The Saga of Jimmy Carter


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This tale is important because it represents one more example of the behavior of a political Leftist....whether called Liberals, or Progressives, or Democrats...

1. Under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States drew closer, and embraced, the Communist regime of Joseph Stalin. FDR Democrats covered for, ignored, and excused massacres, genocide, government instituted famines and lies of every variety.
Somehow, it was simply communists being biggie....
The same view of communism has persisted 'til this very day.

2. Jimmy Carter, midway between Roosevelt and Obama, continues that thinking. Unlike the hard Left, proclaiming themselves communists, Liberals usually did not come out and actually support or defend the Soviet Union, rather they soft-pedaled communism by showing contempt and scorn for anticommunists as “primitive” or “knee-jerk” or just plain “nuts” and “warmongers.”

a. The problem, as the Carter left saw it, was the right’s paranoia, its ‘inordinate’ fear of communism, as the Soviet Union and other communist states were neither particularly threatening nor particularly evil.

b. These Leftists found understandable the Soviet Union’s fear of ‘encirclement’....they sympathized with the sociopaths.

3. As is true of most Leftists, Carter didn't notice this because he began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included:
“…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

Franklin Roosevelt would have been proud!

a. "Fifty years of liberal propaganda had people thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice."

4. Poor Soviet Union..... fear of ‘encirclement’???...
“Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…”
"How the East Was Won"

5. Not everyone missed the obvious.

" … several common assumptions each of which played a major role in hastening the victory of even more repressive dictatorships than had been in place before. These were, first, the belief that there existed at the moment of crisis a democratic alternative to the incumbent government: second, the belief that the continuation of the status quo was not possible; third, the belief that any change, including the establishment of a government headed by self-styled Marxist revolutionaries, was preferable to the present government. Each of these beliefs was (and is) widely shared in the liberal community generally. Not one of them can withstand close scrutiny.”
Jeane Kirkpatrick, ‘Dictators and Double Standards,” « Dictatorships & Double Standards Commentary Magazine

6. There was a stark contrast between the imagined glories of the New Soviet Man and the realities for ordinary people under the tyranny of the Soviet Union. Along with political repression, the Communists practiced an economic theory based on a false ideology that left people perpetually undernourished, ill-clothed and poorly housed. The opening of sections of the Soviet archives provides documentation.
Typical is this letter sent to Pravda in 1932, and, of course, never published:

'Comrade Editor,
Please give me an answer. Do the local authorities have the right to take away the only cow of industrial and office workers? What is more, they demand a receipt showing that the cow was handed over voluntarily and they threaten you by saying that if you don't do this, they will put you in prison for failure to fulfill the meat procurement. How can you live when the cooperative distributes only black bread, and at the market goods have the prices of 1919 and 1920? Lice have eaten us to death, and soap is given only to railroad workers. From hunger and filth we have a massive outbreak of spotted fever.' Richard Pipes on Siegelbaum

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs.

In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death.....

...and yet....over and over....they cling to the same anti-American values and regimes.

True to this very day.
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.
PC and AC write about an America that never existed and their hopes for one that will never exist.
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.

1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.
Every night when Jimmy Carter says his prayers he thanks God for Obama getting elected President. Until Obama was elected President, Jimmy Carter was the worst President this country ever had. Now, thanks to Obama, he is the second worst President this country ever had.
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.

1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.

Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!
PC and AC write about an America that never existed and their hopes for one that will never exist.

Yet, you are unable to find any errors in the OP.

Jakal, and Dust......

Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room...

Must have been beautiful when you two know....
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.

1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.

Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!

You couldn't advance that thesis without having read a few of 'em....

....unless you were a prime example of feeble ratiocination completely mixed with moral bankruptcy.

As I have read all of her works, and so that we can compare notes on an intellectual level....which were the ones you read?

Which ones?
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.

1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.

Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!

Bet you cant refute a single point made in the OP...

For if you could, you would have.
Every night when Jimmy Carter says his prayers he thanks God for Obama getting elected President. Until Obama was elected President, Jimmy Carter was the worst President this country ever had. Now, thanks to Obama, he is the second worst President this country ever had.

Doggy, I know that historians name Buchanan as the worst....

...but the three that come to my mind are Franklin Roosevelt, Carter, and Obama.

Surely LBJ deserves a dishonorable mention, as well.

These are the ones who have done the most damage to principles of this once great nation.

I'm gonna add to this thread....and it will be a toughie choosing the winner (loser?).
1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.

Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!

You couldn't advance that thesis without having read a few of 'em....

....unless you were a prime example of feeble ratiocination completely mixed with moral bankruptcy.

As I have read all of her works, and so that we can compare notes on an intellectual level....which were the ones you read?

Which ones?

Ann Coulter? Really? I would respect you so much more in the morning if your sig line had a quote from Buckley, Sowell, or Friedman. Coulters a hack, a carnival sideshow for people that just got off the turnip truck.
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Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!

You couldn't advance that thesis without having read a few of 'em....

....unless you were a prime example of feeble ratiocination completely mixed with moral bankruptcy.

As I have read all of her works, and so that we can compare notes on an intellectual level....which were the ones you read?

Which ones?

Ann Coulter? Really? I would respect you so much more in the morning if your sig line had a quote from Buckley, Sowell, or Friedman. Coulters a hack, a carnival sideshow for people that just got off the turnip truck.

1. " I would respect you so much more in the morning if....."

Dust....I live for that elation, that moment when you admit said respect.....but not enough:
I'm really easy to get along with once you learn to worship me.

