The same words of hate that are coming out of the Mouth of Trump,

Sorry, Ram. I thought that you were talking about the religious nuts who owned the bakery in Oregon. I am not personally up to date on the tribulations of religious nuts in other places, who have decided that the Bible tells them that they will go to hell if they bake a cake for the wrong customer.

But Vandal, it doesn't matter what a person's beliefs are. This is America and they are allowed their beliefs. The Muslims weren't made to bake cakes with scripture on it. Gay bakers weren't forced out of business for not baking a Christian cake.
This was an attack on Christian faith and no other.
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

Which is exactly how it SHOULD be, that's what freedom IS, but big gov't thinks it knows better so PA laws and all. Get rid of them, let the public/customers decide who they will patronize.
Could you let us in on your secret . when and how does government tell you where you are allowed to patronize without a legal reason to do it; I want absolutely no business being allowed to do anything they want to make money. They would eat our children for their bottom line.

^ Either that or they would just continue to run their bakeries. How many children did the bakers that were Christian eat, and how many have the Muslims eaten, and how many children have the gay bakers eaten. Why doesn't your umbrage cover all three bakers? Why cull out only Christian bakers?
Schmidt, have you ever looked at the list of names the Clinton's are suspected of murdering? Have you ever considered what kind of callous heart it took for Clinton to refuse all requests from Ambassador Stevens for extra security (weeks before 9/11) before he was sadistically raped, tortured and murdered in Benghazi not to mention the deaths of the other Americans who were there? Have you considered the endless lies, the filthy language, the drug parties (Clinton was a cocaine user) sex parties with that guy who had the island (cannot remember his name) the very close ties Clintons have had with the Russians and giving them access to information they never should have had. Information that greatly weakened our security. Clinton's disastrous performance at the State Department - who could ever forget it. The Clintons are very dangerous people - they have done great harm to America, Schmidt.

At this point I cannot worry about Trump's past personal mistakes with ex wives and such! This woman would destroy what is left of America. Trump is wanting to do what he can to preserve what is left. I'd vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the truth.
Trump has publicly said that he would murder the families of terrorists. At least Clinton has the decency not to brag about her murders.

I'd gladly vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for either Clinton or Trump.

America cannot be saved. Just let it die. Focus on saving yourself and your family while America dies.
Schmidt, have you ever looked at the list of names the Clinton's are suspected of murdering? Have you ever considered what kind of callous heart it took for Clinton to refuse all requests from Ambassador Stevens for extra security (weeks before 9/11) before he was sadistically raped, tortured and murdered in Benghazi not to mention the deaths of the other Americans who were there? Have you considered the endless lies, the filthy language, the drug parties (Clinton was a cocaine user) sex parties with that guy who had the island (cannot remember his name) the very close ties Clintons have had with the Russians and giving them access to information they never should have had. Information that greatly weakened our security. Clinton's disastrous performance at the State Department - who could ever forget it. The Clintons are very dangerous people - they have done great harm to America, Schmidt.

At this point I cannot worry about Trump's past personal mistakes with ex wives and such! This woman would destroy what is left of America. Trump is wanting to do what he can to preserve what is left. I'd vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the truth.
Trump has publicly said that he would murder the families of terrorists. At least Clinton has the decency not to brag about her murders.

I'd gladly vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for either Clinton or Trump.

America cannot be saved. Just let it die. Focus on saving yourself and your family while America dies.
I agree that America is dying but I will be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and warning the Believers and Non-Believers to come out of sin and live holy lives until it goes down - even as the titanic did the violinists played until the end. I personally believe Obama won't leave. But if he did..... and my one vote for Trump helps to keep Clinton out of the oval office - I'll do it because that woman is responsible for the deaths of many people and their blood cries out from the ground for someone to speak up for them and call evil evil. I'm not afraid of the Clinton's, the Obama's or anyone else. I fear the Lord. That's it. I fear the Lord.

Of course Trump has never harmed America's national security and sovereignty, because he never had the opportunity to do so. What has Trump done? He dumped 2 wives to get younger women. He bragged about having sex with other men's wives saying "If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!)."

And here, we have a good example by which to illustrate my point that as troubling as Mr. Trump is, there is not a fault to find with him, for which there is not a more serious version of that same or a similar fault to be found in Mrs. Clinton.

The behavior described here is reprehensible, and I have no solid reason to doubt that Trump did indeed engage in it.

