The same words of hate that are coming out of the Mouth of Trump,

Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches

It is about time. It has nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with freedom to practice one's religion without fear of persecution. It is about time we stood up to a regime that insists we set aside our beliefs to cater to someone else's.

It's funny how those on the left wrong try to twist the language in order to characterize their opponents as having the faults which they, themselves exhibit. “Hate” is big with them, these days. They put forth all manner of insane, amoral, and sometimes outright evil positions,and then, not being able to defend these positions in any rational, honest manner, they simply characterize any opposition to these positions as “hate”. All the while setting up the stage to suppress—in a manner demonstrative of genuine hate—to suppress the freedoms, liberties, and expressions of those that they hate.
Boy are you people wackos , love the wakerooos you added at the bottom of your comment, Man definitely can be free without God, especially your fake God. It is better that he has a Higher power though but I don't pick other peoples Gods like the wackeroo right. So giving to the poor is wrong in your Christian hole that you live in but moving all the increased wealth to the top is just dandy with you clowns. Where do You find these people that are are taking away anyones religious voice,other then you and your hate of anyone who believes in anything you don't OK first. Tell us what You think about Muslims. Just interested. Everything that comes out of your mouth, all your hate rhetoric, I would tell your children not to believe in, and I'd ask them to do what they think is right, you sure in the hell can't tell them. Because you have no clue.
I'm hardly pissed at you, but I do find you funny. Your just another paranoid regressive so I know what you think and I find that funny.
I'm hardly pissed at you, but I do find you funny. Your just another paranoid regressive so I know what you think and I find that funny.

Do you know the difference between "Your" and You're"? It's pretty significant and you might want to look into that.

As to your lame contention that I am a "regressive"? What is progressive about having a central bank that extends credit created from nothing while attaching usury to it? A central bank is one of the planks of the communist manifesto...did you know that? A central bank makes debt slaves of everyone and money becomes the master instead of the servant.
I'm hardly pissed at you, but I do find you funny. Your just another paranoid regressive so I know what you think and I find that funny.
I'm hardly pissed at you, but I do find you funny. Your just another paranoid regressive so I know what you think and I find that funny.

Do you know the difference between "Your" and You're"? It's pretty significant and you might want to look into that.

As to your lame contention that I am a "regressive"? What is progressive about having a central bank that extends credit created from nothing while attaching usury to it? A central bank is one of the planks of the communist manifesto...did you know that? A central bank makes debt slaves of everyone and money becomes the master instead of the servant.
Sorry buddy you bore me, if you need response you would best be served by going somewhere where they think one thing you say has merit. There are many conspiracy forums that would welcome you.
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

Which is exactly how it SHOULD be, that's what freedom IS, but big gov't thinks it knows better so PA laws and all. Get rid of them, let the public/customers decide who they will patronize.
The baker was driven out of his business because he was fined for naming the persons on social media who sued him, which subjected the plaintiffs to harassment by the public. I seriously doubt if the baker's religion required him to reveal the names of the people who sued him.

Too bad. so sad.

So crass. You're an ass. And incorrect, as well.
The man was targeted by gays, just like all the rest. Christians all over the country were targeted:

Feb 27, 2016 - A bakery owned by a Christian family in Longview, Texas is being deluged ... “Here we go again—gays attacking Christians for what they believe. ... the latest in a string of cases where Christians have resisted being coerced ...

Let the experiment begin …

When set out and contacted 13 popular bakers that publicly support same-sex marriage, requesting them to bake a cake displaying the message, "Gay marriage is wrong," a less-than-tolerant response was invoked.

All of the LGBT-friendly respondents didn't meet their own standards of understanding, tolerance and inclusion. "Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us," Shoebat reported.

Remarks such as "Go away" and "We won't serve you" were amongst the more tame responses, which graduated to expletive-laden tirades condemning the potential customers for their "intolerance."

"One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian," Shoebat continued. "We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were."

According to a report in USA Today, Dieseltec owner Brian Klawiter of Grandville, Michigan, said in a Facebook post. “Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn’t take long for the ugly face of the homosexual movement to present itself.

“What started out with ‘mere’ death threats against myself and my family and homosexuals spamming my Facebook page with gay porn shots, has escalated to physical violence,” he wrote.

He cited slogans spray-painted on his business, on his pickup truck, and on a garage door, and a rock thrown through a window.
Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ...

Dec 29, 2015 - Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ... I saw in print where a gaystapo activist ADMITTED they specifically target Christian

I was right the first time. This wasn't an exception. It was organized tyranny. Just as it was when they targeted Chick fil a.
Tell that to them:

Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to ...

