liberal Democrat doing the moderation,my concern is that it will be be engineered for Obama to get all the 'boxers or briefs?' questions and Romney to get the "How do you live with firing all those people while you were making yourself a multi-millionaire at Bain Capital?" questions.

I hope I'm wrong.
It's typical, nothing unusual here, the incredible amount of negotiation that goes into getting those two guys on the same stage has always been much more fierce than the actual debates.
I will be watching and hope it is a good, spirited, and substantive exchange.

However, as I commented on another thread, when you have a liberal Democrat doing the moderation,my concern is that it will be be engineered for Obama to get all the 'boxers or briefs?' questions and Romney to get the "How do you live with firing all those people while you were making yourself a multi-millionaire at Bain Capital?" questions.

I hope I'm wrong.

If it is a typicla GOP audience they will ask why Obama is a Moooslim
I will be watching and hope it is a good, spirited, and substantive exchange.

However, as I commented on another thread, when you have a liberal Democrat doing the moderation,my concern is that it will be be engineered for Obama to get all the 'boxers or briefs?' questions and Romney to get the "How do you live with firing all those people while you were making yourself a multi-millionaire at Bain Capital?" questions.

I hope I'm wrong.

If it is a typicla GOP audience they will ask why Obama is a Moooslim

Do you honestly believe a liberal Democrat who is screening the questions that will be allowed to be asked would allow that? So rather than your usual one-liners, how about focusing on the process here for now?

Would you be comfortable with say, Sean Hannity, screening the questions that hand picked people in the audience would be allowed to ask?
Boxer briefs foxfyre ... it's the sexiest way to roll. :lol:

Kidding aside, I think Ms. Crowley will end up getting into the thick of things ... instead of being the moderator both campaigns want ... she'll start asking follow up questions. I hope not though. I just want to hear Obama and Romney, thank you very much.

My expectations for tomorrow night are ... Obama comes on strong. Perhaps too strong. He'll be on the offensive, condescending, insulting and authoritative and will use every opportunity to ridicule. He'll also use the same two hand gestures that he always uses. The first, palms in, thumbs up and fingers facing each other. The other ... making a ball with his hands. I'm thinking the left hand on top, the right below.

I expect Romney to be on the defensive at times, but for the most part, stay on the offensive. I do however see Romeny getting flustered and angry at times.

I also expect to be tired after a long day of work.
I will be watching and hope it is a good, spirited, and substantive exchange.

However, as I commented on another thread, when you have a liberal Democrat doing the moderation,my concern is that it will be be engineered for Obama to get all the 'boxers or briefs?' questions and Romney to get the "How do you live with firing all those people while you were making yourself a multi-millionaire at Bain Capital?" questions.

I hope I'm wrong.

If it is a typicla GOP audience they will ask why Obama is a Moooslim

Maybe "they" should! :cool:
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I will be watching and hope it is a good, spirited, and substantive exchange.

However, as I commented on another thread, when you have a liberal Democrat doing the moderation,my concern is that it will be be engineered for Obama to get all the 'boxers or briefs?' questions and Romney to get the "How do you live with firing all those people while you were making yourself a multi-millionaire at Bain Capital?" questions.

I hope I'm wrong.

If it is a typicla GOP audience they will ask why Obama is a Moooslim

Do you honestly believe a liberal Democrat who is screening the questions that will be allowed to be asked would allow that? So rather than your usual one-liners, how about focusing on the process here for now?

Would you be comfortable with say, Sean Hannity, screening the questions that hand picked people in the audience would be allowed to ask?

I wouldn't. I can't stand Sean Hannity the right-winged bomb thrower.
The main argument against Crowley isn't so much that she will be screening the questions, but that the candidates have agreed to certain things and Crowley insists that she isn't bound by anything that was agreed to. That's why they are both objecting.
If the Biden spectacle is anything to judge by, Obama will be agressive and condescending depending on trying to get gotcha moments on Romney rather than using his time to answer questions with substance. It will be "fact check time.

Look for him to deflect from questions and go on his own tirade.

I would imagine Romney will be waiting for this and have a quip ready for him, letting go with "Are you going to answer the question, or give a speech on what you wanted the question to be, Mr. President?"

Crowley had better cut each off if they try to give stump speeches instead of answering the questions.

I think this one will be nasty and the president will come off nasty. But I hope it isn't the case.