But compare it to what is known of Bill and Hillary Clinton, of Bill's repeated rapes and sexual assaults against several women, and of Hillary's role in enabling and covering up these crimes. Of course, the element of infidelity is here, which is the core issue with Trump's alleged behavior, but here, it pales to nothingness next to the violence and abuse in which it is wrapped.

You seem to find someone who aided and abetted a violent serial rapist and sexual predator to be more virtuous on that basis that one who is merely a serial adulterer; which only goes to show how madly screwed up your own values must be.
You seem to find someone who aided and abetted a violent serial rapist and sexual predator to be more virtuous on that basis that one who is merely a serial adulterer; which only goes to show how madly screwed up your own values must be.
No I don't. Neither is virtuous in the least, and my point is that no moral person would vote for either of them. But I do believe that Trump would do more damage because Clinton is owned by the bankers, so she will obey bankers, while Trump would just be an unconstrained lunatic. The bankers, as bad as they are, would do less damage than an unconstrained lunatic.
Sorry, Ram. I thought that you were talking about the religious nuts who owned the bakery in Oregon. I am not personally up to date on the tribulations of religious nuts in other places, who have decided that the Bible tells them that they will go to hell if they bake a cake for the wrong customer.

But Vandal, it doesn't matter what a person's beliefs are. This is America and they are allowed their beliefs. The Muslims weren't made to bake cakes with scripture on it. Gay bakers weren't forced out of business for not baking a Christian cake.
This was an attack on Christian faith and no other.
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

Which is exactly how it SHOULD be, that's what freedom IS, but big gov't thinks it knows better so PA laws and all. Get rid of them, let the public/customers decide who they will patronize.
Could you let us in on your secret . when and how does government tell you where you are allowed to patronize without a legal reason to do it; I want absolutely no business being allowed to do anything they want to make money. They would eat our children for their bottom line.

^ Either that or they would just continue to run their bakeries. How many children did the bakers that were Christian eat, and how many have the Muslims eaten, and how many children have the gay bakers eaten. Why doesn't your umbrage cover all three bakers? Why cull out only Christian bakers?

So, if I understand you correctly, the bigots that I had to live with in the deep South in the 1950's were right, and that the Southern Baptists had a legitimate right to put a sign on the front of their store reading, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone", (which, of course, meant blacks).

Of course, many were not so subtle, and put up signs like this:

No, they were wrong, and black and white came together to right the wrong. We are so much better when we work together. Look at what we just accomplished as a country, in Brazil. Not whites, not blacks, Americans.
I'm sorry you have been hurt. If it were in my power, I'd never let anyone hurt you again. We need to bring out the best in one another. Not the worst. We aren't all the enemy. Honest.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
There must be a line that a moral person refuses to cross. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Clinton, and Trump are on the other side of that line. No moral person could possibly support any of these people. I would gladly vote for Cruz and I could tolerate Sanders as a lesser of two evils. But Clinton and Trump are pure evil and I would never support them under any condition. In his personal life, Trump is far worse than Clinton, so I would actually argue that Trump is marginally worse than Clinton, but this difference doesn't really matter since they are both so evil, both perfectly reflecting a country that has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Let me see sexually attracted to his daughter and charged with raping a 13 year old girl, he's your man , He's your type of Christian. You do Know that I can add to that list of verified information and not opinion. Give you something to do , tell us what Hillary has done and exclude hate driven unproved nonsense. This should be easy for you
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
There must be a line that a moral person refuses to cross. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Clinton, and Trump are on the other side of that line. No moral person could possibly support any of these people. I would gladly vote for Cruz and I could tolerate Sanders as a lesser of two evils. But Clinton and Trump are pure evil and I would never support them under any condition. In his personal life, Trump is far worse than Clinton, so I would actually argue that Trump is marginally worse than Clinton, but this difference doesn't really matter since they are both so evil, both perfectly reflecting a country that has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Let me see sexually attracted to his daughter and charged with raping a 13 year old girl, he's your man , He's your type of Christian. You do Know that I can add to that list of verified information and not opinion. Give you something to do , tell us what Hillary has done and exclude hate driven unproved nonsense. This should be easy for you

And later revealed to be a false story meant to smear Trump's name and intimidate him into not telling what he had learned about Bill and Hillary. You see, Bill wasn't the only one who was using Epstein's child sex slaves.