The Washington Times
Sep 2, 2013 - A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.
First you have to realize this is from the Washington times, second looking into it it, looks like people as a group went after these two people and their business and did a good job and took away their business, kind of like the Dump Rush program. Seems to me that is democracy at it's finest and actually capitalism at its finest , finest being a rare occasion when capitalism has a conscience.
The only remarks supporting any threats are by them and looking at it I don't believe them. This is exactly what I would have done. The ultimate democracy is hitting them in their pocket books and voting with your feet. Well done people.

You have Democracy:
1 a government by the people; especially : rule of the majority

confused with harassment:
The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group.

A small group of people, backed by the pc police, insisted that the business owners capitulate to their demands.
That is called tyranny:
cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
One problem we aren't a Democracy, we are a constitutional republic, which in fact isn't controlled by the majority, It's far from that , in a Republic the minority is protected from the majority. That protection is the constitution. Your idea of tyranny, That Americans voting with their feet and pocket book is crap. It's by no means unreasonable, it's is in fact responding to a cruelty by these hypocrites and it is in no way arbitrary, To be arbitrary you are autocratic and there is no way that those two hypocritical goof balls market (the people they sell to) has absolute power over anything.
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

We are now and have always been a Democracy. Majority rule, minority rights. pc be damned.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.
I doubt you've been to a church to know what is happening inside and I'm certain that you do not know what you are talking about. Your hatred is palpable. You need to seek help.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
There must be a line that a moral person refuses to cross. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Clinton, and Trump are on the other side of that line. No moral person could possibly support any of these people. I would gladly vote for Cruz and I could tolerate Sanders as a lesser of two evils. But Clinton and Trump are pure evil and I would never support them under any condition. In his personal life, Trump is far worse than Clinton, so I would actually argue that Trump is marginally worse than Clinton, but this difference doesn't really matter since they are both so evil, both perfectly reflecting a country that has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
The infiltration of jesuits has been behind the demise of this country...knights of Malta, knights of Columbus i.e freemasonry infiltrated by the jesuits and what I have found through my thousands of hours of research is that all roads do indeed lead to Rome.
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
Last edited:
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
There must be a line that a moral person refuses to cross. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Clinton, and Trump are on the other side of that line. No moral person could possibly support any of these people. I would gladly vote for Cruz and I could tolerate Sanders as a lesser of two evils. But Clinton and Trump are pure evil and I would never support them under any condition. In his personal life, Trump is far worse than Clinton, so I would actually argue that Trump is marginally worse than Clinton, but this difference doesn't really matter since they are both so evil, both perfectly reflecting a country that has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Sorry, Ram. I thought that you were talking about the religious nuts who owned the bakery in Oregon. I am not personally up to date on the tribulations of religious nuts in other places, who have decided that the Bible tells them that they will go to hell if they bake a cake for the wrong customer.
The baker was driven out of his business because he was fined for naming the persons on social media who sued him, which subjected the plaintiffs to harassment by the public. I seriously doubt if the baker's religion required him to reveal the names of the people who sued him.

Too bad. so sad.

So crass. You're an ass. And incorrect, as well.
The man was targeted by gays, just like all the rest. Christians all over the country were targeted:

Feb 27, 2016 - A bakery owned by a Christian family in Longview, Texas is being deluged ... “Here we go again—gays attacking Christians for what they believe. ... the latest in a string of cases where Christians have resisted being coerced ...

Let the experiment begin …

When set out and contacted 13 popular bakers that publicly support same-sex marriage, requesting them to bake a cake displaying the message, "Gay marriage is wrong," a less-than-tolerant response was invoked.

All of the LGBT-friendly respondents didn't meet their own standards of understanding, tolerance and inclusion. "Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us," Shoebat reported.

Remarks such as "Go away" and "We won't serve you" were amongst the more tame responses, which graduated to expletive-laden tirades condemning the potential customers for their "intolerance."

"One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian," Shoebat continued. "We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were."

According to a report in USA Today, Dieseltec owner Brian Klawiter of Grandville, Michigan, said in a Facebook post. “Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn’t take long for the ugly face of the homosexual movement to present itself.

“What started out with ‘mere’ death threats against myself and my family and homosexuals spamming my Facebook page with gay porn shots, has escalated to physical violence,” he wrote.

He cited slogans spray-painted on his business, on his pickup truck, and on a garage door, and a rock thrown through a window.
Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ...

