The Sanctions Folly(?), No Enticements(?)! (The Moses Atrocity, Again!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Asked about invading North Korea, "What, Me Worry?" seems to be the international response, "We'll See!"
Why does any nation want nukes? Nations want a show of deterrence-level force. Even South Korea wants nukes back on the ground, like before the 1990's. It is known that President Nixon liked to take the USA to Defcon levels, every so often. Now the White House may be like that again. And again there are immediate sanctions calls. Anything can happen, especially now.

Australia, South Korea call for tougher UN sanctions to isolate North Korea

The original primordial self-service paradise was not about farming. Origins happened only 5,000 years ago, or so. A policy of "enticements," could be said to have been created. A loan of three bags of barley could be repaid with four. The Sumer civilization had further created "usury,' (interest rates), easily leading to farming neighbors, a stable food supply, community, civilization--barely beer and pest control(?)! Not too good at math, humans further created the Welfare State, in Code of Hammurabi later on. Dad could sell the wife and kids into an indentured slavery--maybe three years--for settlement of debts. Humans were housed, clothed, fed, put to useful labor: All within a nurturing community.

Enticement had happened, and even put on a sustaining basis. Welfare, Slavery, Freedom, food supply and barley beer, (interest rates would become counted in silver rates, not such in fodder, subsidies for pest control).
Moses, skilled in all the arts of Egypt, (Acts 7), represented that a mythology, deity, would have none of any of that with basis in the usury, Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Usury was prohibited in Israel. Screwing blind anyone foreign was allowed, primitive sanctions, with basis in arithmetic.

Even Mohammed, The Stupid-Prophet, would connect the wealth with the usury: And prohibit it. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Known Worldwide, "Oh Christ!" would show it in fairy tale, too. Matthew 25:14-30, shows a slave-based, nurturing household: Set to gaining wealth from Riba, (Moslem for usury and interest rates). The arithmetic has the misfortune of creating a Las Vegas level foreclosure debacle: And so anyone says they have proof of a real deity, that actually exists! "What happens in Las Vegas, Is Destroyed In Las Vegas!"

Does anyone see the logic of sanctions applied--especially in Nevada(?).

Were North Korea long-since blessed with consumer enticements: Could anyone guess that a genuine Persian outcome would now be on-going in that part of the planet.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," now genuinely praised and blessed on Lands of Many Nations, instead!)

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