It is reported by at least 2 sources that Hillary Clinton was ordering female children from Epstein and having those children flown to her (as she didn't go to his island) so that she could sexually abuse them. I listened to one audio tape of a grown woman who gave her testimony about Hillary Clinton having her brought to her to perform oral sex on her.

The child was a sex slave and later was able to get out of their control and tell what happened to her. There are many very dark reports about Hillary Clinton and her Luciferian friends. She keeps company with some very dark individuals, is it any wonder that Satanist Lady Gaga had Clinton's private cell phone number? Not at all. Birds of a feather.....

Further more the very fact that the Clinton camp uses these type attacks on Trump reveal something greater about them. You see people attack others on the same grounds they fear to be attacked. That is what they use as their weapon. The thing they fear themselves.

Explanation of Hillary Clinton camp attacks on trump via Media, etc:

Which is why the Epstein attack came up against Trump (Hillary is a padeophile of children according to victim testimony and 2 other sources about Epstein). Hillary fears public finding out what she really does.

Which is why Media attack on Trump Sanity has been vicious. (Hillary is losing her mind - be it due to the occult wear and tear or brain damage -she is looking more insane as time goes on) Hillary doesn't even know how bad she looks or she would have dropped out already for the embarrassment - she looks like a clown - lets be honest here. Who in their right mind would continue?

Which is why Media attack on Trump about lies and killing animals has been forefront. (Hillary Clinton is known as a liar and many suspect the Clinton's have murdered over 40 people so far in order to silence them). It's called deflection - they want to put people on the defense to keep the heat off themselves.....

So as you can see the very methods to which the Clinton camp has attacked Trump reveal the true nature of Hillary Clinton and what she's been up to.

Trump had it right. Hillary Clinton is evil.
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Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches

It is about time. It has nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with freedom to practice one's religion without fear of persecution. It is about time we stood up to a regime that insists we set aside our beliefs to cater to someone else's.

It's funny how those on the left wrong try to twist the language in order to characterize their opponents as having the faults which they, themselves exhibit. “Hate” is big with them, these days. They put forth all manner of insane, amoral, and sometimes outright evil positions,and then, not being able to defend these positions in any rational, honest manner, they simply characterize any opposition to these positions as “hate”. All the while setting up the stage to suppress—in a manner demonstrative of genuine hate—to suppress the freedoms, liberties, and expressions of those that they hate.
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. That is the main problem that God haters have about those who preach the Gospel. They cannot tolerate the truth. They are always standing by looking for a way to shut it down. The right response is always - Don't let them. Keep going. Keep preaching. Don't back down.
Funny, So hate and lies can't possibly come from the mouths of Christians especially from the pulpit. The hate that is the policy of the Evangelical Christians , while they are telling us to vote for Trump is rediculous. Excepting the values of evangelical church puts you in a world that has very little to do with what Jesus wants from you. The Idea that the garbage list of sins that your church lists from the pulpit are somehow worse then yours is very self serving, Along with being bullshit.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
From the far reaches of fantasy land. Again this is a conservative. Their own party is leaving because of him. but to this clown he's the man.

You're in for a very rude awakening. Pride goeth before a fall.
You belong to a ugly group of haters that have a screwball Idea what Jesus wants from you. I serve him every day
and the rude awakening is your future not mine. The only difference is I know the difference between right and wrong and buddy you don't.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Of course Trump has never harmed America's national security and sovereignty, because he never had the opportunity to do so. What has Trump done? He dumped 2 wives to get younger women. He bragged about having sex with other men's wives saying "If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!)." His business record is actually horrible. When one thinks of corporate crooks, Trump is about the worst example that I can think of, repeatedly lying, cheating, and stealing in his business career. But what makes it even worse is that he is failed corporate crook because he did no better than he would have if he had simply invested his father's money in the stock market and did nothing. Trump is about the worst public figure that I can think of since Idi Amin. He is a complete psychopath who will say whatever people want to hear. In some ways, I hope he is elected because I am sure that he would completely destroy America, and this is what I feel the American people deserve.

Schmidt, have you ever looked at the list of names the Clinton's are suspected of murdering? Have you ever considered what kind of callous heart it took for Clinton to refuse all requests from Ambassador Stevens for extra security (weeks before 9/11) before he was sadistically raped, tortured and murdered in Benghazi not to mention the deaths of the other Americans who were there? Have you considered the endless lies, the filthy language, the drug parties (Clinton was a cocaine user) sex parties with that guy who had the island (cannot remember his name) the very close ties Clintons have had with the Russians and giving them access to information they never should have had. Information that greatly weakened our security. Clinton's disastrous performance at the State Department - who could ever forget it. The Clintons are very dangerous people - they have done great harm to America, Schmidt.