Dec 29, 2015 - Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ... I saw in print where a gaystapo activist ADMITTED they specifically target Christian

I was right the first time. This wasn't an exception. It was organized tyranny. Just as it was when they targeted Chick fil a.
What a load of bullshit, it only happened in your mind from the mouths of liars, I know the prerequisite of being in the regressive party is paranoia. Every issue that I've followed up on from you people always turns out to be totally a lie or so twisted that it has nothing to do with the truth, why is that?
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches

It is about time. It has nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with freedom to practice one's religion without fear of persecution. It is about time we stood up to a regime that insists we set aside our beliefs to cater to someone else's.

It's funny how those on the left wrong try to twist the language in order to characterize their opponents as having the faults which they, themselves exhibit. “Hate” is big with them, these days. They put forth all manner of insane, amoral, and sometimes outright evil positions,and then, not being able to defend these positions in any rational, honest manner, they simply characterize any opposition to these positions as “hate”. All the while setting up the stage to suppress—in a manner demonstrative of genuine hate—to suppress the freedoms, liberties, and expressions of those that they hate.
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. That is the main problem that God haters have about those who preach the Gospel. They cannot tolerate the truth. They are always standing by looking for a way to shut it down. The right response is always - Don't let them. Keep going. Keep preaching. Don't back down.
The baker was driven out of his business because he was fined for naming the persons on social media who sued him, which subjected the plaintiffs to harassment by the public. I seriously doubt if the baker's religion required him to reveal the names of the people who sued him.

Too bad. so sad.

So crass. You're an ass. And incorrect, as well.
The man was targeted by gays, just like all the rest. Christians all over the country were targeted:

Feb 27, 2016 - A bakery owned by a Christian family in Longview, Texas is being deluged ... “Here we go again—gays attacking Christians for what they believe. ... the latest in a string of cases where Christians have resisted being coerced ...

Let the experiment begin …

When set out and contacted 13 popular bakers that publicly support same-sex marriage, requesting them to bake a cake displaying the message, "Gay marriage is wrong," a less-than-tolerant response was invoked.

All of the LGBT-friendly respondents didn't meet their own standards of understanding, tolerance and inclusion. "Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us," Shoebat reported.

Remarks such as "Go away" and "We won't serve you" were amongst the more tame responses, which graduated to expletive-laden tirades condemning the potential customers for their "intolerance."

"One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian," Shoebat continued. "We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were."

According to a report in USA Today, Dieseltec owner Brian Klawiter of Grandville, Michigan, said in a Facebook post. “Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn’t take long for the ugly face of the homosexual movement to present itself.

“What started out with ‘mere’ death threats against myself and my family and homosexuals spamming my Facebook page with gay porn shots, has escalated to physical violence,” he wrote.

He cited slogans spray-painted on his business, on his pickup truck, and on a garage door, and a rock thrown through a window.
Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ...

Dec 29, 2015 - Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay ... I saw in print where a gaystapo activist ADMITTED they specifically target Christian

I was right the first time. This wasn't an exception. It was organized tyranny. Just as it was when they targeted Chick fil a.
What a load of bullshit, it only happened in your mind from the mouths of liars, I know the prerequisite of being in the regressive party is paranoia. Every issue that I've followed up on from you people always turns out to be totally a lie or so twisted that it has nothing to do with the truth, why is that?
Are you new to this board or have you been here before under another screen name?
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

Which is exactly how it SHOULD be, that's what freedom IS, but big gov't thinks it knows better so PA laws and all. Get rid of them, let the public/customers decide who they will patronize.
Could you let us in on your secret . when and how does government tell you where you are allowed to patronize without a legal reason to do it; I want absolutely no business being allowed to do anything they want to make money. They would eat our children for their bottom line.
Tell that to them:

Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to ...

The Washington Times
Sep 2, 2013 - A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.
First you have to realize this is from the Washington times, second looking into it it, looks like people as a group went after these two people and their business and did a good job and took away their business, kind of like the Dump Rush program. Seems to me that is democracy at it's finest and actually capitalism at its finest , finest being a rare occasion when capitalism has a conscience.
The only remarks supporting any threats are by them and looking at it I don't believe them. This is exactly what I would have done. The ultimate democracy is hitting them in their pocket books and voting with your feet. Well done people.

You have Democracy:
1 a government by the people; especially : rule of the majority

confused with harassment:
The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group.