2. "Coulters (sic) a hack, a carnival sideshow for people that just got off the turnip truck."

I usually find that folks who have such strong opinions, but haven't read any of her works, are the product of government schooling.

Is this the case? Has Liberal indoctrination resulted in the empty intellectual shell...i.e., you?

Now....'fess up.
PC continues to froth. What a wonderful country that she can trot her opinions out and show off.

Show and tell.
The Gish Gallop Queen strikes again. And please save your, "Well you did not respond or refute any points." It would take far too much of my time to refute this BS. BTW, It says alot about you that Ann Coulter is your hero.

The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time.

1. Translation: every bit of the OP is true, correct, unassailable except via a hit-and-run hot air bloviation such as you posted.

I plan to add three or four more panels, as I have time, designed to support and amplify the thesis.....

....and you will be just as unable to handle them as you were with this one.

2. "BTW, It says alot (sic) about you that Ann Coulter is your hero."

I blush at the comparison.

A brilliant woman, with 10 or 11 well documented scholarly tomes, best sellers, on her resume.

Which ones have you read?
But you have strong opinions about Queen Ann? How very Liberal of you.

3. "....the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time."

Translation: 'If I had the depth of education that you have....I might be able to answer all that stuff that I hate!!!"

Actually, if you had the education that I have, you'd be a conservative and agree with what I post.

Well Documented? Ann Coulters books are well documented? Stop.....You're killing me, I can't stop laughing!

Which one of her books did you read? I have only read two of them and they were quite factual IMHO.
Jimmy Carter was an awkward time for the Democrats. It was after the Democrats dropped the conservatives in the south and went all out liberal. It wasn't very viable in national elections (the only reason Carter won was watergate) and the GOP won the next three elections after Carter. Granted all the candidates the democrats put up were pretty subpar.

Bill Clinton, from the south, moderated the Democrats and moved the party to the right. It was at this point where the Democrats became competitive in national elections again.
i voted for carter. i surely did not get what i expected.

Carter spent four years as Gov of Georgia arguing with his Lt Gov Lester Maddox, and lost every argument. As an aside, Maddox got more votes for Lt Gov than JC did for Gov.
This tale is important because it represents one more example of the behavior of a political Leftist....whether called Liberals, or Progressives, or Democrats...

1. Under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States drew closer, and embraced, the Communist regime of Joseph Stalin. FDR Democrats covered for, ignored, and excused massacres, genocide, government instituted famines and lies of every variety.
Somehow, it was simply communists being biggie....
The same view of communism has persisted 'til this very day.

2. Jimmy Carter, midway between Roosevelt and Obama, continues that thinking. Unlike the hard Left, proclaiming themselves communists, Liberals usually did not come out and actually support or defend the Soviet Union, rather they soft-pedaled communism by showing contempt and scorn for anticommunists as “primitive” or “knee-jerk” or just plain “nuts” and “warmongers.”

a. The problem, as the Carter left saw it, was the right’s paranoia, its ‘inordinate’ fear of communism, as the Soviet Union and other communist states were neither particularly threatening nor particularly evil.

b. These Leftists found understandable the Soviet Union’s fear of ‘encirclement’....they sympathized with the sociopaths.

3. As is true of most Leftists, Carter didn't notice this because he began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included:
“…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

Franklin Roosevelt would have been proud!

a. "Fifty years of liberal propaganda had people thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice."

4. Poor Soviet Union..... fear of ‘encirclement’???...
“Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…”
"How the East Was Won"

5. Not everyone missed the obvious.

" … several common assumptions each of which played a major role in hastening the victory of even more repressive dictatorships than had been in place before. These were, first, the belief that there existed at the moment of crisis a democratic alternative to the incumbent government: second, the belief that the continuation of the status quo was not possible; third, the belief that any change, including the establishment of a government headed by self-styled Marxist revolutionaries, was preferable to the present government. Each of these beliefs was (and is) widely shared in the liberal community generally. Not one of them can withstand close scrutiny.”
Jeane Kirkpatrick, ‘Dictators and Double Standards,” « Dictatorships & Double Standards Commentary Magazine

6. There was a stark contrast between the imagined glories of the New Soviet Man and the realities for ordinary people under the tyranny of the Soviet Union. Along with political repression, the Communists practiced an economic theory based on a false ideology that left people perpetually undernourished, ill-clothed and poorly housed. The opening of sections of the Soviet archives provides documentation.
Typical is this letter sent to Pravda in 1932, and, of course, never published:

'Comrade Editor,
Please give me an answer. Do the local authorities have the right to take away the only cow of industrial and office workers? What is more, they demand a receipt showing that the cow was handed over voluntarily and they threaten you by saying that if you don't do this, they will put you in prison for failure to fulfill the meat procurement. How can you live when the cooperative distributes only black bread, and at the market goods have the prices of 1919 and 1920? Lice have eaten us to death, and soap is given only to railroad workers. From hunger and filth we have a massive outbreak of spotted fever.' Richard Pipes on Siegelbaum

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs.

In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death.....

...and yet....over and over....they cling to the same anti-American values and regimes.

True to this very day.


RED SCARE, redux

Apparently we need to rule out Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as well as Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The Carter administration effectively brought down the Soviet Union with covert operations that lured the Soviets into their Vietnam,

Considering that ideologues mimic their "well documented" sound-bites into their books and I am cursed having a wife and son who, to spite me, listen to Fox, Ann Coulter is a baffoon of the highest order.

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