Bain shouldn't come up. It's neither foreign affairs,nor domestic policy.
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If it is a typicla GOP audience they will ask why Obama is a Moooslim

Do you honestly believe a liberal Democrat who is screening the questions that will be allowed to be asked would allow that? So rather than your usual one-liners, how about focusing on the process here for now?

Would you be comfortable with say, Sean Hannity, screening the questions that hand picked people in the audience would be allowed to ask?

I wouldn't. I can't stand Sean Hannity the right-winged bomb thrower.

Well I just threw Sean out there because he is so visibly partisan and does seem to push some of the more extreme concepts, though he does so with more integrity than some. I would trust him to be fair, as I have seen him interview liberal Democrats, but I would not expect the Left to trust him to be fair.

So okay, let's go with somebody who is tough on both sides, say a Bill O'Reilly or Megyn Kelly? I think both would be great moderators for a debate, but what Democrat would accept them? Still Republicans typically have had to accept left leaning moderators in these debates because that's all that are available unless Fox News sponsors the debate, and no Democrat will allow that.
I would rather hear the campaigners go at it. Not the moderator. Get rid of her ass. I CAN'T wait for the debate. I think its gonna keep me glued more than the V.P. debates. Godfather pizza, corona, good company and these guys going at it. Priceless. Just hope my company keeps their mouths shut lol

:) Yeah, I would like them to have a moderator to keep time and instruct each side how much time he has to speak. And let them ask each other questions. The moderator will issue a one-minute warning via flashing red light or such when the speaker is nearing the end of his time, and his mic will be turned off when time is up. That would take care of President Obama's propensity to filibuster the discussion if it is a subject problematic to him. In the first debate he got a surprising four more minutes than Romney; however he used his time less effectively. Romney got in a lot more words in the time he had to speak. But we all know Obama is handicapped without his teleprompter.
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I would rather hear the campaigners go at it. Not the moderator. Get rid of her ass. I CAN'T wait for the debate. I think its gonna keep me glued more than the V.P. debates. Godfather pizza, corona, good company and these guys going at it. Priceless. Just hope my company keeps their mouths shut lol

:) Yeah, I would like them to have a moderator to keep time and instruct each side how much time he has to speak. And let them ask each other questions. The moderator will issue a one-minute warning via flashing red light or such when the speaker is nearing the end of his time, and his mic will be turned off when time is up. That would take care of President Obama's propensity to filibuster the discussion if it is a subject problematic to him. In the first debate he got a surprising four more minutes than Romney; however he used his time less effectively. Romney got in a lot more words in the time he had to speak. But we all know Obama is handicapped without his teleprompter.


I agree but they should be able to find a better moderator than that Crowley idiot.

I just wish they would take the questions from the audience. No screening for anything other than some asshole calling either Romney or Barry names or bullshit like that.

Just take the questions and throw them to the boys and see what they have to say.

Don't think the Townhall is Barrys cup of tea though. He'll have to think and answer on the fly. No teleprompter.
Crowley undoubtedly is only concerned with the role as the Moderator and not politics - as why both candidates are equally defensive.

the format does not lend itself to confrontation and will be advantageous to the incumbent Obama who has a positive record of accomplishments to embrace.
The main argument against Crowley isn't so much that she will be screening the questions, but that the candidates have agreed to certain things and Crowley insists that she isn't bound by anything that was agreed to. That's why they are both objecting.

Well there is that, but I don't want her screening the questions. I wish I could say I trust her to be fair and equitable in choosing what questions to allow and who will be called on to ask them, but I don't. She has been so openly pro-Obama and anti-Romney, do you trust her not to sort of slip the Obama campaign the questions that will be 'likely' asked?

Interesting interview with Crowley re her debate prep. She says it 'isn't about her' but then everything she said later was that it IS about her and she fully expects to participate with follow up questions. And the follow up commentary in the clip is about her going over all the questions with a fine tooth comb.

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Crowley undoubtedly is only concerned with the role as the Moderator and not politics - as why both candidates are equally defensive.

the format does not lend itself to confrontation and will be advantageous to the incumbent Obama who has a positive record of accomplishments to embrace.

Kool-Aid anyone? :razz:
I find it disturbing that Crowley will be cherry picking the questions. Given that she is on record as calling Romney's pick of Ryan as some sort of ticket death wish, she'd be far more likely to give Obama a heads up on the questions than keep them to herself until the debate. If Obama answers an off beat question with a well thought out, well rehearsed line, we'll know he was tipped off.
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