A small group of people, backed by the pc police, insisted that the business owners capitulate to their demands.
That is called tyranny:
cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
One problem we aren't a Democracy, we are a constitutional republic, which in fact isn't controlled by the majority, It's far from that , in a Republic the minority is protected from the majority. That protection is the constitution. Your idea of tyranny, That Americans voting with their feet and pocket book is crap. It's by no means unreasonable, it's is in fact responding to a cruelty by these hypocrites and it is in no way arbitrary, To be arbitrary you are autocratic and there is no way that those two hypocritical goof balls market (the people they sell to) has absolute power over anything.
If I found out that they had done what they did, I would tell everyone I know not to go there , that my friend is my right. I would stop as many people as I could from going through their front door and spending money there.

We are now and have always been a Democracy. Majority rule, minority rights. pc be damned.
Tell me what can be done to a person who has no clue and is unwilling to find out the truth. this is what makes up the right wing in this country, operating with made up bullshit.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
From the far reaches of fantasy land. Again this is a conservative. Their own party is leaving because of him. but to this clown he's the man.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Of course Trump has never harmed America's national security and sovereignty, because he never had the opportunity to do so. What has Trump done? He dumped 2 wives to get younger women. He bragged about having sex with other men's wives saying "If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!)." His business record is actually horrible. When one thinks of corporate crooks, Trump is about the worst example that I can think of, repeatedly lying, cheating, and stealing in his business career. But what makes it even worse is that he is failed corporate crook because he did no better than he would have if he had simply invested his father's money in the stock market and did nothing. Trump is about the worst public figure that I can think of since Idi Amin. He is a complete psychopath who will say whatever people want to hear. In some ways, I hope he is elected because I am sure that he would completely destroy America, and this is what I feel the American people deserve.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.
While I agree with you that we must hate evil and see it as God sees it, we are in a situation of voting for the (far) lesser of two evils, Schmidt.

I do not approve of some of Trump's personal choices and statements he's made in the past but if it is a choice between Clinton and Trump there is no choice but to elect Donald Trump. Furthermore, we are not electing a Pastor here. We're electing a president and more importantly we are voting to keep someone out who will ultimately destroy America and persecute Christians to the likes we've never seen in this country before. The hatred and lies you see spewed in the OP is representative of the seething cauldron of evil that will pass the tipping point if Clinton is elected. Giving such people power is a grave mistake. We've got to keep people like that out of office.
From the far reaches of fantasy land. Again this is a conservative. Their own party is leaving because of him. but to this clown he's the man.

You're in for a very rude awakening. Pride goeth before a fall.
Impossible. The Clintons have done more harm to America's national security and sovereignty than any other couple in American history that I can think of, Schmidt. What has Trump done? He got a divorce and remarried? He's never been arrested (in his life). He's never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, he took an inheritance and turned it into billions of dollars, he has employed many people, his employees appear to be very loyal to him, his wife and his ex-wives do not speak against him but show respect. All his children turned out well, are successful and hard working people. I think you are being a bit hard on Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have done a great deal of harm to the American people. There is simply no comparison between Trump and the Clintons.
Of course Trump has never harmed America's national security and sovereignty, because he never had the opportunity to do so. What has Trump done? He dumped 2 wives to get younger women. He bragged about having sex with other men's wives saying "If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!)." His business record is actually horrible. When one thinks of corporate crooks, Trump is about the worst example that I can think of, repeatedly lying, cheating, and stealing in his business career. But what makes it even worse is that he is failed corporate crook because he did no better than he would have if he had simply invested his father's money in the stock market and did nothing. Trump is about the worst public figure that I can think of since Idi Amin. He is a complete psychopath who will say whatever people want to hear. In some ways, I hope he is elected because I am sure that he would completely destroy America, and this is what I feel the American people deserve.

Schmidt, have you ever looked at the list of names the Clinton's are suspected of murdering? Have you ever considered what kind of callous heart it took for Clinton to refuse all requests from Ambassador Stevens for extra security (weeks before 9/11) before he was sadistically raped, tortured and murdered in Benghazi not to mention the deaths of the other Americans who were there? Have you considered the endless lies, the filthy language, the drug parties (Clinton was a cocaine user) sex parties with that guy who had the island (cannot remember his name) the very close ties Clintons have had with the Russians and giving them access to information they never should have had. Information that greatly weakened our security. Clinton's disastrous performance at the State Department - who could ever forget it. The Clintons are very dangerous people - they have done great harm to America, Schmidt.

At this point I cannot worry about Trump's past personal mistakes with ex wives and such! This woman would destroy what is left of America. Trump is wanting to do what he can to preserve what is left. I'd vote for someone out of the phone book blind-folded before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the truth.

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