At this point I cannot worry about Trump's past personal mistakes with ex wives and such! This woman would destroy what is left of America. Trump is wanting to do what he can to preserve what is left. I'd vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the truth.
Seems easy for you to put together a list of lies distortions and fantasy . Give us something that can be supported by facts, not simply part of your hate list for Hillary. We need support on your lies and not from I hate Hillary dot com.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
There must be a line that a moral person refuses to cross. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Clinton, and Trump are on the other side of that line. No moral person could possibly support any of these people. I would gladly vote for Cruz and I could tolerate Sanders as a lesser of two evils. But Clinton and Trump are pure evil and I would never support them under any condition. In his personal life, Trump is far worse than Clinton, so I would actually argue that Trump is marginally worse than Clinton, but this difference doesn't really matter since they are both so evil, both perfectly reflecting a country that has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Let me see sexually attracted to his daughter and charged with raping a 13 year old girl, he's your man , He's your type of Christian. You do Know that I can add to that list of verified information and not opinion. Give you something to do , tell us what Hillary has done and exclude hate driven unproved nonsense. This should be easy for you

And later revealed to be a false story meant to smear Trump's name and intimidate him into not telling what he had learned about Bill and Hillary. You see, Bill wasn't the only one who was using Epstein's child sex slaves.

It is reported by at least 2 sources that Hillary Clinton was ordering female children from Epstein and having those children flown to her (as she didn't go to his island) so that she could sexually abuse them. I listened to one audio tape of a grown woman who gave her testimony about Hillary Clinton having her brought to her to perform oral sex on her.

The child was a sex slave and later was able to get out of their control and tell what happened to her. There are many very dark reports about Hillary Clinton and her Luciferian friends. She keeps company with some very dark individuals, is it any wonder that Satanist Lady Gaga had Clinton's private cell phone number? Not at all. Birds of a feather.....

Further more the very fact that the Clinton camp uses these type attacks on Trump reveal something greater about them. You see people attack others on the same grounds they fear to be attacked. That is what they use as their weapon. The thing they fear themselves.

Explanation of Hillary Clinton camp attacks on trump via Media, etc:

Which is why the Epstein attack came up against Trump (Hillary is a padeophile of children according to victim testimony and 2 other sources about Epstein). Hillary fears public finding out what she really does.

Which is why Media attack on Trump Sanity has been vicious. (Hillary is losing her mind - be it due to the occult wear and tear or brain damage -she is looking more insane as time goes on) Hillary doesn't even know how bad she looks or she would have dropped out already for the embarrassment - she looks like a clown - lets be honest here. Who in their right mind would continue?

Which is why Media attack on Trump about lies and killing animals has been forefront. (Hillary Clinton is known as a liar and many suspect the Clinton's have murdered over 40 people so far in order to silence them). It's called deflection - they want to put people on the defense to keep the heat off themselves.....

So as you can see the very methods to which the Clinton camp has attacked Trump reveal the true nature of Hillary Clinton and what she's been up to.

Trump had it right. Hillary Clinton is evil.
Boy have I received a education on how wacko you people are. You live on lies as long as they are against someone on your hate list but your ability to put together your justification for your hate amazes me.
The infiltration of jesuits has been behind the demise of this country...knights of Malta, knights of Columbus i.e freemasonry infiltrated by the jesuits and what I have found through my thousands of hours of research is that all roads do indeed lead to Rome.
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Now for some real hate

VIDEO: Agitators bang on doors at Trump fundraiser, punch attendees in 'gauntlet' - The American Mirror
Leftist agitators employed fascist tactics at a Donald Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday night When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage.
Punched is the only part I'm concerned about, so show us that. If you think that this hater and bigot is going to go anywhere without protesters your nuts.
Now for some real hate

VIDEO: Agitators bang on doors at Trump fundraiser, punch attendees in 'gauntlet' - The American Mirror
Leftist agitators employed fascist tactics at a Donald Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday night When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage.
Punched is the only part I'm concerned about, so show us that. If you think that this hater and bigot is going to go anywhere without protesters your nuts.
Hater condoning hate.......dismissed.............

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